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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Please don't get me wrong. I respect you as a person, as a fellow member of CNCzone and a friend in this interesting thing we call machining. But I have to ask why apart from you thinking that you will lose your earning and rights to the government if they are to impose such a regulation to control climate change, would you be so against what is being done.

    Of course there are bad scientists and environmentalists but there are many more good ones who do this for the sake of mankind. As much as it is a pessimistic view some of us hold in regards to GW, but it is as much a pessimistic view you hold of these scientists, government and environmentalists. If what you believe is true of these people, we are f&*ked either way. Is that what you are saying? We are damned if we do and we are damned if we don't? I prefer to do something then just sit back. Wouldn't you?

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    alexccmeister, I do know your post wasn't directed to me but I must respond.

    The most fearful words ever spoken; "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you."

    Just take a look in any Social Security or DMV office and you will see government excellence at work.

    How many "good" environmental scientists do you really know and what makes you think that they are doing this for the sake of mankind?

    Why must we "DO SOMETHING!"? The sky isn't falling! Chill out, we have a far greater problem to tackle in the form of Islamic radicals who want us all dead!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWild View Post
    There are agencies that do nothing more than pay people to come in and bombard websites with their form of propoganda. I mention this because there are a few posters with VERY high post numbers that have done nothing but posted in the Global Warming forum. I can't help but question their motives. .
    Dear MrWild,

    How can I become one of them?

    Well, I wish I could say that I've been hanging around in underground parking lots, in the early hours, waiting for a thick brown envelope stuffed with cash from a geezer employed by those wicked oil companies.

    Believe me, I need their cash.

    Since you mentioned it, any chance of posting any evidence that these organised and prostituted people exist????

    Read post #20, and go to page 25.

    Therein you will discover the true depth of cynicism as regards the "Climate Change" debate.

    Best wishes,


  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    alexccmeister, I do know your post wasn't directed to me but I must respond.

    The most fearful words ever spoken; "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you."

    Just take a look in any Social Security or DMV office and you will see government excellence at work.

    How many "good" environmental scientists do you really know and what makes you think that they are doing this for the sake of mankind?

    Why must we "DO SOMETHING!"? The sky isn't falling! Chill out, we have a far greater problem to tackle in the form of Islamic radicals who want us all dead!
    Government everywhere is the same. Not just in the states. You try to check out the government offices where I am from. People taking their sweet time doing things. Giving looks as if they are the lord al'mighty. And believe me when I say they even cook noodles inside their closed cubicles during break time. The smell just drifts all over the office.

    I agree though that the government has alot of agendas beside trying to do something good. Bush's administration (and many other around the world) is all about self interests (guns and oil). Look at the supply of food and weapons to the troops in the middle east, all belong to people in the bush admin. People like Dick Cheney should have been kicked out long ago. Bush too. Its ridiculous. This practice amounts to what we call corruption in the civilised world but its allowed to carry on.

    No individual can solve the problem we are facing. And not one government can do the same. And I wouldn't even dare to suggest a way out but if we put our heads together and work as a team (not with the islamic radicals or course), I am sure we will benefit at the end of the day. As the saying goes 'good things don't come cheap'. So we need to sacrifice a little now in order to have something better in the near future. We can't be so selfish as to say "I am not going to give up what I have now for some lame ass excuse for GW".

    We all want clean air, we all one less pollution, we want to have clean cheap alternative power source. That is undeniable, but if we are not willing to sacrifice a little, how can we have them at all?

  5. #65
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    Jan 2005
    No, thank you. I won't sacrifice anything just because you are sure that we will all benefit in the end.

    I haven't agreed yet that there is a problem that needs attention, let alone a draconian solution.

    I'm just as sure that we will never benefit from allowing thieves to pillage our pockets to stoke the larder of Algore and his ilk.

    I don't trust this government let alone yours and a collection of nare do wells like the U.N. (just as one example) is the ultimate evil.

    As far as Bush, Chaney et al, we quit allowing folks from across the pond choose our leaders in 1776. I'll keep them, warts and all, over the likes of Neville Chamberlain, Hugo Chavez, Jacques Chirac or Vladimir Putin.

    In short, the whole issue is a load of barn litter being foisted upon us to gain power.

    Not by the hair on my chiny, Chaney, chin, chin!!!

