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IndustryArena Forum > WoodWorking Machines > DIY CNC Router Table Machines > Open Source CNC Machine Designs > Any Canadians out there want to work on and help design an affordable cnc?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Any Canadians out there want to work on and help design an affordable cnc?

    Ok this post is pretty well the same as the lower post. The only difference is location. I am not sure how the rest of you Canadians feel, but sometimes I feel like I pay the same or more for shipping then the product that I am purchasing. Also, building my cnc I feeling somewhat alone, because alot of the builders here are from the United States.It would be nice to have a group of ppl in may area to work with or get a helping hand. So hopfully keeping it to an area will help keep the design cost down but not hurt the actually design of it. I want to design a very affordable cnc that is easily built for the common man/women with the basic tools. A nice work area, (my guess about 20" by 40" approx) so that a wide range of items can be made on it. I have notice that a lot of ppl want or would like a 4th axis. This could be also added to the design. I guess the first place to start is what ppl want. Starting with cost of the unit(Cnd cost). Is $250 to $500 a good range........its total demensions...and of course its functions, what do you want to do with it. I know we wouldn't be able to meet all goals, but at least we can narrow it down to what the majority want. My goal is to help out the community. I live in Ontario Canada and hopfully there are more of you Canadians out there so that we can keep what little cost down in the design aspect. Well let me know what you think and most of all let me know what you are looking for in a cnc. Please by all means, if anyone who is not Canadian, but still want to help out you are welcome as well. Input here is very important. I just wanted to see if I can get a group of ppl in the same area to keep design costs down and to have ppl possible meet up and work with their hands to build the first unit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    I'm from Ontario, Canada too. However, I'm just starting my research/plans for making my first CNC machine. So I'm not sure how useful I would be at this point. Like you, I'll be relying on the past experiences and references from the people on this forum.

    But I'll be sure to share info on the local parts and supplies I find.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Canadian CNC

    Mocnc & Yves,

    I too live in Ontario Canada...

    I've built two very basic CNC mills so hopefully can help in someway, though I have to admit that I'm more tied up in EV related projects at this time (at least untill the fall...

    I have a basic electronics background as well, where I think that I can be of the most use would be in proto-typing any custom hardware for a project... My existing mills are used for machining EPS foam patterns that are cast into Aluminum parts, stepper motor mounts, spindle mounts etc...

    I'm not offering to make 100's of parts for free, but would be able to donate a dozen or so (over a period of time) towards an open source project that is well documented on a common web-site (obviously with links back to my site)...

    To get a feel if the the work that I'm offering is up to snuff check out the link below...



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Just outside TO, full time CNC programmer/setup, have been toying with the idea for a while, maybe being in contact, and on the same page with others locally will be a good idea.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I'm near montreal, i'm onto my 3rd or 4th machine should be the last one


    I order all my parts into champlain then just drive accross the border and pickup, much cheaper and faster than shipping into canada, also much cheaper than trying to buy the stuff here.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I am in the wrong part of the country but would be interested in monitoring what you gentlemen are going to do as I can learn from it also. I have almost completed a foam cutter and next project hopefully a small mill or router. I purchased the Hobby CNC 4 axis pro board to play with and was about to build my own board when I added up the cost for parts individually.(ouch)
    If I can help in anyway I would be happy to.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Just getting started here in Easthern Ontario (Iroquois) Literally the black hole of CnC hobbiests or anything else for that matter. Everything has to be shipped in via courier or we go across the bridge to Ogdensburg to pick up shipments at the UPS store.

    I don't know much about CnC yet but I intend to learn quick, just bought the BigBear CNC plans as well as accumulated all the Open Source plans available here. Many thanks to those who've contributed their knowledge and experiences here! Bravo.

    I can't contribute much because I really don't know anything yet. I have some AutoCad & Sketchup skills. My background is in Marine Engineering Logistics so I tend toget caught up in the parts sourcing process! *sigh*

    Read elsewhere on here that McMaster-Carr doesn't ship to non-commercial clients in Canada, can anyone confirm/refute that?

