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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The easiest way to add tabs is to buy V Carve Pro - it will automatically add them.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    I re-read your previous message, and saw your comments about the relay for motor control. Mike Beck tells me that "There are 6 pins available for direct acess. I'd suggest a breakout board, though. Isolates your computer for one thing. They run anywhere from about 20 bucks up to 120."

    So apparently, I can get spindle control as well........ :-)


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    hello everyone,I am a novice at cnc,and I have a Supertech system on my Grizzly gear head bench mill.It can be seen on the zone at benchmills,title being,Converting my Grizzly mill to CNC.I just finished my conversion a short time ago,and I am still very much learning.I can easily say that Super Cam is about as easy as it gets for making parts,whether converting other files or making your own.Everything that I tried so far,has been successful,which I think is excellent,because I know about nothing as far as programming.If you want easy,here is what I got so far,and remember,this is my first experience with cnc.When I received the system(model-EMC-XYZ-GBX-KB3,with 1200 oz motors)I took it out of the box,and plugged everything into my computer,and I was able to control the motors immediately,by making a circle on the screen,how is that for fast.I also have mastercam 8 that I was given,and the only thing I could do,because of lack of knowledge was to take one of the sample programs and convert it to DXF and send it to Supercam,which it then ran.I also then converted it to G code in Supercam,and it ran.Again,I know nothing,but yet I was able to cut some metal.I first used the Supercam in Windows ME.I have an older Dell Dimension 8800,pentium 4,with only 256 memory.I wanted a laptop for my new system,but money was holding me back.So,I put in Windows XP in the computer,and added a little more memory,and a new video card,and for $200.00,I have a good computer again.Now I added the Campod,with Supercam XP,and I like it much better,because it is more like what I am used to with windows type graphics.You should not hesitate to use any of this product on your machine,because if it works for me,imagine what an expert can do with it.I would like to see this type of thread continue,because I could use all the help I can get.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Wink Supercam Software

    Dont hesitate to try supercam software.I have been using it for the past 8 years and once you get to know all the features, nothing out there can compare. I have installed supercam on 3 plasma cutting table that i built and 2 routing tables one is a retofit and one oxy Acty cutting table,they handle up to 6" thick steel plates. I will be glad to answer any question and the best part is Dennis is always there to help.By the way i dont have any shares in supercam i am just a satisfied customer. I also use Vectric softwares for sign designing.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Well my opinion is that i will not switch from the v-carve suite, for the money it has the best user inerface and simplicity with professional results which i love, plus the suport on here, their forum, phone etc. you can get awnsers to questions just about 24/7 from users all over the world. You can not beat the true picture simulation you get and can send to a client or save for yourself in a picture format.

    Don't get me wrong I am not knocking SuperCam I'm sure it has its advantages and those who have used it for years are acustom to it, so that is what they know so no need to change. I just have not heard to much about it on here and those who are posting about it are fairly new or few post here, so just makes me wonder how widely it is used in the DIY World, but for me I like V-Carve pro, PhotoCarve and cut3d is best bang for the buck, and it rivals much much more expensive programs.

    But you have to ask yourself again, "What am I looking to do and want to do in the future", Dont plan for the moment plan for your vision of where you want to go and then you should be able to make up your own mind.

    Which ever program or programs you chose "you and only you" have to be satisfied with it for your own piece of mind.


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    You Might want to check out Supercam,I have been using it for the last 6 years on my mill and lathe. I like the engraving part it allows you to fit the textinto spaces and you dont have to figit with sizes and you can change fonts without rewriting the text. If you can draw the item you can machine it
    I have 2 screw machines and use the mill And lathe for second operation work.
    I have tried many software programs and havent found one yet to replace it
    and for the price you cant go wrong.
    Jim Beggerow

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick note to clarify that the Vectric Software products - VCarve Pro, PhotoVCarve and Cut3D - are used for design, preview and 2D / 2.5D toolpath generation. Additional software such as Mach3, DeskCNC, FlashCut, TurboCNC, Supercam, WINCNC, WIN-PCNC etc. is required to link the PC to the CNC controller and these products can all open / import toolpaths from the Vectric software.