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    I must agree with you. Something about the word sacrifice, with its religious undertones. Same goes for compromise. Compromise is such an easy word. So easy to say, so easy to ask for. Just not that easy to do if you're the one compromising. And it's not just the words, it's the way that it's phrased. I don't need any psycho-lingual mutterances that are intended to "train" my brain to see a different view point. I don't give two ****s for political correctness, so it's not that they aren't using the right words...it's that they aren't using words that make any sense to a person capable of working through problems and making deductions on their own. I rather like doing my own thinking thank you.

    Also note that alexccmeister is from Brunei...isn't that calling the kettle black? One of the richest countries in the world...home to more supercars per capita than any other country in the world...home to more extravagant displays of wealth than anywhere else in the world. And from whence did this fortune arise? Oil of course...

    I's be HEPPY to fetch da watta fo ya massa, mebbe I's can have a drink when I's done suh?

    Never ask for a sacrifice you're not prepared to make yourself. In totality. Ask any soldier, sailor, airman, Coastie or Marine. I'll stake my life for a brother. Because I know a brother would stake his life for mine. As for anyone else...better you than me.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Mariss & MrWild,

    Before you “show me the instruments” I’d like to confess that I joined CNC Zone because of the Global Warming forum and all but 3 of my 63 posts are GW related. I don’t own or use a CNC machine, but before you write me off as a paid propaganda agent let me tell you what my goal is:

    I want to provoke people into thinking for themselves so as to develop their own point of view on GW, rather than adopting the views expressed by authoritative politicians or charismatic entertainers.

    I happen to think that the earth’s climate is prone to change without asking permission and that trying to prevent this is both futile and arrogant. The GW fear campaign has all the earmarks of a religion, complete with guilt, penance, sacrifice and indulgences (carbon credits). But, as I have stated in other posts, salvation is unattainable, even if we get rid of all cars and fully implement Kyoto. I think the key motivation behind the GW movement is not to save us, but rather to enslave us.

    I am a mechanical engineer by training and work in inkjet printer R&D. While I love internal combustion engines, I speak for myself, not for Big Oil. I do have a manual mill and lathe at home and am attempting to build a model IC engine.

    Mariss, I would like to see a list of “agent” names. Now if you are using your real name, I can see your reluctance to post this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    You have noticed something I completely missed... posters whose names I haven't seen anywhere else. Mariss

    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    If you are right, we all may be the unwelcome recipients of an outreach program to educate us technical savages into the right way of thinking. Mariss

    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    How do we know if it's true or not? ... I will compare names against posts. Any name that has even one coherent CNC-related technical post will pass. The working assumption is the purported missionaries are not technical people and wouldn't know a mill from a lathe; they live in a more spiritual realm. Mariss

    Quote Originally Posted by Mariss Freimanis View Post
    I have no interest in "outing" or embarrassing individuals and I never would because it's unkind. I'm only interested to see if there is a trend and I'll only be doing what anyone else can if they wish. Let's see what happens. I'll tabulate the aggregate results

    Quote Originally Posted by MrWild View Post
    There are agencies that do nothing more than pay people to come in and bombard websites with their form of propoganda. I mention this because there are a few posters with VERY high post numbers that have done nothing but posted in the Global Warming forum. I can't help but question their motives. You never see them give sources for the studies they quote.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    In the quoted part of your post, I'll agree with you.
    "Mariss" is the name he does business under, I've done business with him myself and I suspect that he will agree as well. He has a dry sense of humor and may be easily misunderstood but in all the dealings he has had with folks on the Zone he has never displayed an ounce of malice and in situatiopns where I would have come on hammer and tong.

    [QUOTE=dynosor;369065]Mariss & MrWild,

    ........................let me tell you what my goal is:

    I want to provoke people into thinking for themselves so as to develop their own point of view on GW, rather than adopting the views expressed by authoritative politicians or charismatic entertainers.

    I happen to think that the earth’s climate is prone to change without asking permission and that trying to prevent this is both futile and arrogant. The GW fear campaign has all the earmarks of a religion, complete with guilt, penance, sacrifice and indulgences (carbon credits). But, as I have stated in other posts, salvation is unattainable, even if we get rid of all cars and fully implement Kyoto. I think the key motivation behind the GW movement is not to save us, but rather to enslave us.

    There are indeed groups of ideologically driven folks calling talk shows and hitting any kind of "chat room" with the intent to push the "party line".

