Well burnt out another driver...

My dealer was kind enough to give me one of his personal drivers to use while DenverCNC had mine. Took it home and only tried to set it up for maybe an hour or less before it went south.

Seems the power supply transformer in these units just don't have the capacity for the high speed MS23 stepper motors. Steve at DenverCNC is hacking together a 6.5 amp power supply for my driver he picked up for me to use until I can find a permanent solution.

I guess that solution is to go to Gecko drivers and large power supply. My dealer is willing to put a list together of what I will need and even help with the layout, but sounds like I'll have to do some work here to get one together. As long as I can keep the mill running with this temporary unit until the new driver is fabricated, I guess this is OK.

Anyone who has the right stuff put together for this, I would appreciate any input you can contribute here. If I have to build it, I thought it would be nice to do a custom box with milled face and backplane openings and even milled labeling. Anyone have some layouts already made for this? I don't suppose it will be too hard to do, but its always nice to see something to go by.

BTW - Both DenverCNC (Derek and Steve) as well as my dealer have bent over backward to make this work for me and I really appreciate their efforts. It could have been much easier for them to just say "here's a refund, see ya", but that obviously isn't how they do things.
