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  1. #21

    *** Happy Birthday ***

    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Micro Rotor,
    Just got in from my "birthday party" and will try to take some pictures in the morning and post here.
    Well then let me say ... Happy Birthday To You! :banana:


  2. #22
    Yep Happy Birthday. I had got the Digital Machinist a few days ago and have done my always look at all the pictures first then read. Needless to say now I have to go get it and start reading that article. Seems like a great idea to have around. I wonder how one of the webcams that has a zoom feature or a small security camera would work. Only one way to find out I guess, that is if I dont have to sell my mill and lathe, that will SUCK. Congrats on getting yours up and working.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I just had to make one of these so I went down in my shop tonight and made a simple Center Cam. I used the cheapest web cam I had (Biltema). The cam had no fokus ring. But when I had disasembeled it i found a lens that could be adjusted. The web cam had a diode in front I bent the diode so the ligth was on the same spot as the lens. That worked wel. The braket for the cam migth be a little to simple but I see that if I could adjust the cam to the eksakt center this wil be a very nice tool for me. And a fun project done in a couple of hours.

    I had problems with picture upload so all the pictures is here

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by smoregrava View Post
    I just had to make one of these so I went down in my shop tonight and made a simple Center Cam. I used the cheapest web cam I had (Biltema). The cam had no fokus ring. But when I had disasembeled it i found a lens that could be adjusted. The web cam had a diode in front I bent the diode so the ligth was on the same spot as the lens. That worked wel. The braket for the cam migth be a little to simple but I see that if I could adjust the cam to the eksakt center this wil be a very nice tool for me. And a fun project done in a couple of hours.

    I had problems with picture upload so all the pictures is here
    Nice job.

    How did you get the cross hairs?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I downloaded the centercam software. That seems to be a very easy and god program. Try that


  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I see how this would be usefull but I cannot figure out how you guys are making sure the cross hairs are dead center. Is there a write up some where that I can read on how to use the camera. Also do you have to go threw the process of making sure its zero every time. And lastly how do you align the cross hairs if the spindle is able to rotate, Im guessing you lock down the spindle but I wondering about the camera being lined up in the collet.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Hi guys,
    Well, yesterday was a blow out and I didn't get the pictures made as promised. Did get some work done on the new case for it though as it warmed up enough to get an hour in the shop after helping a friend "put out some fires".
    I first tried making a bracket to hold the original "golf ball" but found it was to easy to knock out of alignment. So we are in the process of making a new housing that will hold the pcb directly. Material being used is pvc fittings, pvc pipe, and some aluminum for the shaft.
    regnar, in my experience, after setup (no, I have found no manual for CentreCam); I have used the output cable as a constant to line things up. In the new setup, I have an old R8 collet that will be dedicated to this use. It will have a key to make sure the camera is lined up the same way in the collet each time and of course, the quill has a key also. This should eliminate any potential runout and insure lining the camera up the same way each time. In my initial setup, I put a piece of material in the vice and did a small pip with a center drill and then zeroed it on that without moving the table at all.

    One thing to remember when you have calibrated the sizes for measurement is that you MUST always have the camera at the same height above the stock or your calibration is useless.
    AKA Country Bubba (Older Than Dirt)

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Well, as the saying goes; better late than never.

    Attached are three pictures of how things are progressing now. Got a chance to work in the shop for a few hours today so I took advantage of it and have prototype two for your viewing (and (flame2) ) if you so choose :nono:

    Ok, the first one was taken with a flash to show the positioning of the leds. Hopefully, you can see they are angled in at a 45° angle to point at the center of the viewing area. I set the camera about 1/2" above the surface so it seems to work out.

    The second shot is with out a flash and give an idea of how it looks.

    The third shot shows a side view of the assembly.

    At this time, the leds are fed with a separate USB as I want to see what the current draw of the camera is. The tag says 100ma max and according to my research, that is the max you should draw from an USB port. The control pot is hanging off the side for the time being until I can determine what I am going to do. In all probability, it will be one of those "round-to-it" projects and I will just use it as is.

    Don't know what the heck happened to the attachments, it says they up loaded and were no where near max file size? Attempting to upload a zip with them in it?
    Attached Files Attached Files
    AKA Country Bubba (Older Than Dirt)

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2006

    I think you might be better to remove some of that "Hood" on the lens.

    The closer (within reason) that you can get the lens to the subject the better.

    The closer it is the more accurately you can see very small distances. I can see a 0.001" movement from 4mm focus distance.

    If I read your post correctly you have a pot controlling the LED brightness. Good idea. Think it will be needed.


