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View Poll Results: Do you like global warming?

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  • Yes I love it.

    314 62.06%
  • No, it's bad.

    192 37.94%
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Global Warming Poll

    What's your opinion on Global Warming?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    We're guessing you're new to this discussion??

    ...btw, it snowed last night where I live.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Hate the snow and the cold. If the ocean levels rise enough I could have tropical beach front property.

    Bring it on
    If you cut it to small you can always nail another piece on the end, but if you cut it to big... then what the hell you gonna do?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I don't know, what is the "right" temperature? What if this is just global recovery? Could you tell the difference?

    I think man effects the environment, but not as much as the sun.

    I believe the only way to "fix" man made global warming, is by reducing the world's population dramatically. Everything we do contributes to man-made global warming, building houses, laying roads, turning topsoil, and spreading fertilizer. And, anyone that tells you he knows the answer is a liar and wants something from you.

    The whole Carbon-Dioxide thing is a joke, and the sheep are falling for it.

    Concentrate on cleaning the things that make the Indian cry, and you'll be doing the right thing. Clean rivers, skies, and pick up the Wal-Mart plastic bags. Make devices energy efficient. Develop other forms of energy, and stop buying from the Middle East. Why make people feel guilty about living?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Historically if you look at things, a large number of people screaming about global warming are the same people who were screaming about global cooling in the late 60's and who were predicting we were sliding into a mini ice age. 60's... 40 years ago... 40 year geological cycle... now their screaming about warming... can't be a real connection, has to be a coincidence.

    I'm not sure there is a "right temperature" or that anyone can actually tell you what it is. I do think it is fair to say that we are pumping a lot of crap into the air, we whould breath better is we had less crap in the air, so lets pump less crap into the air. Other than that, there is mo reputable scientist who can definitively say the earth is warmer and 81.5% is due to polution and the remainder is the geological cycle. We just don't know how to seperate out the data yet. The only thing that can be said is that the mean temperature of the earth is risen by 0.5 degrees in the last century.

    You want to wait for real havoc to start. Remember about 8 years ago the increase is sunspot activity and solar flairs. Canade and part of it's power grid knocked out due to a solar flair. A large portion of the world had the cell phone networks knocked out due to a solar flair. Well, their on the rise again, predicted to peak in 2012 and they are predicted to have a even more active time than we did 8 years ago. When you think of how many more things in the world are dependent on delicate electronic networks now when compared to 8 years ago. I think we should start now shielding CNCZone in a lead vault with huge battery backups, maybe in the bottom of a abandoned salt mine in Nevada. Of course the extremists will find some way to link this to human activity too.
    If you cut it to small you can always nail another piece on the end, but if you cut it to big... then what the hell you gonna do?


  6. #6
    Using a geological time frame, it's been a lot colder before, it's been lot warmer before. Isn't it sheer idiocy to think it's just perfect right now?

    I love global warming. I just wish there was a lot more of it and that it happened a lot more rapidly. Imagine coconut palm trees on the sandy shores of an idyllic and balmy Arctic Ocean teeming with tropical fish. It's happened before, you know.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    .... Imagine coconut palm trees on the sandy shores of an idyllic and balmy Arctic Ocean teeming with tropical fish.... Mariss
    I like your description of a "balmy" Arctic, but what is then the Sahara, Saigon & San Francisco weather like?
    (+120F - or mostly just underwater?)

  8. #8
    How about Greenland and Antarctica ice-free? How about most of Siberia and Canada becoming habitable?

    What is it with this mindset that anything different, any change at all is bad and spells doom? If somehow a ton of gold appeared in your bedroom you'd probably complain you can't sleep because there's no room for your bed anymore.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    How about Greenland and Antarctica ice-free? How about most of Siberia and Canada becoming habitable?

    What is it with this mindset that anything different, any change at all is bad and spells doom? If somehow a ton of gold appeared in your bedroom you'd probably complain you can't sleep because there's no room for your bed anymore.

    If Greenland and Antartica became icefree all the World's coastal cities would be under one or two hundred feet of seawater. I would say that should qualify as a change that is bad and spells doom for those cities.

    My shop would also be under the same depth of water and I can assure you I would consider that bad and it would spell doom to my business.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  10. #10
    So you are going to live at least 10,000 years? You must have one heck of a long-term lease seeing as how you don't ever plan to move. What are your long term plans for when the sun becomes a red giant in 4 billion years?


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    So you are going to live at least 10,000 years? You must have one heck of a long-term lease seeing as how you don't ever plan to move. What are your long term plans for when the sun becomes a red giant in 4 billion years?

    The context and phrasing of your other posts suggested that you were imagining these events on a human time scale. You did write: How about most of Siberia and Canada becoming habitable? which strongly implies you are imagining things on a human scale.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  12. #12
    Not quite sure what you mean here. In a human lifespan you wouldn't notice any change at all. On a human race timespan, cave paintings depicting wildlife dates back over 40,000 years while ice 2 miles thick covered what is now New York only 15,000 years ago.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Well then what on earth are you getting at. If your examples of changes are postulations of something that might happen eons in the future they are totally non-pertinent to the current discussion.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  14. #14
    The question was "Do you like global warming?" I answered yes, palm trees in Alaska would be nice. You start in about stuff being underwater and 120F. So, what on earth are you getting at?


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    The question was "Do you like global warming?" I answered yes, palm trees in Alaska would be nice. You start in about stuff being underwater and 120F. So, what on earth are you getting at?

    Somebody else mentioned the 120F.

    Okay if you are talking about something that takes place outside a human time frame how can you call it a change. If the warming is so imperceptible that humans do not notice it then it is not changing. Your palm trees in Alaska bit is not pertinent. If there had been a change eons ago outside human perception such that Alaska was covered in palm trees now that would have always been the case from a human viewpoint so it would be no change.

    But you said "imagine..." and I did and I came up with a negative counter to your imagine but then you ridicule my imagine so is your's any less ridiculous?
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  16. #16
    That's the problem with the internet. All that passes between people is written words while neither can hear the tone of voice or see the facial expressions of the other. Were you able to see and hear me you would know irony, not ridicule was intended. I respect you and what you post to ever intentionally demean or ridicule you. It's not in my nature.


  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    How about Greenland and Antarctica ice-free? How about most of Siberia and Canada becoming habitable?


    hadn t thought about that
    global warming may be a great thing for us in Canada , we can ditch the skidoo's , it will be heart breaking to shoot the dog sled teams but with not having to feed them we could afford cars and trucks ,well , once we build roads and highways . the possibilities are endless , we could live like the rest of the world does

    and fly fishing on open water will be great , i can t tell you how difficult it is to flick the fly line down that lil hole in the ice

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dertsap View Post
    hadn t thought about that
    global warming may be a great thing for us in Canada , we can ditch the skidoo's , it will be heart breaking to shoot the dog sled teams but with not having to feed them we could afford cars and trucks ,well , once we build roads and highways . the possibilities are endless , we could live like the rest of the world does

    and fly fishing on open water will be great , i can t tell you how difficult it is to flick the fly line down that lil hole in the ice
    dertsap No!!!! All our Igloos will melt, then where will we live? And the Inuktuks will also sink into the mush from the permafrost melting so we will not have landmarks to guide us when we are hunting Polar bears.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  19. #19
    And your fish won't be monotonously monochrome either.


  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Geof View Post

    may want to be carefull how you use that word ,the olympic commity probably has copyright to it along with everything else that they had claimed including "2010" , i think we'll have to skip that year due to the fact any calendar makers like hallmark will face lawsuits or something stupid like that

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