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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    hitachi Seiki VK45 with Seicos II

    I am not sure where to post my questions but this seems like the most likely spot. I have just purchased this machine and have it under power now, cleaned, lubed and repaired. I have a 1988 instruction manual, a 1987 parts manual and a 1987 maintenance manual. All are written in jap/english. The manuals have no illustrations and near impossible to follow instructions. My need are small or so it seemed. I need to get my G code from my PC into the Seicos and start milling. HAH! Seems so simple. I have many questions about the operation of this mill and since Hitachi Seiki is no more I am hoping I can find help here.

    Just to get warmed up, first question! I managed to figure out how to call up a stored G code procedure (must be a left over from the previous owner) and start execution. The spindle starts and I get an error "No Reference". Well that makes sense to me. The machine needs to know where to start from. But how to tell it? I have tried everything I can think of (short list, did not take long!) I have read and re-read the manuals. Nothing about setting a reference anywhere and then to add insult to injury, once started, I can not stop the spindle without shutting the whole machine off. Not much of surprise here as 1/3 of the items on the control panel are not explained or addressed in the instruction manual. Has anyone re-written these into English? Perhaps a later revision? I can imagine that Hitachi sent out some one to install this machine and train the operator when it was new. Sounds really spendy. So does flying “someone” out here. I hope ya’ll can help. I have been a machinist for 35 years but this CNC stuff is making me feel like a two year old pointing and asking “why?”.

    Thank you,
    Way out in Eastern Oregon

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I don't know if you have any more luck, but if you are still looking for help, when Hitachi went under, Mori Seiki picked them up and their distributors are supposed to be the reps for them. If you have any questions, you may start there. I know they struggle some with the Hitachi line some as well, but they should have the resources to find out. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Thanks JP, Had one hell of a time trying to navigate MS web site, got nowhere. Called them, sent me to Ellison, got "we not the original distributor for these (Hitachi Seiki) products" and "We have no experience with that machine" from their service manager. Uh huh, so I see. This is gonna be a pain, too bad that fellow Hitach-man dissapeared.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    can you get me the model and serial number is possible, I may have a contact that used to be a service engineer for Hitachi. I have gotten a lot of good info from him. maybe we can get you something to help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Sure can JP! Hitachi Seiki VK45. The serial is 45251. I spent some time servicing medical imaging equipment (CT scanners, MRI and rad/fluro system) working on this mill would be an easy task for me with the proper documentation~ ;-)


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