    These be lunatics and need to be recognized.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    stupid computer can't even spell!!!!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by WYLD View Post

    I must agree with you. Something about the word sacrifice, with its religious undertones. Same goes for compromise. Compromise is such an easy word. So easy to say, so easy to ask for. Just not that easy to do if you're the one compromising. And it's not just the words, it's the way that it's phrased. I don't need any psycho-lingual mutterances that are intended to "train" my brain to see a different view point. I don't give two ****s for political correctness, so it's not that they aren't using the right words...it's that they aren't using words that make any sense to a person capable of working through problems and making deductions on their own. I rather like doing my own thinking thank you.

    Also note that alexccmeister is from Brunei...isn't that calling the kettle black? One of the richest countries in the world...home to more supercars per capita than any other country in the world...home to more extravagant displays of wealth than anywhere else in the world. And from whence did this fortune arise? Oil of course...

    I's be HEPPY to fetch da watta fo ya massa, mebbe I's can have a drink when I's done suh?

    Never ask for a sacrifice you're not prepared to make yourself. In totality. Ask any soldier, sailor, airman, Coastie or Marine. I'll stake my life for a brother. Because I know a brother would stake his life for mine. As for anyone else...better you than me.
    How I wish I am where you are not where I am.

    Sorry my friend, Brunei is rich but the people don't own it. Its owned by a family here and thats as far as it goes. The supercars are owned by the same family. There are many poors here and too much self interests by a minority group that gives me a headache just thinking about it. I am ashamed to be even be called a Bru%$^en. Seriously.

    And I am not religious at all, I am not a muslim, nor am I a christian, I am a buddist but by birth and I don't practice it as much as I should. So you don't really know me and can't judge me just because I come from a rich country and a few words that has religious connotation. Who is paranoid here?

    Where I come from to insult the family is a crime punishable by jail term. Who dares to criticize? No one and those that does are outside of the country and do so under an assumed name.

    But here's the difference, you live in a country that is a democracy. And you can (so to speak) pick and choose who to run for office and take care of the country and the world. I believe USA has the capability to take the lead and to be the big brother to look after the world (and I am willing to accept that simply because some governments in the east couldn't care less), but not with the people like bush who just want to reap for his benefit. You like him and people like cheney because he doesn't want to accept the kyoto protocol not because he is looking after your welfare, its because he is looking after his and his alone.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    [quote=Mariss Freimanis;368955]
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWild View Post
    I'll be doing this for my own amusement. I have no interest in "outing" or embarrassing individuals and I never would because it's unkind. I'm only interested to see if there is a trend and I'll only be doing what anyone else can if they wish.

    Let's see what happens. I'll tabulate the aggregate results.

    I did it four monthis ago. Like I said, I have a BS in Technical and Profesional Communication out of RIT. All profesions have their code of ethics, but many in this field are as shady as politicians. We go hand in hand you know. My findings were showing some posters with 200 to 10 post ratios of Global warming to technical forums and the posts in the tech forums were not really followed well. The only reason for my research was boredom and due to my knowing of the latest ways things are done to sway public opinion. Sadly your point of view has the most phonies pushing it.

    When we push for the named studies, we will find that at a third level of ownership, the studies will actually be paid for by energy interests. This isn't some Iliminatie thing, it's just big business looking out for itself. It's what ad agencies do the best. We sway public opinion. And to really sway it well, you need Engineers saying the sciientists are full of it. Who do people believe. Scientists? HAHAHAHAHA Engineers? Oh yeah, they still speak the language.

    Am I in an ad agency? No. I find manipuating public opinion reprehensible. We (I use this loosely) use psychological studies to design ways to reach, grab attention, hold the attention, and once we have it, place ideas. Once an idea has been placed, it becomes cemented and folks can have reason drilled at them intensly and it does no use. Once the idea is entrenched, it takes very little effort to keep it entrenched.

    Yes I have a degree in communication, but Shakespear was never mentioned.

  12. #72
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by martinw View Post
    Dear MrWild,

    How can I become one of them?

    Well, I wish I could say that I've been hanging around in underground parking lots, in the early hours, waiting for a thick brown envelope stuffed with cash from a geezer employed by those wicked oil companies.

    Believe me, I need their cash.

    Since you mentioned it, any chance of posting any evidence that these organised and prostituted people exist????

    Best wishes,


    Very easy to check. Just look up posters and view their activities. Number of posts and where they have posted are listed. Like I said, I checked four months ago and wrote a number of posters off. My senior year I took eighteen credits a quarter of senior studies.. This works out to about four semesters at a "normal" college. Some courses were true eye openers. I'm not talking like a conspiracy lunatic. As I said, it's just a fact of life. People are easily manipulated when you use the current psychological studies on what to say, how to say it, and when to say it.

