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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    File Upload from Disk

    We just got our first Haas in our shop the other day, but we are having problems taking the program from M.C. X to the machine. We are using the floppy drive, but when you open the file there is no code.

    Here are the things we have tried so far:
    Wrote the spindle warm program to the disk and back (so there shouldn't be any problems with the drive)
    Made sure the program name started with a "o"
    Program has a "%" sign at the beginning and end
    Tried both .NC file (created directly from M.C.) and also a .txt file
    When you press F4 it shows the file on the floppy but we just can't get it to upload.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Well, F4 loads disk directory not the programs.
    Save the program on your disk under a name like 10.nc
    Goto LIST/PROG option
    write 10.nc and press F3
    that should work

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thanks for the suggestion but we have tried that with no success.

    Here are the first couple lines of the code in case there is something wrong with the format.

    O5197( TENSIONER PLATE 3-11-07 )
    ( DATE=DD-MM-YY - 11-03-07 TIME=HH:MM - 17:50 )
    ( MCX FILE -

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Is it a new machine or an old machine? Older Haas machines use a four number program name O1234, and new machines a five number name O12345

    If you have the wrong name format programs will not load.

    Also if you have an old machine and the name O5197 is correct you can try making the comment shorter; put it on two lines. I had problems with an old Haas because long comments got cut off and generated an alarm.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Looks good,if got it from CAM post without any manual changes , I would say program is OK.
    Another way,
    Press EDIT, then F1, then left arrow to go to I/O menu.Go down to Disk directory using arrow, press WRITE,using arrow pick your program, press WRITE.
    Maybe thats the way.

    Change floppy disk to another one just to be sure.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    It is a Haas '00 VFOE (the tech at Haas said the software has been upgraded to the highest level avaiable for the machine, if that matters I don't remeber the exact version).

    I did try the edit and loading it that way, and the only difference there is the file comes up with an error "bad code" (I think that is the exact phase) the bottom line there was it reject the file immediately, we as the disk read procedure put the program name on the screen and when you press the edit key there is simply nothing there.

    Yeah, we tried a couple different floppys also, did a complete format to make sure they were clean.

    M.C. first generated the code using a file name of o0 and we tried that first with no success either. I was holding off on using the 232 port, but it appears that I need to go ahead and set up the P.C.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    070314-2048 EST USA


    Cut and paste ( no do not cut and paste I had problems with this). Hand compose the following program in Wordpad, then save to a file name TEST.NC on your floppy. Must save as Text Document - MSDOS format. Wordpad is found under PROGRAMS, ACCESSORIES. May end up with .txt for extension. This doesn't matter. Put HAAS LIST PROG (program list) at ALL for loading. This will cause the file to load at the Onumber in the file.

    (This is a test)

    All files on floppy probably must follow the MS DOS 8.3 format. You should be able to use up to any 3 character extension. I believe HAAS has some filename limitations beyond MS DOS limits.

    I did not load this thru a floppy but thru RS232 for my test. This provides a very simple program you can play with for loading. Add any valid CNC code between "this is a test" and the M30.

    If you get this to work, then copy a portion or all of your Mastercam program into this file and try loading it.


    Geof's comment is correct. The big problem is saving a program on a new machine produces a 5 digit Onumber. In other words a file loaded as O3005 on a new machine will be saved as O03005. HAAS should have left the leading zero off and there would be no compatibility problem. O03005 won't load on an old machine. However, a 4 digit Onumber from an old machine will load on a new machine.

    That comment length limit constantly causes me problems. Another problem on older machines is a % inside a comment is an end of file. Corrected between 93 and 2000.

    end edit


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Big"E" View Post
    It is a Haas '00 VFOE (the tech at Haas said the software has been upgraded to the highest level avaiable for the machine, if that matters I don't remeber the exact version).

    I did try the edit and loading it that way, and the only difference there is the file comes up with an error "bad code"
    Your four number name is probably wrong if they upgraded the software. Just change the name to O followed by five numbers.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    If you figure out what's happening let us know. Who knows , maybe it will happen to someone.
    There is just one thing that bugs me.How come spindle warm program works?
    Aren't you missing one of the ")" somewhere?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    070414-0933 EST USA


    Missing parens always produce an error code indicating such. This also occurs on too long comments even though the right paren is present.


    On all of our newer machines I have been able to load 4 digit Onumbers. I think you should be able to drop leading zeros in any Onumber and have it load. It is just when HAAS saves a program they add the leading zeros. All our new machines are still in critical use and I can not play with them now.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Highlight the program on the Floppy Disk. Press enter or write. Cursor up to memory, right cursor over and press F2. That should write the program to the memory. Although, our machine is an '06 with hard drive.
    Jeff Lange
    Lightning Tool & Manufacturing, Inc.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    070315-0704 EST USA


    I believe that Big"E"'s first post indicated that he could load a program from floppy as proved by saving "spindle warm up" to floppy and then reloading this to HAAS.

    There may be some questions as to exactly what he did. For example was the Onumber in the saved file on floppy changed to a different number before loading, or was the warm up program erased on HAAS so as to know for sure that it was reloaded?

    To avoid loosing his warm up program I would prefer the technique of changing the Onumber in the file on the floppy.

    Thus, if his saved and reload test was valid, then I believe that his problem is in the filename or the program content. Program content problems usually show an error code and maybe ??? in the received program.

    However, there is no error code when a % is inside a comment on an older machine. You just do not get all of your file loaded. I believe the HAAS warm up program has % in a comment. Thus, if you load this to an old machine you have a problem.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I find floppies to be very temperamental in use.
    I bought my '96 Haas VF3 and had nothing but trouble with the drive. I replaced it, and the new one was quite a bit more reliable (not 100% by any means), but I had to switch to Sony media (as opposed to no-name cheap media).

