
I have an NEMA 34 servo (part number KL34-180-90:https://www.automationtechnologiesin...ft-servo-motor) and a G320X servo driver. I am using a C11G BOB and an ESS to connect the drive to my PC. On my PC I am running Mach 4.

In Mach 4, when I issue an M03 S100 command, the servo spindle turns at around 100 RPM. I can increase the spindle speed to around 1,000 RPM ok. At around 1,2000 RPM, the servo will fault. The rated no-load max RPM of the servo is 3,200 RPM, so I'm not sure why the servo is faulting at such a low RPM.

I am using an AMT 10 encoder. The max step pulse frequency of the G320X is 300kHz. Using the calculation in the G320X manual, 3,200 * 80% = 2,560. 2,560 / 60 = 43 revolutions per second. 300Khz = 300,000 hertz. 300,000 Hertz/43 revolutions per second = 7,031 max counts per revolution. 7,031 / 4 = 1,758 max line count. The first standard line count (which I believe is synonymous with PPR) is 1,024, which is the PPR I have the AMT 10 encoder setup for. By my math, that is the correct PPR for the encoder according to the G320X manual, but perhaps I'm in error. Does anyone have any guesses why the motor is faulting at about 1,200 RPM?

In addition, then I send a M04 S100 command, the motor faults immediately. I have checked the voltage at the DIR pin, and it is 5 V. I have no idea why the servo will not rotate counter clockwise; as far as I can tell, the G320X is receiving the correct signals, and should be able to drive the servo CCW just fine.

Does anyone have any advice regarding how to achieve the max RPM on this servo and enable the servo to rotate CCW?