    Want to place a big 3' x 5' sign in your neighbors yard? Start by asking if they will put a 4" x 4" placard in their picture window. Stuck with having to give bad information in a proxy statement? Here are three ways. Put the information in a pie chart. Normally this is a very bad way to do things as a pie chart is easily understood by the human eye. Turn it into a 3D disk. Now lay it into an iso view with the bad segment to the rear. 3D allows the good information at the front to seem larger than it is and bad to the rear smaller. You say, "Things started good but have progressively gotten worse?" Change the time frame. Go most recent on the left leading to the present. People expect charts to grow. They see the chart rising, assume growth and don't look at the fine print. The best one is just bury the numbers in a spread sheet. People HATE looking at them for information. Lazy wins out.

    Like I've said, I have a degree in communcation and Shakespeare was never mentioned. Yes, you can make money chatting on the internet. Designing what the drones say is a lot more money though. Not what I want to do. My senior year turned me off to that end. I'd rather write technical manuals.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWild View Post
    .... The best one is just bury the numbers in a spread sheet. People HATE looking at them for information. Lazy wins out....
    And I thought I was the only one who wrote a long boring introduction, put the important stuff in the middle followed by a long boring conclusion, when I wanted someone to agree to something in writing but not know exactly what they had agreed to.

    Mr Wild do you have a degree in communication or mis-communication .
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by alexccmeister View Post
    How I wish I am where you are not where I am.

    Sorry my friend, Brunei is rich but the people don't own it. Its owned by a family here and thats as far as it goes. The supercars are owned by the same family. There are many poors here and too much self interests by a minority group that gives me a headache just thinking about it. I am ashamed to be even be called a Bru%$^en. Seriously.

    And I am not religious at all, I am not a muslim, nor am I a christian, I am a buddist but by birth and I don't practice it as much as I should. So you don't really know me and can't judge me just because I come from a rich country and a few words that has religious connotation. Who is paranoid here?

    Where I come from to insult the family is a crime punishable by jail term. Who dares to criticize? No one and those that does are outside of the country and do so under an assumed name.

    But here's the difference, you live in a country that is a democracy. And you can (so to speak) pick and choose who to run for office and take care of the country and the world. I believe USA has the capability to take the lead and to be the big brother to look after the world (and I am willing to accept that simply because some governments in the east couldn't care less), but not with the people like bush who just want to reap for his benefit. You like him and people like cheney because he doesn't want to accept the kyoto protocol not because he is looking after your welfare, its because he is looking after his and his alone.

    I apologize if I have offended you. I did not intend to. I normally do not apologize for what I say, however, with any webforum, physical cues and inflection do not come through, so without very careful wording, it is easy to sound different than what was intended.

    As for being paranoid...if I were exhibiting signs of UNHEALTHY paranoia, it would be possible to shake off my words as ranting from an unstable person. I have literally been around the world and seen combat in 5 countries. I know what it's like to have unknown enemies who want you dead for no reason other than you are a convenient target or are unliked as an outsider. I have experienced several different cultures. I have enjoyed most of them. Some I have learned to be grateful for my own culture.

    As for Bush, like a lot of service people, I voted for him because I knew he'd take care of the military. Our first question when he started running for president, was when are we going to Iraq? I found out a year later. Since then, I have had the dubious honor of meeting both him and Cheney. Cheney also happens to be from my state and home town. I think he's an alright person, definitely misguided by his fundamentalist beliefs, and a horrible leader. His one saving grace is his ability to recognize the abilities in others. Say what you will about the current group holding high offices, they know how to play ball.

    I don't practice any religion and I tolerate others' beliefs, so long as they do not interfere with mine. When I was stationed in Saudi Arabia, it infuriated me that our service women were made to wear burkhas. That is NOT part of our military uniform. For chrissakes, we couldn't have Playboy in our PX. I personally don't care for porn, but if some guy wants to look at airbrushed models and read inane article, more power to him. When we're "guests" of another country, we have to abide by their rules, no matter how backwards they may be.

    As for the US being the "big brother" and "leading the way", I say no thank you. Our constitution says nothing of spreading democracy, promoting democracy or establishing democracies. Only to guarantee ours. Besides, we are technically a democratic republic, and thank god for that, because true democracy would have ruined our country at least 150 years ago. Most people are barely able to care for themselves, let alone make decisions that affect people besides themselves.

