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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Unhappy Engraving Text

    I am using Corel make a faceplate and engrave some text about 5mm high on it. I am using Stick40 font as it is a single pass font.

    The problem is that I cannot seem to insert spaces in between the words.
    Rather than "this is a test" I end up with "thisisatest"

    I have tried using stick40 font in Winword and I get same problem.

    Has anyone used a single pass font sucessfully?

    Any help appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    What process/programs/details are you using.
    Corel is the CAD program. Are you generating an output file that is being used by a CAM program to generate the g-code? etc etc

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ...I cannot answer the corel question but maybe can offer a solution.
    Use Deskengrave, free download program to generate the text as g code or dxf. Do the text with another hit or maybe import it (.dxf)into corel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    If it won't work in WinWord it is proberbly a fault in the font.
    Either try downloading the font again or you could swap font of the spaces if you are really desperate. If it is a specialist font it may not even support a space, some don't.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Generating G Code

    Quote Originally Posted by sailandoar View Post
    What process/programs/details are you using.
    Corel is the CAD program. Are you generating an output file that is being used by a CAM program to generate the g-code? etc etc
    I am generating a drawing with Corel, then saving it at HPGL and and then using Mach3's Lazy cam to read the HPGL file to generate the GCode.

    Basically all I am after is a decent FONT that I can use for engraving. Stick40 font is great if I can only put spaces in it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    If You are Useing Mach 3 take a look at the Write program under Wizerds. there some stick fonts there.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    So have you tried other fonts to see if they can generate spaces? If so and you want/must use stick40 then perhaps if you have the space be a different font like 'times' or 'courier'.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    In Corel after you have typed the text you wish to engrave, I simply click on “Arrange” and use the bottom choice which is “Convert to Curves”. Then continue with your normal processing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Or.......type font in Corel, leave in font format (so later editing is easy) and convert to DXF with full arcs using our DXFTool plug-in for CorelDraw 12 and 13. No convert to curves necessary. Free Time limited demo on our website

    Digital THCs
    DXFTool Software
    Complete Electronic Packages
    Stepper & Servo Systems
    Hand Controllers

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Generate G codes directly from Corel Draw

    Quote Originally Posted by sailandoar View Post
    What process/programs/details are you using.
    Corel is the CAD program. Are you generating an output file that is being used by a CAM program to generate the g-code? etc etc
    You can generate G codes directly from Corel Draw, if you want. Can provide information, if you are interested.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Stick40 font

    Quote Originally Posted by micatech View Post
    I am generating a drawing with Corel, then saving it at HPGL and and then using Mach3's Lazy cam to read the HPGL file to generate the GCode.

    Basically all I am after is a decent FONT that I can use for engraving. Stick40 font is great if I can only put spaces in it.
    Where do I find out more about this stick 40 font?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    DS420, How do you create G code from Corel Draw? What version is needed?


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Corel to G codes

    Quote Originally Posted by johnmac View Post
    DS420, How do you create G code from Corel Draw? What version is needed?

    Hi John,

    You need Corel version 9 and higher. People have tried earlier versions. We guarantee version 9 and higher.

    You go to www.solustan.com/specials and order LM100G for a special price of $299. Install the driver and select it. Design your job in Corel and Print it to LinkMotion 100G. You will save G codes. Also, you can customize the codes by inserting special commands for Job control, set up, and job execution. You should download our PDF document to understand the ways to prepare the Corel document.

    Let us know if you need more information.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    ans for micatech

    in corel after you put text in the graphic area, you have to convert to curves, because.... as long as the object has text property you going to see different on the screen, what the computer "" can see"""
    it does mean the text, probably U use ttf or type one font, they are almost same descripted, they made of glyphs-nodepoint, and splines, what is in the corel draw bezier curve...
    and an extra on the font property contain attributes for kerning, spaces betveen words...
    so if you want correct interpretation corel to engravermachine
    the first step convert your txt to curves, after curves, export it in *.dxf format..
    however the original dxf by autodesk contain circle, arc and line elements ONLY!! there is no spline or bezier or any similar difficult curve...
    the corel can convert your draving in dxf only with short lines...
    you may see continoous curve, but check out the dxf or G code file you can seee there's only lines

    the dxf code to G code already simpler, because you can find several interpreter...
    the first, a frre, or minimal priced the ACE converter, you only open this program with it open the dxf and it will translate it very fast...
    the second is the GCODE2000, it was 200$ last time, but you can use like trial long time
    the Gcode2000 pretty good because you can check the translation and even can modify with immediately check..

    i use these programs, and i can say you, what youcan generate with cadprogram, i mean like autocad, corel you can transfer in g code and you can use it easy..
    some expensesprogram, like casmate has so called postprocessor, which program specialized in output for your engraver, and directly from the plan to the engraving they do everything, but they are really expenses... several thoushand

    so just good luck and try again and again

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    You could do all the things Victor listed or you could:

    Download a copy of our DXFTool plug-in for Corel. Nothing to learn, no Convert to Curves, Text stays as text, arcs and circles come across.

    It works with ver 12 and up and makes perfect DXF files with one button push.

    SheetCAM is an excellent CAM program to give you total control over the toolpath. $166 USD and works well for engraving, pocketing, contour, drilling and plasma. (www.sheetcam.com)

    DXFTool imports directly into SheetCAM and SheetCAM has multiple Posts for use with MACH3 and and other Control Programs.

    Free Demo of DXFTool is at:

    Tom Caudle

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