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IndustryArena Forum > Community Club House > Mentors & Apprentice Locator > Looking for Mentor, assist in setting Z axis auto zero
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Looking for Mentor, assist in setting Z axis auto zero

    Need assistance in setting up Z axis auto zero.
    Mach3, Warp9 SmoothStepper ESS, BOB C25S, Gecko 540 stepper driver.
    15 year old scratch built CNC, linear rails, Ball screws.

    Need some help in configuring Z auto axis zero, wiring in Mach3 and BOB,
    Instructions from: guruBrew YouTube.

    BOB: wire one to PIN 15,
    Wire two to ground


    The digitizer light should light when wires are touched, but it is lit all the time.

    What am i doing wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Looking for Mentor, assist in setting Z axis auto zero

    If the wires touch and conduct electricity between themselves by doing so, wouldn't that be "active high"? If it's lit all the time, with them disconnected and not doing anything, that would be the "low" position, no?
    Andrew Werby

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Re: Looking for Mentor, assist in setting Z axis auto zero

    Have you set it as “probe in” pin.
    In Mach3 you can use autoset when you define your pins, it automatically finds and set it up ( port and pin) when you momentarily connect it.
    I think it has to be define as “digital IN” pin other way it wouldn’t work

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Re: Looking for Mentor, assist in setting Z axis auto zero

    To resolve the issue with configuring Z-axis auto zero in Mach3 with Warp9 SmoothStepper ESS, BOB C25S, and Gecko 540 stepper driver, here are some checks and setup steps to perform:
    Check Wiring:
    Checking connection:
    Make sure that wire number one is correctly connected to pin 15 on the BOB C25S.
    Wire number two must be securely grounded.
    Make sure the Connector is not damaged:
    Carefully check the connectors to make sure they are not damaged or loose.
    Configuration in Mach3:
    Setting up Ports and Pins:
    Open Mach3, go to Config > Ports and Pins.
    In the Input Signals tab, find the Probe section.
    Make sure Enabled is selected.
    Set Port # to 2 (if you use port 2).
    Set Pin Number to 15.
    Check Active Low.
    Save and Restart:
    Click Apply and then OK.
    Save the configuration and restart Mach3.
    Reality check:
    Check Input Signal:
    Open Diagnostics in Mach3.
    Check the Digitize light. This light should come on only when the probe touches the surface. If it is always on, there may be a problem with the configuration or wire connection.
    Check Probe Operation:
    Measure the voltage on the probe when not touching and when touching the surface. This voltage should change (for example, from 0V to 5V or vice versa) when the probe touches the surface.
    Problem solving:
    If the Digitize Light is Always On:
    Recheck the Active Low setting in Ports and Pins. Try changing its status and check again.
    Check the wire connection. Make sure that no wire is improperly grounded or short-circuited.
    Check ESS Plugin:
    Make sure you are using the latest version of the ESS plugin and the correct configuration.
    In ESS configuration, check the settings related to input signals.
    If all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue, you may need to check the Warp9 SmoothStepper ESS and BOB C25S documentation or seek further support from the Mach3 and Warp9 communities.

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