    The Vectric software products include options for converting vector geometry - DXF, EPS, AI, PDF + images jpg, bmp, tif and gif + 3D Meshes STL, OBJ, 3DS, VRML, 3D DXF to CNC Code that will run on most CNC routing, engraving and milling machines (GCode, HPGL, PLT, XYZ etc. configurable postprocessor).


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Since I'm the one who started this thread, I'm going to comment.... with the disclaimer that I have not yet cut even a single chip with my Joe's 2006.

    I am having a hard time understanding why the world hasn't beaten a path to Dennis' door to get SuperCam XP. I'm sure that VCarve, BobCad, and many others are great, very sophisticated packages. And I plan to buy VCarve in the very near future.

    But starting with SuperCam XP doesn't appear to limit me in any way..... it will import G-Code, DXF, and HPGL files, and give me the easy-to-understand, quick interface for cutting any file. But it also gives me the capability to do "quick and dirty" work. I'm pretty sure that if I already owned VCarve... and Mach3.... I would add SuperCam XP anyway.

    Take six minutes and watch Dennis' "Draw & Cut" video....


    I think having this degree of instant gratification is pretty amazing.... without giving up any of the capabilities that more sophisticated programs will offer.

    Can anybody shoot holes in my logic here? I've don't "have a dog in this fight".... no connection to Super-Tech, or anyone else, for that matter. I'm just impressed with being able to actually draw files, import files, and simulate cutting.... without tying my brain in a knot.

    Back to assembling a gantry..... Oh yes, I promised pictures for my Joe's in Albuquerque thread, so I'd better go find my camera...


  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TCGliderguy View Post
    I am having a hard time understanding why the world hasn't beaten a path to Dennis' door to get SuperCam XP. ....................

    But starting with SuperCam XP doesn't appear to limit me in any way..... it will import G-Code, DXF, and HPGL files, and give me the easy-to-understand, quick interface for cutting any file.
    Mach3 does pretty much the same thing for less than half the price, and doesn't need the extra hardware. Mach3 doesn't have any basic drawing tools, but it does have wizards, which let you quickly do a variety of tasks without needing a CAD program. Mach3 also has over 10,000 registered users, so just about anyone building joe's machine can help you with a problem, since just about everyone uses it.

    Not knocking SuperCAM, just pointing out why Mach is more popular. Although I am a bit curious as to why 2 people posting there first post here are praising SuperCAM. Which they both have been using for several years, but just decided to chime in now.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ger21 View Post

    Not knocking SuperCAM, just pointing out why Mach is more popular. Although I am a bit curious as to why 2 people posting there first post here are praising SuperCAM. Which they both have been using for several years, but just decided to chime in now.

    Ger21, I was wondering the exact same thing as i mention in last post.


    TCGliderGuy, Looks like your well on your way now, If SuperCam gives you the warm fuzzy then buy all means follow your gut.


  11. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Hi Guys
    I would like to express my opinion for SUPERCAM after having a eight year experience with it.
    I Have built 2 big routers 1 big laser 3m x 2m and 2 smaller machines 1m x 1m long
    The most easiest and most straight forward software for step pulse generation
    at its price is defenetly SUPERCAM.
    And Dennis is always there to help .


  12. #32
    Gerry & Joe

    The subject of customer loyalty was crossed in previous posts. It’s a good thing.

    It seemed odd to me to be bragging about such a fantastic program, SuperCamXp, without anyone here knowing about it, without any loyal or disgruntle customers ever making any postings in the CNCzone.

    So, Yesterday I let a few(5) users know about the CNCzone. I asked them to input their experience with my products in this thread. Some of them did not know about this cyberspace place. I assure you there are more where they came from, I have a database of thousands of customers, granted most are not users of SuperCam. I also sell the complete line of Taig products with on line ordering.

    It is a point of pride to me that my customers have not needed the resources presented in CNCzone. For the most part they haven’t a clue what G-code files are, yet they are running machines and making money with them.

    I just wanted to belay any fears that SuperCam and SuperCamXp is some kind of vaporware. It is real and just because you may not have heard about it before doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been around. It is a viable means of running machine tools.

    For the most part I have experienced an ample demand for my products. I have been selling SuperCam and Motor Controllers commercially since 1995. I sold the very first twenty Computer Controlled Taig Mills, they were run by SuperCam. SuperCam was around before there was a release of the EMC program.

