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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > CNC Swiss Screw Machines > Citizen L20 reloading parameter help
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Citizen L20 reloading parameter help

    Just purchased a citien l20 1995 an had to reload parameters, im having some problems/questions over this procedure,
    - when i put the dip pin 2 back to off, and start the machine, it stays in the cincom L presentation screen
    - i cant see how to change from $1 to $2 to load some parameters, the hard key doesnt respond,
    - in the PLC-SW parameter list in page 1 i cant seem to edit the lines,and it doent show any words, just the lock simbols next to each #
    This is the first time reloading parameters on a machine, please help, thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Citizen L20 reloading parameter help

    I dont have experience with L's that old, but Ill take a whack at it anyways.

    1. I dont know
    2. On newer citizens (2001 model) there is only 1 set of parameters, not independent main/sub parameters like on a Fanuc. There is just "Input" or "output" parameters, no option for main/sub. Are you sure there is in fact an independent "Sub Parameters"?
    3. To modify the PLC data, (on our machines) you have to go to MAINT -> I/F DIAG, then type "1001" (first box on the left) and "M" into mode (the 3rd box from the left). Press input. Nothing will happen, but you can now change the PLC data.

    (4.) Ask your local distributor. You're most likely to get reliable information from a maintenance tech who's been around a while.

    Good Luck!
    CNC Product Manager / Training Consultant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Citizen L20 reloading parameter help

    Hi Colox,
    Did you fix your CITIZEN L20 1995?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    I have CITIZEN L320 (L20) from 1995.
    My battery was empty and I lost all parameters.
    Did someone have Back-up of parameters and can you please send me on email.
    I will pay you.
    Please help me if you can.

    Best regards

    Blagojevic Predrag
    [email protected]

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