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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Mazak, Mitsubishi, Mazatrol > need help with system variables list for mazatrol m/t pro control
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Red face need help with system variables list for mazatrol m/t pro control

    Hi guys, I'm a cnc machinist working for an aerospace company here in the philippines. I'm currently running families of parts on integrex 50, 200 & 300. Our machines have what we call "tool packages" meaning all programs for parts that are running in a particular machine use the same tools. Now, the problem is that lots of programs uses different value for tool eye compensation and everytime you change set up you also have to change the tool eye compensation. We are producing a lot of scraps because of this thing and our programmers won't re-toolpath and compensate the adjustment in their programs. By the way all our programs are written in EIA. I wonder if there's anybody out there who has a list for system variable assignments for M/T Pro controls so we can just manually write the value in the program. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Your programmers need a little "smacking around"... Why make your work any tougher than it has to be? Especially if you're running a tool matrix (or as you say tool package). If the tool is always the same but the programs aren't using the same comp values, then thats just plain dumb programming. Not sure how you want to use variables to control this. Unless you want to assign a variable to for each tool for a given program. This could end up being more confusing than its worth if any further adjustment is needed. Its easier to maintain it through the tool offset page.

    If the programmers aren't willing to fix the programs, then you could also G10 the shifts at the top of the program to have it input the comp values right away. At least that way, you can track the comp from the same page as the program monitor. Bottom line, your programmers need to get their act together...
    It's just a part..... cutter still goes round and round....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    Thanks for the response. I'm a newbie in mazak and i'm not sure if you can do the same thing like with a fanuc controller where you can preset the offsets in the program like #2601 for z work offset, #2000s for geometry and wear offsets and etc. I wanted to preset the tool eye compensation value by inserting a few blocks in the heading of the program just like what you've said but thru system variables. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe in using G10, the value that will change is the one in the geometry offset which I don't intend to do because in cases of changing tools, after touching it off I would still have to manually compensate the required adjustment. Since our programs are already proven (which is why the reason our programmers won't re-program), what I want to do is to preset the adjustments but still maintain the original values output by the tool eye in the geometry offset, that's why I was asking if there's anybody out there who has a list of system variables assigned to "tool eye compensation" of a particular offset number. In fanuc, there's not much data concerning tools, only the geometry, wear and imaginary tool nose offsets which is in #2000s. But in Mazak there's hell lot of data in the tool data page including tool eye compensation, tool life, tool description etc. The system variables assigned to those is what I'm looking for. Hope you can help me out. Thank you very much.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    of course you can read and (or) write many variables
    for example # 5212 x value of G54 setting
    #680001= first tool length in mazatrol data
    and so one
    take your eia/iso programming manual , from page 13-86 to 13-103
    ( may be page number a little bit different depends of language and manual version )
    For more variables, please contact your Mazak technical center for a quick answer

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