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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Gecko Drives > Hello any one home at Gecko Drives?
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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Toymanf View Post
    Now please tell us the stepper/servo project is going well!!
    Frank Rodgers

    Matter of fact I'm doing a prototype servo printed circuit board layout this week. This will be the first actual servo specific hardware required to continue with the development.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Guess (timate)


  3. #43
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    Matter of fact I'm doing a prototype servo printed circuit board layout this week. This will be the first actual servo specific hardware required to continue with the development.

    Is there any info on this project?


  4. #44
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  5. #45
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    20 a day, 345 days a year, 6.5 years

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hi, My guess is 3.75839 tonnes.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Big John T View Post
    Is there any info on this project?
    I do periodic updates here on the CNC Zone on the PID step motor servodrive project.


  8. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Got it. Thanks Mariss, I'll keep and eye on that topic as it looks real interesting.


  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Marris still no sign of the refund. Did you send it usps?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonW View Post
    Wow, I only saw arrogance in one person in this thread, and that was bsharp. Too bad for him, because he's probably a lonely individual... so sad.
    Could you please point this out as I fail to see it
    Please quote me!

  11. #51
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by turmite View Post
    Either way you get what you wanted. A full refund on damaged goods. You know I did all I could to help you by encouraging you to do what was needed to get resolution to this, and you implied on another thread that you had done everything properly and yet the photographic evidence shows different.
    That photo shows more of your personality and mindset than you probably wish.

    Had I been in Mariss' shoes when opening the box and saw the cases of the drives, you would not have received a refund.

    On another note though, thanks for the contest!:wave:

    Mike the trimming of the mounting plate did not effect the operation of the drive. It was not my initial intension on ever having to return the drives. And was done to accommodate larger flanged mounting screws. The two that where trimmed had blown outputs. One of the others was in "as new working order". And the other would lurch at power up? All the drives where tested on the same axis of the machine. Hence Same wiring same encoder same motor and swapped multiples of times on this one axis. Maybe the trip back home magically fixed them? Or a quick swap of the driver board? At this point I do not really care. I am just waiting for my refund as promised. I would seriously take a second look at the mindset and personality of a person that would go as far as ridiculing and making a joke out of his own customers misfortune. To most people this sort of thing coming from an individual seems childish and spiteful. Coming from a business this is just suicide!

    Flame on!

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bsharp View Post
    Coming from a business this is just suicide!

    I guess your angle grinder had problems hacking away at the baseplate

    Mariss > 138,000

  13. #53
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    Jun 2003
    B, first of all, I want to apologize if it seemed I belittled you. If so, I'm sorry.

    This whole thing still goes back to the fact that we all know Mariss and the kind of support he has given in the past, and if you can look past the hurt and the anger, you will see by the huge amount of support, and yes some even to the point of attacking you, you will see that he is all we say he is. I for one encouraged you to be patient till he got back in touch with you and I assured you he would make things right. When you posted over on the yahoo group and some replied negatively, you did take a little offense to it, as I probably would have. I know from experience when you are in a bind, and need an answer yesterday that tomorrow seems too late, because as Ross Perot said, been there, done that and have the t shirt to prove it! Well he may not have said that last part.

    I did take a (nuts) at you because I saw the cases and the damage, and as I told you in my previous post, I would not have refunded your money because they were damaged goods. No place and I mean no place that I know of will take back goods that the customer has damaged and give a refund, much less a full refund. To me, this single fact should prove to you what we have been telling you about Mariss's character and business practice.

    Now to the rediculing and mindset. Under the circumstances Mariss took rags and made a quilt. You had given him bad press in the face of all of our opposition, so he turned that bad press into good press! I'm sorry for you bad experience, but I personally think the move was brillant!

    Look, let's none of us get angry over this, let it go and find you some drives that will work for you situation and make a lot of money with that machine!