    So...India and China together have 3 billion (BILLION!!!) people...America has 330 million people. I should forego, give up, go without (and many other meaningless phrases) my standard of living to "lead the way" while 10 times as many people do far worse things environmentally to "bootstrap" themselves to economic superpowers? We're about to give away our middle class so that they can gain theirs? Not the world I care for my children to inherit. Give me a real solution. For a real problem.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexccmeister View Post
    but not with the people like bush who just want to reap for his benefit. You like him and people like cheney because he doesn't want to accept the kyoto protocol not because he is looking after your welfare, its because he is looking after his and his alone.

    Bush did NOT reject signing the Kyoto protocol. Signing Kyoto came up during the Clinton administration, but Clinton was forbidden by the US senate from signing it.

    I am no Bush fan. As proof of this statement, read what I posted here: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36037

    I suggest you research signing Kyoto yourself. Google is your friend: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q...clinton+senate

    For instance:




  16. #76
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Hi WYLD,

    No worries, none taken. You are right, sometimes its difficult to sound mild and saying something strong over the net in text form. TBH I have always looked up to the states for being the perfect candidate for a big brother. For being the balancer of evil. History has seen many a times where USA has done her bit to rid the world of really bad people. I am glad when they caught Saddam and hanged him for what he did. But it would be a big responsibility to look after the whole world though.

    Maybe the day will come when USA has to take up the lead role again to sort out the mess we put ourselves in, i.e. pollution and the likes. Who else would? China? India? I don't think so. After all we are living under the same roof, so to speak. So when the s4!t hits the fan, everyone gets it.

    Maybe I have been watching too much movies. LOL.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhowelb View Post
    "Mariss"...has a dry sense of humor...
    So do I.

    My "confession" was intended mainly for entertainment.

  18. #78
    Lest there be any misunderstanding, I had set my humor setting to "very dry". Maybe too dry it seems. A dark conspiracy was suggested so I ran with it by replying in kind.


  19. #79
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWild View Post
    I'd rather write technical manuals.

    Well, I suppose that the paper I drew attention to in post #20 is a "technical manual" to some people.

    Best wishes,


  20. #80
    Please see the attached gif file. It should put things into perspective regarding what has happened to our earth in times past.

    Tides we know flow and ebb every day and measure a few feet. The earth has many time scales, the kinds that take a day and the kinds that take place on a scale we cannot imagine.

    The graph shows the flow and ebb of tides that measure in millions years. The Pleistocene is our current era. It is what came after the extinction of dinosaurs, our current era and about an hour on earth's scale of time.

    Please interpret the graph with me. See that the amplitude of the sea-level ranges from near 300 feet higher than now and 400 feet less than now. Note the graph gets finer with time as we near the present; there are more fluctuations. This is only because there is clearer evidence of what our earth's history is.

    Note the very small "H" at the right-hand side of the timeline. It is the Historical time period starting with the advent of civilization and it spans only 10,000 years.

    The sea-level has risen 350 feet in the last 10,000 years. Heat-producing human activity spans less than 200 years, or only the last 1/50th of the tiny 'H' span of the graph. It is less than 1 pixel of the graph and it is of no consequence.

    10,000 years ago glaciers covered the northern 1/3 of the US 2 miles deep. They melted and raised the sea. I grew up in Ohio and remember marveling at the terminal moraines the ancient glaciers left. In my imagination, I tried to see what the land looked like as they retreated. It must have been a very sad place where life could only find purchase 1 or 2 months out of the year.

    Most of us live in a temperate climate and it is the same way. Life thrives for 6 months and then it dies; we call it winter. Is it natural? Not for most of earth's natural history, life has simply adapted to a harsh reality. We also have a very nice place in Hawaii we call home. Life here thrives 12 months out of the year. To me it seems like the natural order of things. Why should life have to adapt by dying every year when the more natural course is to continue uninterrupted? It makes no sense unless it is trying to hang on in a hostile environment from which it didn't originate.

    The earth will warm, the remaining ice will melt and the seas will rise whether we are here or not. It is blissfully uncaring of our concerns. From the graph, the seas will rise another 300 feet before the cycle repeats in another 100,000 years. Between now and then, everywhere will become semi-tropical and life will be as it was for countless millions of years before.

    Global warming alarmists cry the seas will rise 30 feet if we don't do something now. Look at the graph. What is 30 feet on it if nothing but a blip? Where do these alarmists get the arrogance to believe something done in 20 years means anything one way or the other? It doesn't even rate a single pixel. We can "do" something about it? No; we are less than fleas on an elephant.

    These changes shown on the graph are monumental both in amplitude and time. We should have a little humility about where we fit in.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails LEVELS.gif  

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