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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Milltronics > partner 0-5 centurion 5(homing problem)
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Red face partner 0-5 centurion 5(homing problem)

    I am new to this forum but reading this for a long time,I like the way this forumn is working to help each other.
    I bought a milltronics partner 0-5 (1997) knee mill with centurion v control, last month.
    when I first started the machine and did the home, the machine ran very fast to the limit switches, in all the axis, and didnot slow down at the end, I closed my eyes, but every thing went well. I ran the machine for about 3 to 4 hours a day for about two weeks and every time when i did the home it goes fast to the limit switches and do not slow down at the end and also at the tool change it do the same. yesterday it went to the tool change position and went out of the z limit. I tried to do the reset and power shut off but didnot work out, so I moved the hard limit markers about a quarter inch lower and then tried to reset again, i was able to reset it and then i did the home sequence and it again crossed the z limit. so again i moved the markers by taking out one of the two screws and the i repeated the same sequence but now it goes to the marker and almost with a jerky movement it comes about a quarter of an inch away from the marker and goes into emergency stop condition. some times it gives the message for y axis too, y axis out of limit, even thiugh it is a bit far away from y axis marker.
    please reply with possible solutions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Not real familiar with the 0-5 version but the control should be the same as mine. I have a partner 1 and a partner 6 VMC's. Mine have 3 switches on each axis, 1 home switch and a plus and minus limit switch. It sounds as if your parameters were rewritten to speed up the homing process which may cause the axis's to over shoot the home switches. If the axis overshoots the home switch it may be hitting the hard limits then you'll have to manually turn the screw (with the power off) to get it back on the other side of the limit switches and past the home switch. Be careful that the switch arms don't get bent in the process of doing this. Check the switch arms and make sure they are straight, not bent into a U shape.
    Schneider Machine
    A force of one

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    homing problem

    Thanks Dave1,
    i checked the parameters,theseare as follows
    velocity toward home, x=60, y=60, z=60
    velocity toward mrker, x=3, y=3, z=3.
    i even changed the velocity toward home from 60 to 6, but it still goes out of limit or forget its position.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    It sounds as if the switch is not working then. I believe what it should do is hit the home switch, stop, reverse direction and move .1 off it. I think they are very robust switches and you will hear an audible click if it's working. With the machine off, push it down and listen for it, if it doesn't click then it's bad. If it does you could manually move the table to the switch to see if it's pushing it down far enough.
    Schneider Machine
    A force of one

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    The sequence in which a MIlltronics controlled machine is homed is as follows:

    1) The axis moves towards the home switch until the input of the switch is seen by the control.
    2) The axis then stops, reverses direction until the switch is no longer seen by the control.
    3) The axis then reverses direction again and then the control searches for the marker pulse on the motor's encoder.

    irtaza, have you tried reloading your parameters?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I had to replace a switch once and if I recall there was a screen in the parameters that showed when they made contact so you could tell right off if they were working. It’s been too long ago now to remember where it was. The switches were inexpensive and can be purchased from a number of suppliers for 1/3 the cost of a Milltronics purchased one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    thanks for all the replies,
    I don't know how can I reload the parameters, and from where.
    I will also try to find the screen but if anyone knows where and how would I be able to goto the screen to find out if the switches are working, it would be great help.
    I am thankyou again for all the replies.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I think you just put the disk in before you power up and it loads automatic but that might have been on the old version of Cent 7 or else it should be under <parms> <load>, otherwise I dunno!
    EXIT 85 Manufacturing "The best custom wheels, period" (www.exit85.com)
    Experts in low volume, highly complicated, one-off forged aluminum wheels

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    You need to have the parameter disk to reload them. Your going to have to find the problem first. Moving the switch won't get you anywhere. It could be a corrupt parameter file but usually it won't start when that happens (happened to me a couple times)
    PM mholden or jpawelk and see if they have a parameter file.

    Schneider Machine
    A force of one

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    You can display the switch inputs by pressing F6 Display, then F4 Diag. Pressing F1 through F5 will display the different axis. Display the axis that you are having trouble with. There will be an input (left column) that is labeled home switch. If it is a 0, then the control thinks the switch is not depressed, if it is a 1, then the control thinks the switch is depressed.

