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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    iMach VistaCNC Pendant

    Well, I finally got my spare iMach pendant to work with my 1100S3. Editing the base file instead of the 1100S3 file worked. This video helped, and the latest version of the documentation shows this as well now.


    Where to put one of the edits is a little unclear, but I got it to work.

    HALUI = halui

    MDI_COMMAND=G10 L20 P1 X0
    MDI_COMMAND=G10 L20 P1 Y0
    MDI_COMMAND=G10 L20 P1 Z0

    There is a lot of other stuff in between HALUI = halui and [TRAJ].

    Placed just below the HALUI = halui it choked and just went into a continuous reboot cycle.

    Placed just above the [TRAJ] it worked.

    I was able to keep the shuttle as well, but even after all these years I still prefer a pendant to the shuttle. I have pendants on ALL my other CNC machines. Once I cure one last problem I'll probably remove the shuttle and toss it in the cabinet next to the computer.

    Okay, some will jump on the e-stop not working on the pendant. I don't know if that can be cured or not. I don't care. I made a hook to hang the pendant right next to the hard wired e-stop button anyway.

    The problem is when I am fast jogging with the pendant it scoots along fine for a several inches, slows down for a short stretch, and speeds back up again. It seems to do this when spinning the MPG fast or slower. On my other machines I pretty much only use the pendant to jog or step.

    I like the documentation for setting step increments. I pretty much only step at 0.0001in so I set all the other increments to zero.
    Bob La Londe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: iMach VistaCNC Pendant

    I wonder if its a firmware issue. This is actually my oldest pendant, and it has been used on other machines.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I wonder if its a firmware issue. This is actually my oldest pendant, and it has been used on other machines.
    Bob La Londe

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: iMach VistaCNC Pendant

    Okay, firmware was certainly part of the problem. I updated the firmware in the pendant to the latest one for LinuxCNC and it started working much better. Its still not as clean as it is on Windows / Mach machines, but its good.

    Then the Tormach "waterproof" mouse started acting glitchy. The first thing I did was clean the mouse and blow off the toolbox liner I use as a mouse pad. The mouse fell apart in my hand. Okay, maybe that was it. I grabbed a brand new USB mouse out of my box of spare parts and the mouse worked perfectly, but the pendant quit.

    I took a look at the Tormach mouse, and I could find nothing wrong except for the separation of cover and base plate. Zap-A-Gap CA glue to the rescue... after cleaning all surfaces. Tormach mouse worked great, but pendant was still out.

    I rebooted the machine, and the pendant was working again, but the Tormach mouse was glitchy again. I swapped the position of the pendant to the other cluster of USB ports, and rebooted the machine. Mouse works great. Pendant works good. Keyboard glitchy.

    Finaly solution was to put the pendant on its own USB bus, and put everything else on the other USB bus. Now everything works decent.

    I've never had to do this dance with my Mach 3 machines, and I have four of them currently running this same model pendant. I've had two others that also ran it, but have been retired. Anyway... at the moment everything appears to be working okay. I have pulled the shuttle and tossed it inside the cabinet for now.

    Oh, I may also have had one plug on one of the USB buses that was bad. I swapped something from one plug to another at one point and it started working. Who knows. Running a six hour job now.
    Bob La Londe

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