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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Syil Products > help with wiring diagram for C6 CNC
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    help with wiring diagram for C6 CNC

    Well we got the machine but there were no instuctions on how to put it together. I got the stepper motors on I'm just wondering now about where the spindle encoder and the other limit switches are suppose to be attached to the control box. I tried the Syil America phone # anybody have this info that has the Lathe. Journeyman?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ok, I am at home and my Machine is at work so I will try to go from memory,
    The X axis Motor Plug goes to X axis Plug on the Control Box.
    The X Home limit switch plugs in above the X axis.
    The Z axis is the same and the Z Home limit switch plugs in above it.
    I think the Encoder plugs in above the Y axis motor Plug..but I am not sure without looking.
    I always turn my system on like this:
    1_ Turn On P/C
    2_ Turn On Lathe Control Box
    3_ Open Mach3 Turn
    In the shop where I work we have 5 Servo System CNC Knee Mills and the above start up is the way they are used, So I sort of adapted it to my Lathe.
    Once you get Mach3 Turn Loaded you should click on the red reset button it will quit blinling.
    Open the manual screen. Then Home X/Z axis's. Make sure that you have all of the Cosmoline (or whatever it is) Wiped off of the ways and the lead screws.Oil the girl up and Make Chips.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Okay I'm sure we set it up the way you described. The only place left to plug in the spindle encoder was that Y axis port, on the control unit. When we got into mach3 I couldn't get the reset deal worked out, so you click on it so it quits blinking then go to manual function and home the x, z axis? How do you home each axis. Will the machine jog before you do the homing ? Or are you suppose to home it where it came from the factory? I sure hope we can get someone from syil on the phone tommarrow. Thanks for your help journeyman.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Yes, it will jog before you home it. In the manual screen set, use your mouse pointer and Click on the Set Home Z and Set Home X axis buttons Center set of buttons under Part DRO. You also should have the C6 Profile for Mach3 Turn unzipped and loaded in the Mach3 folder. Try to get into a habit of homing the machine first thing...just wisdom at work The machine will home from where ever it is at. Hope this helps. You will get the hang of it as you run it. It is really simple as you will soon see.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Okay have the lathe working, just need to get it set up for the long haul. We had the quick change tool post arrive today from little machine shop. I guess I'm in bad need of that adapter plate you made for yours Journeyman. We tried to write a few quick codes in Mach wizards so we could watch this thing work but alas I'm a newby to all this and the stupid factor kicked in and we had programs run in mid air but hey it's progress. I'm sure sooner or later we will get some good files written and start making parts.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Sent you a P.M. a little bit ago...Iam Swamped at work, thought I would be able to get my last part for my turret finished last Sat. but I worked all day. I dont know when I will be able to make your Riser Block. I had a feeling this would happen.
    You should download the Using Mach3 Turn PDF File from their website and take to Kinkos and have them print it up into a book...it has a ton of information in it and it also has all of the G-Codes and M-Codes in it. A definate help Tool. Bob

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Well heck just when ya think you might be up and running!!!! We had our new switch that was overnighted fail. The dang red safety switch glued on the inside and the glue bond broke. I used some superglue to try reattach it with some accelerator. And now it's fubared. The design on that switch leaves alot to be desired. cause as soon as the bond breaks spings pull it into a machine off state. Oh the humanity.

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