    Loading the parameters can be done with the parameter disk. Insert the disk into the floppy drive and then press F7 Parm (from the main screen), F7 Load, then F1 Ok. Wait until the control loads the files and then exit to the main menu. Estop the machine if it is not already done, then cycle the power for about 30 seconds.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    milltronics question

    I am new to this forum also and new to a milltronics machine , I have a Partner VM17 version B, I am trying to get up and running, I also have a homing issue, I have followed the last post and I get a "1" on xyz homes, but when I use the home button it goes to home then I get a error 450 Emergency stop Reset Drives, Is this normal? because if I push and hold reset and jog at the same time I can move the machine, If I don't push reset I get the error again. Also I am wondering about a spindle warm up program as this machine has been sitting for several months/years and never turned on, how ever axis's have been changed and appear very smooth.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by br1 View Post
    I am new to this forum also and new to a milltronics machine , I have a Partner VM17 version B, I am trying to get up and running, I also have a homing issue, I have followed the last post and I get a "1" on xyz homes, but when I use the home button it goes to home then I get a error 450 Emergency stop Reset Drives, Is this normal? because if I push and hold reset and jog at the same time I can move the machine, If I don't push reset I get the error again. Also I am wondering about a spindle warm up program as this machine has been sitting for several months/years and never turned on, how ever axis's have been changed and appear very smooth.
    That is not normal. The axis are hitting the limit switches. The control shows a 1 for the home switch inputs, that mean that the control thinks the switches are depressed. Your switches most likely need to be looked at. Most likely not set properly.
    Spindle warm up program-start the spindle at a low rpm (1500) for about 7-10 minutes, then run it at 4000 rpm for about 7 min, and then max rpm (usually 8k) if the machine is less than 10 years old.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Your parameter disk may be inside the control cabinet in a pocket in the door.
    Schneider Machine
    A force of one

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Thanks I think I understand. I will have someone take a look at them, I didn't see a 450 error in my book.....so

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by br1 View Post
    Thanks I think I understand. I will have someone take a look at them, I didn't see a 450 error in my book.....so
    An Error 450 is just a general emergency stop condition error. Pretty much means that the machine is in emergency stop. Could be caused by the estop switch on the control being pushed in or the axis are on a limit switch. :cheers:

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hi guys,
    I think Br1 is having the same problem as I do, after three days I turned on the machine, it did its homing sequence all went perfect, so I gave it the command S2000M03 to see if spindle is running ok, but it was running CCW, so i pushed the CW button but it still ran CCW, Then I selected CCW it started running CW. then i wanted to start the program to see if it runs it or not, I did x, y, z zero's but after a few seconds it got into emergency stop 450. I tried to reset and home but after moving a little bit it goes again into emergency stop condition, at first few tries it took a few seconds to go into emergency stop but afterwards it go into emergency stop as soon as i hit the reset button.
    I checked for any loose wires but every thing seems fine.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Actually My problem has been fixed I had the limit switches wronge. It appeares that there are two switches on the left one in front one in back and they were almost straight across form each other I moved the one in the back to the left about 1/2 inch and all my problems went away. Now if I could just get it to behave when profiling a part ....... I know operator error. Thanks jpawelk for the info.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Smile problem solved

    I thank you all for chipping in pieces of advise and info., I also want to thank BOB, Mark, and Troy at milltronics for their input.

    finally I was able to detect the problem with the help of a friend of mine and electrical schematics provoded by milltronics, that their is a ground fault displayed on the control of motor (GF), so we changed the wiring between the control and elecric motor of the spindle and every thing came back to normal, we could not see any physical damage or puncture on the wires, but it could be a nick that was doing this inside the wire protection cover.
    I thank you all for all the help, you are all great guys.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: problem solved

    Hello everyone, I am trying to get a friends Milltronics Partner MB19 Centurion 6 running, having a problem with homing. Apparently the machine worked perfectly when he purchased it (a couple months ago) except for the floppy disc drive. He had someone replace the floppy drive with a usb conversion drive and a while after that it had permanently gone into feedhold and would no longer move. I checked the feedhold button on the front panel and it works fine. When I press cycle start the drives start up and everything and when I press home, the z axiz moves up a tick n stops with feedhold flashing again. It will continue to do this everytime I press cycle start again and home, with z moving up by different amount each time. Sometimes it will move by 1/2" other times it will barely tick before going into feedhold again.
    Does anyone know what can trigger the feedhold on this machine? As far as ive figured out its not the feedhold switch nor wiring.
    Or how can I excess the Parameter File through the machine to check if it has bin corrupt?
    And also how exactly can I excess the diagnostic screen on the centurion 6 to test all the limit and homing switches?

    Thanks alot for any help or sugestions

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