    Our ultimate goal is to build our own boat, a 30.5' trawler in Stitch & Glue ply&foam/fiberglass composite construction. If I can help I will but I'll probably have a lot more questions than answers.

    Yours Aye!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    montreal here id be happy to pitch in currently working at sargent aerospace as a cnc lathe operator and i speak both french and english
    but i am mostly into metal so something 20x40 would not be affordable

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I am in Ottawa Canada. I will help where I can. Suggestion if you are going for 20 * 40 go 25 * 49 that way you can work on 1/4 sheets of 4 * 8 material.

    NottyBoyz - Yup your are right they will not ship to Canada unless you are a long standing comerical customer... they will even tell you OK will ship but afterward call back and so so sorry to bad you can't have it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Buzz9075 View Post
    I am in Ottawa Canada. I will help where I can. Suggestion if you are going for 20 * 40 go 25 * 49 that way you can work on 1/4 sheets of 4 * 8 material.

    NottyBoyz - Yup your are right they will not ship to Canada unless you are a long standing comerical customer... they will even tell you OK will ship but afterward call back and so so sorry to bad you can't have it.

    Hey Buzz! Thanks for the info. That's what I heard. Suks! I might have to tap into your experience when sourcing parts if that's ok?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    sorry guys been away for a bit.....looks like we have a good start here, lets some how get in touch with each other and see what direction we would love to go.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Hello All

    I live on Vancouver Island. I have built 5 CNC machines to date and am designing a commercial CNC router right now. I would love to help you design a low cost router. I own Alibre expert and I have plenty of 2D drafting experience. I am a mechanical engineering technologist and for the time being I work in a college machine shop.



  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hi All

    Just found this thread last night and it seems to be just what some of us Ontario lads need. I am planning on building a CNC router for wood and foam but have not finalized any plans as yet. I am thinking of using 80/20 aluminum framing but not sure of the size as yet. I am a CAD draftsman by trade (as well as many other things). As far as the mechanical side I don't believe I will have too many problems but the electronics may be a different story. I will certainly stay tuned to this thread and offer any help I can, as well I am sure that I will learn a lot in the process.


    I noticed the link to your site in your post and have probably read a 1/4 of your site and am quite impressed with your accomplishments in machine building, bicycles and trikes, castings etc. I am looking forward to reading the rest of your site to see what else I can learn.

    I am in Kitchener, Ont.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Hey guys it looks like we have a good start here...now how do we get in contact with everyone? Do any of you know of a chat area were we can chat live to toss out ideas? I know of mirc, do you guys want to use that? Or just here?? where?? let me know in this thread.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by mocnc View Post
    Hey guys it looks like we have a good start Do any of you know of a chat area were we can chat live to toss out ideas?
    At the top of this page there is a box for CHAT, right here at CNC Zone.
    Click on that, & you can set up a "Chat" area for your group.

    It is quite easy to use.

    Announce a time & publicize it to your group & see what happens.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hi All

    I live in Ontario (near London). I am not a machinest per say, but I do develope software for the CNC industry. Communication programs and etc.

    If there is any way that I can help let me know

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    CNC Machine

    Hello All

    Looks like we have all the talent we need to get started. Why don't we set a meeting time or times were we can chat to sort out details? I might not make it to some as it appears I live in a different time zone than most of you. I am however; ready to help as best I can.



  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    good to see some people from canada on here .im sure im be asking many questions once i start my cnc mill .

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    would it be too much to ask for some sites, threads with basic info on cnc mills . i would like to beable to cut aluminum and acrylic to make parts for my r.c cars and salt water reef tank .could i make a 3 axis cnc router mill for around $1000cnd or less ? i would like to make the cnc mill frame from aluminum rather then wood .i already have a master craft plunge router motor is 120v-60hz 7A ,rpm 9000-27000 . would this work for the mill or would i be better off buying something else ?
    thanks for any info

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    a newer in toronto

    I am in toronto, but just start search thing, a new one in here, but old one on mechanical area. I am willing to do together to make it out.


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