Paraprop I have been doing what you want to do for years. It is within the realm of your Deskcnc system with the 4th axis and TP100 probe. Basically you will center the cam under the spindle and then locate a starting point on the cam . Next locate the depth of the base circle and set to Zero. Then rotate the Aaxis .025deg at a time while probing down with the spindle at each .025deg rotation. This will give you a point cloud of the cam lobe tied to a reference point on the camshaft. Next load up the points cloud in the Cad program to do the smoothing between points, THere will be a ton a points to deal with.

The grinder can be a simple wheel mounted stationary next to an x/y table that uses your Aaxis to rotate the cam for grinding while the y axis provides the interpolation to grind the profile.

Now everything HAS to be aligned with procession as far as the center of the probe to the centerline of the cam for probing and the center of the wheel to the center line of the cam for grinding. Being you are doing it straight line without a rocking arm it is fairly simple with no translation needed for the arm movement.

I would suggest you build a seperate grinder. DOn't use your mill to set up for grinding. The micro dust will eat your mill alive in no time.(;-)

Is it NASCAR perfect NOPE, will it do what you need? Absolutely Been doing it for years in small engines turning into the 10k range without problems.

We KNOW kart racing engines(;-)

(;-) TP