    I found that I could use a disk successfully but get a bad read about 5% of the time. Occasionally, the disk would go for sh!t and was totally unrecoverable. Windows could not do anything, could not even reformat it.

    Since I got my wireless RS232 working over ethernet, I've had zero problems with bad files.

    Since I always seem to have to reload a program at least a couple of times before I am ready for production runs, fighting with floppies several times on the same file, and then running graphics mode just to check if the file was any good, gets old fast.

    Windows will also change the format of a file write without any warning. This can result in a line of 'bad code', where windows dropped a carriage return character, and you get 2 lines of nc code combined on one line. I have proven this by examining files on the hard drive, then the same file copied to a floppy, and a hex editor shows that the copy was not exactly correct on the floppy. This typically only happens on large files, like 300k in length. A full 1 meg program might have 3 or 4 such errors in it.

    The graphics mode check will, of course, typically halt when it gets to some "crazy combo" line like that, but with RS 232 transfers, I've never had that happen again.
    First you get good, then you get fast. Then grouchiness sets in.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by HuFlungDung View Post
    Since I got my wireless RS232 working over ethernet, I've had zero problems with bad files.
    Off the subject HuFlun how do you like the wireless i have looking in to this what comunications do you use.
    individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that individual is crazy.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    070315-1515 EST USA

    In my above short sample program I can change the Onumber from O3005 to O3 and it will load into the 1993 machine.

    On the use of Wordpad. If I edit an existing file of MS-DOS Format with any valid extension and do a SAVE, then the extension is unchanged.

    If I do a SAVE AS then Microsoft replaces my extension with a .TXT extension in the file name box. I can change it back to what I want and it will be saved that way.


  16. #16
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    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by jackson View Post
    Off the subject HuFlun how do you like the wireless i have looking in to this what comunications do you use.

    Takes a bit of settin' to set one up, but it works well. My older Haas can only do 38000 baud, so that is what I run it at. Ethernet of course, has much more capacity than RS232.

    Only problem I've had, during a complete power fluck, which shuts down both my computer and the wireless device, windows will sometimes lose track of what port it assigned to the wireless device, and I have to use one of the Moxa utilities to search for it and find it. Seems to like to alternate between COM4 and COM5 So most of the time, I leave the Nport wireless device plugged in 24 hrs/day, as that seems to be where the identity of the port gets saved or lost. I power my Haas down completely every night. I'm lightning paranoid
    First you get good, then you get fast. Then grouchiness sets in.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Thanks for all of the help, here is what we did to fix the problem (from all of the advice from the members of the board).

    I was doing two things incorrectly. Previously I was modifing the program on the PC using Notepad and apparently not saving it as a correct file type. Haas recommedened using Notepad (see link: http://www.haascnc.com/cncmag/answer...&ArticleID=530 ). This did not work on our machine at least.

    Using the Word pad saved to a dos file type along didn't fix the problem, however when I added a fifth character to to the program number this along with the dos file type (as "gar" suggested) worked with no problems.

    Apperantly there are alot of members having this problem, b/c I have gotten several PM's about weither or not the suggestions worked.

    Again thanks for the help and after reading several comments about the floppy on these Haas machines, I am going to persue the RS232 communications.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by HuFlungDung View Post

    Takes a bit of settin' to set one up, but it works well. My older Haas can only do 38000 baud, so that is what I run it at. Ethernet of course, has much more capacity than RS232.

    Only problem I've had, during a complete power fluck, which shuts down both my computer and the wireless device, windows will sometimes lose track of what port it assigned to the wireless device, and I have to use one of the Moxa utilities to search for it and find it. Seems to like to alternate between COM4 and COM5 So most of the time, I leave the Nport wireless device plugged in 24 hrs/day, as that seems to be where the identity of the port gets saved or lost. I power my Haas down completely every night. I'm lightning paranoid
    thanks i will look into that i Use Multi DNC is that campatible, my tech says it is going to cost around $4,000 to set mine up
    individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take command. Very often, that individual is crazy.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    070316-1309 EST USA

    Big "E":

    Here is the kind of result you get from saving the following ASCII string:

    This a test of what Wordpad puts into a file.

    in Microsoft Wordpad to an .RTF type file.

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
    {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 This a test of what Wordpad puts into a file.\par

    All sorts of foreign characters to a CNC, at least in useage.

    To get the above characters to display under XP I had to change the extension to .TXT and that was not sufficient for Wordpad. So then I had to load it via Notepad to be able to copy and paste it here.

    Saving the data from Wordpad as an MS-DOS text file produces what is expected in the file:

    This a test of what Wordpad puts into a file.

    None of the foreign stuff is present.

    If you are interested in the RS232 route, then look at our I232 Isolator System for communication at 115.2 kbaud up to 4000 ft and with +/-2000 Volts short time isolation. Visit www.beta-a2.com .


    Do you have information when HAAS changed to requiring 5 digits in an Onumber for it to load.


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Well I won't do that again!

    Downloaded a program via RS232 from the HL1 and saved on a floppy; four number program name, machine is 1995.

    Loaded program into GT20 which uses five number program name. Had already loaded four number mill program into mill with success and had also read other people had loaded four number programs successfully. Was mentally preparing an aplogy for earlier (apparently) misleading post about four and five program names.

    For my daring I was greated with alarms 197 MISC SOFTWARE ERROR and 212 PROG INTEGRITY ERROR and the message " Corrupted program. Save ALL programs to disc, DELETE ALL and reload from disc.". Did that, took offending disc to PC, opened, changed to five numbers in program name, resaved, took to GT20 and loaded successfully.

    Deleted all thought of posting apology.

    gar the changeover from four to five was between 1995 and 2000. Only my HL1 uses four numbers.

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