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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Hi Guys
    I would like to express my opinion for SUPERCAM after having a eight year experience with it.
    I Have built 2 big routers 1 big laser 3m x 2m and 2 smaller machines 1m x 1m long
    The most easiest and most straight forward software for step pulse generation
    at its price is defenetly SUPERCAM.
    And Dennis is always there to help .


  2. #2
    Gerry & Joe

    The subject of customer loyalty was crossed in previous posts. It’s a good thing.

    It seemed odd to me to be bragging about such a fantastic program, SuperCamXp, without anyone here knowing about it, without any loyal or disgruntle customers ever making any postings in the CNCzone.

    So, Yesterday I let a few(5) users know about the CNCzone. I asked them to input their experience with my products in this thread. Some of them did not know about this cyberspace place. I assure you there are more where they came from, I have a database of thousands of customers, granted most are not users of SuperCam. I also sell the complete line of Taig products with on line ordering.

    It is a point of pride to me that my customers have not needed the resources presented in CNCzone. For the most part they haven’t a clue what G-code files are, yet they are running machines and making money with them.

    I just wanted to belay any fears that SuperCam and SuperCamXp is some kind of vaporware. It is real and just because you may not have heard about it before doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been around. It is a viable means of running machine tools.

    For the most part I have experienced an ample demand for my products. I have been selling SuperCam and Motor Controllers commercially since 1995. I sold the very first twenty Computer Controlled Taig Mills, they were run by SuperCam. SuperCam was around before there was a release of the EMC program.

    SuperCam is such a complicated piece of work it took me almost four years to port it over to the Windows Xp and Vista environments thusly creating SuperCamXp. I give credit to Mariss at Geckodrive, because he was the one that gave me the overview of the USB interface chip and the processor that I use in the USB CamPod. What I do with software he chooses to do with hardware.

    Unlike some developers I choose not to start bragging about a product until I am totally satisfied with it. With good reliable products customer support is a breeze, anything less than that and life becomes a nightmare for me.

    SuperCamXp has now been working to my complete satisfaction for more than six months. I use it myself. I am still finding DXF files with unexpected formats so there will soon be another dated SuperCamXp release with up grades to the DXF interpreter part of the program. The USB CamPod firmware lock down date is 12-08-05, no changes needed since then or will there ever be it is firmware.

    On October 18th, I began running paid advertising here on the CNCzone.

    I do not have a big fancy public relations agency or marketing staff. I have to bear complete responsibility for the total lack of marketing activity in the last few years.

    The combining of a CAD interface to machines is like a sea change. It is like going from an electric typewriter to a word processor, like US mail to Email, like pencil and paper drawings to using a CAD program. I wanted to own the idea out right, so I kept it a poorly guarded secret until now.

    If the world wants to beat a path to my door they are now welcome. A couple of years ago they would have been met by a very grumpy programmer.


    PS. Thanks to my posse for their input.

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