Quote Originally Posted by niklasn78 View Post
Thanks pointcloud

Just wondering when i have close 2 points closer to each other, Howe do i cut the line between the dots?
niklasn78, I am not pointcloud, but I can help you with this. First the points must lay on the curve. If you will look at left side of your Rhino screen you will see two icons with small blue triangles. The left hand icon is for trim and the right hand icon is for split. When you mouse over the icon it will show the mouse button to use to select each function that icon allows. In the split icon use the left mouse button and the command line will ask you which object to select for splitting. Choose your curve with the points on it, and then right click the mouse. The command line will now ask you for the objects to be used for splitting the first object selected. Choose the two points and hit enter. You will now be able to zoom in and select the small section between the two points and delete it, and you're done.