    SuperCam is such a complicated piece of work it took me almost four years to port it over to the Windows Xp and Vista environments thusly creating SuperCamXp. I give credit to Mariss at Geckodrive, because he was the one that gave me the overview of the USB interface chip and the processor that I use in the USB CamPod. What I do with software he chooses to do with hardware.

    Unlike some developers I choose not to start bragging about a product until I am totally satisfied with it. With good reliable products customer support is a breeze, anything less than that and life becomes a nightmare for me.

    SuperCamXp has now been working to my complete satisfaction for more than six months. I use it myself. I am still finding DXF files with unexpected formats so there will soon be another dated SuperCamXp release with up grades to the DXF interpreter part of the program. The USB CamPod firmware lock down date is 12-08-05, no changes needed since then or will there ever be it is firmware.

    On October 18th, I began running paid advertising here on the CNCzone.

    I do not have a big fancy public relations agency or marketing staff. I have to bear complete responsibility for the total lack of marketing activity in the last few years.

    The combining of a CAD interface to machines is like a sea change. It is like going from an electric typewriter to a word processor, like US mail to Email, like pencil and paper drawings to using a CAD program. I wanted to own the idea out right, so I kept it a poorly guarded secret until now.

    If the world wants to beat a path to my door they are now welcome. A couple of years ago they would have been met by a very grumpy programmer.


    PS. Thanks to my posse for their input.

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I hope you did not take offence to any of the comments, It was not intended to come accross like that.

    I for one have seen your webpage before about 2 yrs back, as sure others have, but at 1st glance it looked in disarray / outdated so (maybe my fault) I did not look to close at the program, Just the look of the program made me think of old software, I for one like user inerface "Curb appeal so to speak if you will" and just dive in no manual type of Guy. Like some i like instant gratification.

    When I look at the demo's to download it looked like no demo for my type of DIY machine, Once again this is at a glace, I do not want to sit and study a webpage to figure out where things are.

    So once again please do not take offense to any post, As you have enlightened some people here about your program, And i'm sure you are continuing to work on the program to better it as other people have. Mach3 has done alot towards their window based program. I tried the EMC and EMC2 but one again was not appealing to me so i bought Mach3, made the machine run smoother than EMC.


  14. #34

    Absolutely no offence taken. I could see how it looked odd that my pals showed up like that.

    You are one of my heroes along with Art.

    It does not make my candle burn any brighter to blow someone else’s out.

    The Mach3 program is a wonderful program. As a whole machine motion is indeed very impressive. From my point of view Art with his Mach3 program has done a wonderful job of plowing the field for me.

    You are right about how crappy my web page was a few years ago. It’s still not up to snuff if you ask me.

    And the SuperCam user interface at first looks DOS clunky. And it certainly does not appear to have much to do with machine control, as you would expect it to.

    A couple of years ago I was in manic mode being an asocial programmer. I was half on and half off the horse and it was moving. No excuses, just the way it was.

    But that was then, the mission did get completed. I invite you to take another look at SuperCamXp.

    As a matter of fact there is a screen shot of one of your drawings on the cover of the Users Guide for SuperCamXp. If that gives you any angst just let me know I’ll put something else there.

    Your DXF files almost import perfectly into SuperCamXp, some of the text comes in the wrong size and orientation. That’s one of the things I need to work on. But as a whole they are good to go and you could make parts straight away with them. Having points in the middle of the drill holes would make them perfect.

    I would be happy to send you a USB CamPod and SuperCamXp, just give it a whirl. I am certain you will find it a real treat to run one of your machines with it.



  15. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Hello again,first I must say that I am in no way connected with Supercam in any way.I paid my money to get my controller and such.I am absolutely new to this cnc stuff,so I search out the internet to find out what I need to know.I have posted on the CNC Zone before,but not on this thread.I have no experience with any product other than Supercam.But,what I liked and saw on the website of Supertech,was the tutorials.These showed me how easy it was to get into immediate machining with my mill and Supercam.All the other systems and software I looked at,seemed very complicated to me.This is why I praise Supercam and the system that went along with it.No other reason.I am also very happy with my ballscrews I got from Roton,and I said how I also was very happy with that.So,all I am saying,is that I have a good product that works for me,and at the same time,I tell others to at least look at it,and then make up there own mind.

