I'm confused by the poll wording. Are you really asking how much CO2 has been SEQUESTERED, i.e., taken OUT of circulation in the biosphere and atmosphere, or how much has been RELEASED from its natural sequestration in bogs, marshes, tundra, oceans, petroleum coal, etc.? I wouldn't be surprised if the responses so far confuse the question also, thereby making the results meaningless.

fyffe555's comments reflect the general confusion in the populace. Use of CO2 in soft drinks, shielding gas, paintball guns, fire extinguishers or any other industrial application are complete non-issues in the question of CO2 as a greenhouse gas. These used do not change in any way the net amount of CO2 causing global warming because they distill CO2 out of the atmosphere, use it, and release it back into the atmosphere.

What DOES release carbon from its natural sequestration is extracting petroleum and coal that has sequestered carbon in deposits in the earth's crust for much longer than humans have existed and burning it, releasing the carbon therein in the form of CO2.

In general, burning of renewable fuels like biofuels (wood and agricultural wastes and plant-derived oils) does not contribute to CO2 as a greenhouse gas because the CO2 released is recycled out of the atmosphere into now biomass.

Your poll question is quite appropos, but I think it needs rephrasing to be of value.
