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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Controller & Computer Solutions > Mazak Win95 controllers - loss of SMB1 networking protocol
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Question Mazak Win95 controllers - loss of SMB1 networking protocol

    Hello. With the advent of Microsofts removal of the SMB1 client protocol from Win11 PCs we'll be losing our ability to drop CNC jobs from our network (Seiki PCs) to approx 12 Mazak milling machines.
    These Mazaks are linked via ethernet and all have static IPs and can be accessed from any PC on the network via their C drives.
    Currently their is a workaround on the Win 11 PCs by re-enabling the SMB1 Client Windows feature. But on every restart of these PCs SMB1 access is lost and you have to re-enable the feature again. At some point this feature is going to be switched off altogether by Microsoft.
    I'm looking at alternative ways of dropping jobs onto the Mazaks, have looked at FTP as Win95 has a built in FTP server but it needs installing via the Network services Client additions. This is where I come unstuck as its asking for an installation disk and the file "idnpndi.dll". I've since found out this is part of an update file "winnfs.inf". I'm struggling to find a copy of this.
    Any ideas or alternative solutions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Mazak Win95 controllers - loss of SMB1 networking protocol

    ...this maybe a Anti Virus problem that is removing the file.... check Quarantined files and rules.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Re: Mazak Win95 controllers - loss of SMB1 networking protocol

    Hi machinehop5, thanks for the quick reply. There's no AV on the machines and I've gone through all of the downloaded installation iso's, updates and service packs for Win95 but cannot find any of the files needed. Another workaround available is to go back to Win10 as not all of our Seiki terminals which drop the file onto the machines have been upgraded to Win11 yet. cheers SB

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Re: Mazak Win95 controllers - loss of SMB1 networking protocol

    OK, so the consensus is that the CNC machines should be segregated using their own subnet and/or VLAN to keep them away from other networked resources. With SMB1 they are a threat but none have internet access as they only communicate with the central Seiki/DNC terminals which are used to drop the programs for engineering.
    The Seiki terminals have been through a process of being upgraded or replaced with Win11 machines, these are currently on the normal network so that the users can drop programs onto them. We could drop back to Win10 with these machines or simply continue on with Win 11 and keep re-enabling SMB1 through the features whenever an inevitable power cut shows its ugly head.
    Have now been informed that the 14 Win95 machines will be replaced soon, hopefully sooner the better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Mazak Win95 controllers - loss of SMB1 networking protocol

    Don't know about the Mazak controls but Fanuc has a tool "NCBOOT32.EXE" on the Windows controls that will allow you to start a program/batch file from an external source (Storage card).
    Usually NCBOOT32 points to the MTB executable software (HMI).
    With NCBOOT32 you can load the path(s) and they will execute at boot time.
    There are considerations as to how much system resources that these executables need to operate. (memory)
    This way every time the power is cycled the executable(s) run with no intervention to get the resources to run.
    Maybe Mazak has the same feature?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Re: Mazak Win95 controllers - loss of SMB1 networking protocol

    Hi. This has now escalated in severity for us as due to server windows updates at the beginning of this year our older Mazaks running Win 95 or Win 2000 Pro cannot rejoin our domain. The server security level has rose so PCs without the right Trust credentials are not allowed access. This means that any machine that has to have a new hard drive for example and then needs to rejoin the domain cannot do so.
    Having run through many attempts the PC can join the domain but is then disabled immediately and shows a Trust Relationship issue from other PCs.
    I believe Microsoft are now counting the clock down to remove SMB1 completely and to stop these older OS's from being used.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Re: Mazak Win95 controllers - loss of SMB1 networking protocol

    Dan Pyle one of the gurus at Microsoft is producing a small executable file to be used in place of the SMB1 protocol. I'm sure he's been pestered by other guys like me who need to keep very old Mazak or similar machines running on a network to allow file transfer and job monitoring. He announced this executable in Dec 2023 but as yet nothing is available.
    Hopefully something will come up soon as we're living on the wire here with our machines.

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