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Yes, the variable light source is definitely needed! Initial testing gave a washout on aluminum and was pretty bright on some cold rolled also. Having an adjustment makes a big difference.
    As for the focus distance, that is to be played with next. I had to make a decent housing before I did anything else as I mentioned, just a slight jar before would knock it out of alignment. I know what you mean about the "seeing" of slight movement also. Now, we can get down to some serious adjustment and measurements! I HAD (operative word) a real nice electronic touch probe edge finder setup until I zigged when I should have zagged! It is now bent:{( Then I found the CentreCam setup and decided to give it a try. Looks real promising for a lot of setups.
    AKA Country Bubba (Older Than Dirt)

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    nice i am really thinking of making my self one of those now that i have a lathe
    The opinions expressed in this post are my own. -Les opinions exprimé dans ce messages sont les mienne

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I used both the lathe and mill to make this one. The pcb is recessed into the top part and my rotary table was real handy in making the 120° holes for attachment to the top spindle part. I also used the mill to make the 45° holes and counterbores for the led installation.
    AKA Country Bubba (Older Than Dirt)

  13. #33

    You should, there easy to make and the little work you do to make one, will com in ten fold in using it.

    To All,

    I'm still working on the "NV" version. I had a little setback, I broke the LCD on my laptop and have been spending some time on trying to locate a replacement screen.

    I will post my findings as soon as possible.


    It's looking good.


  14. #34

    *** Update ***

    Ok, Well I have had a setback, I just cant seem to get the "NV" version up and running the way I want it. I ruined one lens and had to get another camera to get the lens from it to try one more time before putting this one to bed.

    My fingers are still crossed and I do feel it will work, I just have to go through the trial and error phase first. I will post my final Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down on it this weekend.


  15. #35
    Finished up my version today.
    used the guts from a [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Veo-Connect-Web-Camera-USB/dp/B00006B9YC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1203178903&sr =1-2"]Veo Connect Web Camera[/ame]
    Can get as close as 1/16 inch and still focus.
    Should do the job.
    Going down to hook it up and calibrate it in.
    See if my shop lights are bright enough,
    played around with LED's but they don't work well without a diffuser.
    Waiting on your 'NV' version Bill, sounds cool.
    Later Hoss
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_2194crop_1024x521.jpg   IMG_2198crop_1024x703.jpg  
    http://www.hossmachine.info - Gosh, you've... really got some nice toys here. - Roy Batty -- http://www.g0704.com - http://www.bf20.com - http://www.g0602.com

  16. #36
    Very Cool Hoss, Very Cool indeed!

    I'm thinking I am making progress today, I just don't want to scrap another lens doing the conversion otherwise it wont be feasible for other to do and thats what my goal is.

    My life = .... K.I.S.S.

  17. #37
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Way Cool!!! :})
    As far as the led's go, I found it necessary to include a dimming adjustment. Different materials need different amounts of light to see properly. When I initially used just my shop light, found shadows were cast making it difficult to properly see the edges.

    I don't have a diffuser on mine. However, they are angled in at a 45° angle.
    AKA Country Bubba (Older Than Dirt)

  18. #38


    Ok I give up, :drowning:

    I am having to hard time trying to get the IR film of the fricken lens. I think Wal-Mart is on to me though!

    I have been to 3 stores and keep returning the same style of camera multiple times to the 3 stores, and all 3 stores want to know why I just don't try another brand. I HAVE BEEN THROUGH 7 CAMERAS!!!!!!!!!

    Well ... I just cant say that the other brands will not fit into the housing I made for the parts that I am taking out of these cameras that I am returning now can I?


  19. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Micro Rotors View Post
    Ok I give up, :drowning:

    I have been to 3 stores and keep returning the same style of camera multiple times to the 3 stores, and all 3 stores want to know why I just don't try another brand. I HAVE BEEN THROUGH 7 CAMERAS!!!!!!!!!

    Well ... I just cant say that the other brands will not fit into the housing I made for the parts that I am taking out of these cameras that I am returning now can I?

    Glad I don't shop at Walmart. Is that the sort of message that we really want to send to people. Buy something, take it apart and if it doesn't work, return it for some other unsuspecting person to get.

    Wouldn't it be easier and less time consuming to just modify what YOU made to fit, what YOU bought?

    I don't want to come off all preachy, but I do have lots of stuff around that house that didn't work the way I wanted it to.

    Just a thought.


  20. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    It works!!! Thanks for the inspiration!! A $16 web cam from Target, a day in the shop and here are the results. Not as elegant as some of the other examples I've seen here but it's a start for me. If the first two holes I drilled to test it are any indication, lining up the mill is going to be a lot easier, faster and more accurate from here on out.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails P2230113.jpg  

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