    Quote Originally Posted by bsharp View Post
    Mike the trimming of the mounting plate did not effect the operation of the drive. It was not my initial intension on ever having to return the drives. And was done to accommodate larger flanged mounting screws. The two that where trimmed had blown outputs. One of the others was in "as new working order". And the other would lurch at power up? All the drives where tested on the same axis of the machine. Hence Same wiring same encoder same motor and swapped multiples of times on this one axis. Maybe the trip back home magically fixed them? Or a quick swap of the driver board? At this point I do not really care. I am just waiting for my refund as promised. I would seriously take a second look at the mindset and personality of a person that would go as far as ridiculing and making a joke out of his own customers misfortune. To most people this sort of thing coming from an individual seems childish and spiteful. Coming from a business this is just suicide!

    Flame on!
    No greater love can a man have than this, that he give his life for a friend.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by bsharp View Post
    I would seriously take a second look at the mindset and personality of a person that would go as far as ridiculing and making a joke out of his own customers misfortune. To most people this sort of thing coming from an individual seems childish and spiteful. Coming from a business this is just suicide!

    Flame on!
    who's misfortune?
    it's unfortunate that youve had your problems but you got a refund for over 400 bucks worth of drivers which you had left unsellable , under the circumstances most if not all companies would not give a refund for damaged goods as you had left them .
    what would you expect the man to do ,throw them in the garbage and take the hit financially himself as he has, that would be a complete waste , i got a chuckle out of his sense of humour over his loss , let him have his fun .
    and take a guess maybe you'll win a set of drivers

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by bsharp View Post
    Marris still no sign of the refund. Did you send it usps?
    Normally people like to make such inquiries via email to [email protected]. For whatever reason you choose not to do so, so I had to gather this info from the office. Here goes verbatim and public:

    Credit Card Transaction Status:

    This refund has been approved!

    Credit Card Number: Mastercard ends in XXXX
    Name: Brien Sharp
    Amount: -$452.50

    AVS (Address Verification Service) Check
    Result: Not available (payment will still be processed). More info
    This service is not available for this credit card.

    Payment ID's:
    Transaction ID: MA0033654XXX (last 3 digits redacted by me)
    Transaction Time: 12:33 PDT 10/11/07

    I redacted your card number. The refund was completed within 12 hours of receipt of the returned drives; the above information is available if you checked your credit card account. The amount includes your shipping costs as well because you are such a nice guy. Don't hesitate to contact Geckodrive if there is anything else we can do for you.


    P.S. Why DID you hack-up the returned drives? I'm just curious and awed by the crudeness of the mutilation; I've never seen that before.

  16. #56
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  17. #57
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  18. #58
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    Smile My Guess



  19. #59
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  20. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    Normally people like to make such inquiries via email to [email protected]. For whatever reason you choose not to do so, so I had to gather this info from the office. Here goes verbatim and public:

    Credit Card Transaction Status:

    This refund has been approved!

    Credit Card Number: Mastercard ends in XXXX
    Name: Brien Sharp
    Amount: -$452.50

    AVS (Address Verification Service) Check
    Result: Not available (payment will still be processed). More info
    This service is not available for this credit card.

    Payment ID's:
    Transaction ID: MA0033654XXX (last 3 digits redacted by me)
    Transaction Time: 12:33 PDT 10/11/07

    I redacted your card number. The refund was completed within 12 hours of receipt of the returned drives; the above information is available if you checked your credit card account. The amount includes your shipping costs as well because you are such a nice guy. Don't hesitate to contact Geckodrive if there is anything else we can do for you.


    P.S. Why DID you hack-up the returned drives? I'm just curious and awed by the crudeness of the mutilation; I've never seen that before.
    A simple yes I credited your account would have sufficed. But thanks for the elaboration.

    As I posted to Mike It was not my initial intension on ever having to return the drives. And was done to accommodate larger flanged mounting screws.
    If you want to send me the dimensions of the plate and I will send you two laser cut plates free of charge with a quote on laser cutting "from 1 to 2000 pcs " or stamping from "2000 to 1000000 pcs mass quantity's".

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