  16. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis Bohlke View Post

    Absolutely no offence taken. I could see how it looked odd that my pals showed up like that.

    You are one of my heroes along with Art.

    It does not make my candle burn any brighter to blow someone else’s out.

    The Mach3 program is a wonderful program. As a whole machine motion is indeed very impressive. From my point of view Art with his Mach3 program has done a wonderful job of plowing the field for me.

    You are right about how crappy my web page was a few years ago. It’s still not up to snuff if you ask me.

    And the SuperCam user interface at first looks DOS clunky. And it certainly does not appear to have much to do with machine control, as you would expect it to.

    A couple of years ago I was in manic mode being an asocial programmer. I was half on and half off the horse and it was moving. No excuses, just the way it was.

    But that was then, the mission did get completed. I invite you to take another look at SuperCamXp.

    As a matter of fact there is a screen shot of one of your drawings on the cover of the Users Guide for SuperCamXp. If that gives you any angst just let me know I’ll put something else there.

    Your DXF files almost import perfectly into SuperCamXp, some of the text comes in the wrong size and orientation. That’s one of the things I need to work on. But as a whole they are good to go and you could make parts straight away with them. Having points in the middle of the drill holes would make them perfect.

    I would be happy to send you a USB CamPod and SuperCamXp, just give it a whirl. I am certain you will find it a real treat to run one of your machines with it.


    I downloaded the demo, wonder if it can run mt new CNC 4x4 Hybrid i build and redesigning, it has 4 axis one slaved. i only see three in your demo.

    like to see it in action sometime.


  17. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Supercam & Vectric

    I am using both and Supercam,s strenght is mostly in controlling a cnc machine and Vectric is designing and creating a g code. Both are very powerful and match well together what a team. With Supercam you can see on the screen whatever is going on on the cnc table and you can work without gcode if you so prefer. I find it very handy to have the cad software in Supercam so you dont have to move to another software and transfer to gcode and move it to supercam When all is at you finger tips and just hit plotitem and enter and there you go its working for you and its fast and precise.Dennis and Tony at Supercam and Vectric makes quite a team
    keep it up you guys.

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    >I downloaded the demo, wonder if it can run mt new CNC 4x4 Hybrid i build and redesigning, it has 4 axis one slaved. i only see three in your demo. <

    O.K... I need to fill in the gaps in my knowledge base..... What is a "slaved axis"?

    Are you talking about running two steppers on one "channel".... or is this something else?


  19. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TCGliderguy View Post
    >I downloaded the demo, wonder if it can run mt new CNC 4x4 Hybrid i build and redesigning, it has 4 axis one slaved. i only see three in your demo. <

    O.K... I need to fill in the gaps in my knowledge base..... What is a "slaved axis"?

    Are you talking about running two steppers on one "channel".... or is this something else?

    Yes a slave drive is to sync one motor (drivers) with another one, in the case of my 4x4 hybrid the Y-axis has two leadscrews i slave the motors (drivers) together to keep them with exact rotation with each other to ensure the gantry stays square with machine, I also couple them together with a belt for added safety.

    You can acomplish this two ways, either slave in software or use the same setp direction pin for two drives, in which I am doing now and which might work in SupercamXP situation.


  20. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Talking Just"chiming in"

    I have been a "SUPER CAM" user for ten years and have not found ANY reason to change.
    Supercam works very well for the types of machining that i do.
    It IS intuitive for first time users or for any one that has no experience with g-code.
    I am the pattern and mold prototype maker for a multi national fiberglass stock company here in Phoenix , i also make the fixtures for the machining centers in our shop , seven haas 20 hp 3 axis mills.
    I am also one of the people who bought the first taig cnc mills , mine is number 15.
    I have retro fitted two full size vertical knee mills with Dennis`s controllers and software , VERY SUCESSFULLY i might add.
    I have the capability to do any andall machine operations that the haas mills in the shop are capable of.
    Including being able to run any of the programs that are our bread and butter at the shop.
    Supercam is infinitely capable of being configured to ANY step size , ratio or lead scerw ratio there is.
    The first mill i retro fitted was an old stepper driven "bandit" , the second was an apache mill, servo driven.
    In short i could talk for hours on the advantages of a g.u.i. interface as in supercam but , you all should really look closer for yourselves .

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