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Thread: ultra newbie

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    ultra newbie

    i apologize in advance and beg forgiveness for stepping on a thread here-and will go to wherever directed for answers-but does someone have any clues about turning on coolant and lube to the ways etc on a 25 yr old shizouka mill w/ a fanuc 6b control.about the only codes i can do are x,y,z, and pause,and of course spindle on and off-so you can see i'm as my title describes me;thanks to all in advance-pat

  2. #2
    In general M codes for coolant On is M8 & Coolant Off is M9. For lube ways there is no M codes it is Timer Based activation it is control by so many methods by the manufacturer.
    1) Timer control by PLC
    2) Mechanical Gear type ( Motor contineously run )
    3) External Timer based Lubrication unit
    I dont know which type of Lube system you are having.
    If your lube is not working check the type & Diagnose the fault.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    i've tried m1 thru m16 but no luck(of course i skipped 3 and 4 for spindle control)-pat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007



    There is a book I recommend getting. Even though it takes you through the most advanced of the advanced in FANUC programming, it lists all the codes for FANUC by control. It will give you a fluid knowledge of the system from start to finish and makes a valuable resource book. Note: Your system may not even be Custom Macro B compatible (not to mention Macro B may or may not be of use to your application), but it is still worth getting if you are going to be using FANUC.


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