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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Angry Help please cncbridges got my money

    Hello to all
    so harp back to an old issue but
    I have fallen into the cncbridges con trick,he's had my money since 2 dec 07
    & promised mid jan 08,guess what,same as everyone else loads of pathetic but nearly plasible excuses exept he always says delays due to local customer work,what about paid customers do they not count to mr harlow.
    now says will refund ,1st promised day yesterday & no money,says today (no money yet (suprising that)but not full refund 50% today & 50% friday.
    Is there a way of ensuring refund or do i just wait for it & can nothing be done to stop this trickster from trading.
    I suppose i should be grateful i didn't pay full UK shipping up front.

    ps:now got to find new machine in a hurry,anybody any reccomendations for benchtop available in uk,no X3 need more X & Y travel thought about xj25 or ama20lv from amadeal or Wabeco (i know big price difference but i need to catch up i'm at least 2 months behind with project work so wabeco 100% out of crate but £££.

  2. #2
    check this thread,
    Not Happy With- CNCBridges.com (DeWayne Harlow) - New X2 Mini Mill Base
    It took leandrot 3 months to receive his refund so you may have to be patient.
    there is another gentleman from the UK on there asking for help in dealing with Mr. Harlow.
    Good Luck
    http://www.hossmachine.info - Gosh, you've... really got some nice toys here. - Roy Batty -- http://www.g0704.com - http://www.bf20.com - http://www.g0602.com

  3. #3
    If you paid with a credit card or paypal you could use there dispute process. If it was a money order or certified check I have heard that you can file disputes on those also but I dont know for sure never tried it. Hope it all works out for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Maybe It's time for the cnczone owner / Administrator to delete and do away the entire
    NEW X2 MINI MILL BASE original thread. Maybe by not having access to MR. Harlow's thread and web site it will save trusting soles from having to go through this BS.
    I know there were a few members of this site that took offense to my opinion of Mr Harlow....I wonder if they feel the same way now?????.

    PS. Even though I did not buy one of Harlows mini mill bases...I still have the privilege to voice my opinion and tell it the way it is !!!.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I've just bought an AMA25LV ( what you get when you order an AMA20LV ) from Amadeal. Its a really nice machine with a much higher build quality than most Chinese imports. Hugh still has some in stock at present. In my experience Amadeal are a good company to deal with as well. Hope this helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I did support him in that I suggested that he be given more of a chance to get these to market. That was petty early on though. That chance is long gone of course. It is obvious in hindsight that he needs to stray away from web marketing and deal strictly with his local customers that he's always tied up with anyway. I did suggest back then that if anyone was uncomfortable with the transaction, they should request the refund then.

    I wouldn't call him a cheat, as it appears everyone is getting the refunds, if not in a timely manner. I just think he's too much of an optimist when setting his goals. Let's face it, the product and price point was very attractive, so the man has some intelligence. I can tell you for a fact that in a small one man shop, you have to be a self starter. Even the best laid plans can go astray and you have to tackle things as they occur. I often miss self imposed dead lines and ship dates, but I never promise those dates. I say it should ship or I will do my best to ship by.....That is as honest as I can be. The only way I can promise a ship date is after I have dropped it off at the PO.

    I didn't care for the original thread being locked. I understand why it was done. Mr. Harlow still has a website as far as I know and if he has products available for purchase on the web, you should be able to read feedback from customers satisfied or otherwise. That way maybe someone like the OP can make a better informed decision before sending his hard earned cash to earn someone else some interest for a few months. Not to mention the mental aspect of what that does to a fella. The Zone is an incredible resource for anything related to machining and cnc, so I feel the threads should stay around if for no other reason than research.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    DeWayne Harlow

    Thanks to all for replies.
    Just to clarify a point made by Lee,i appreciate your point about Mr Harlow is nort a cheat BUT he is now advertising on his website 8 tables available for April,May & June.How come could not do mine as 1 of 4 avail in January.
    At the end of the day nobody claims to have ever received a table,there are no customer feedback pages on his website,so basically the CNCbridges affair is a cheat.
    As to Paypal claim,I have used paypal regularly for 3 yrs prior to the Cncbridges affair & i will be closing my account as soon as Mr Harlow pays me & in between will not use for any purchases,they are not interested in helping with rogue traders,I have the reply from them available to validate this statement.
    So a warning to all BEWARE.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Have you received any refund yet ??.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    harlow refund status

    Hi Kenrik
    Yes & No !!! received 50% on 20 Feb,Hsrlow said i'd get this on 19th by e-cheque Not cleared yet,should have received other 50% on 21st no payment & now Harlow wont answer e-mail's.I would be very surprised if first payment clear's & i am not realistically expecting second 50% seeing as i have complained to paypal & an awaiting response from UK police computer crime unit re:has harlow acted with criminal intent.I did warn him of my course of action but he doesn't seem concerned so i assume he thinks he has acted lawfully.
    I'm annoyed at my own stupidity for allowing him my $$$ ,but if not getting my money means an end to his activities that's gives me some satisfaction & hopefully saves anyone else from getting caught by Cncbridges


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Be patient, I am sure you will get it all albeit a bit slow. It took me about a month or so for the check to finally clear. By the way, I am still interested to get Harlow's table if he has some for delivery that is. But for now I am keeping my cash until that time happens.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Has anyone actually gotten one of the kits yet into their possession?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Guys, I looked at buying one of these before and due to the nature of his business practices didn't.

    I traced down his address for anyone that wants it. His Website is registered to this address. (Mods, this is publicly available info. Through Whois search.) Maybe it will help this guy get on the straight and narrow and stop ripping people off. Maybe someone in the area can go visit him and see how the operation is going? Lots of us would still like to purchase a base if we can prove they are real.

    DeWayne Harlow
    33935 N. Corbin
    Walker, Louisiana 70785
    United States

    Administrative Contact:
    Harlow, DeWayne [email protected]
    33935 N. Corbin
    Walker, Louisiana 70785
    United States
    (225) 686-8179

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Post Has anyone recently received a Mini Mill Base from CNCBridges ?

    Has anyone recently received a Mini Mill Base from CNCBridges ?

    The products that are on the CNCBridge website look like they are made very well.

    How many of these Mini Mill Bases have been delivered?

    Are there any happy CNCBridge customers on the CNCZone?

    Jeff Alessi

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I was told 2 weeks ago that there are at least 12 kits that need to be made before mine and I pre-purchased in March for April. My personal suggestion would be not to order anything from this person until he gets his backorders caught up. I'm guessing at the very earliest, I might see a kit in July. Then again he's not answered my last email either. This person has had a long established bad track record so far. I've yet to see any kits shipped since he started offering it. That doesn't mean I want a refund at all. I want the kit....even if he has to tare down his production machine and give me that. :P

    This guy knowingly has a back order yet still takes preorders months in advance. It's a business and he should act in a business-like manner. He never replied when I asked him why he's still taking preorders with such a backorder of kits. Anyone else wanting to buy a kit, just do the math. He's dug himself quite a hole and is just making it deeper though inaction.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Just ask nine_16,
    He paid for his table 1 1/2 YEARS ago and guess what, He NEVER got a table.
    he did finally wise up and asked for a refund but who knows if he got it.
    probably used your payment to give nine_16 his money.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Lightbulb Has anyone ever received a Mini Mill Base from CNCBridges ?

    How many people have sent and are still sending money.

    Why are CNCZone members still sending money and placing orders?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Google Map of CNCBridges Corporate Headquarters


    Anybody see a building capable of turning out high-quality mill bases?

    Maybe the squirrels know how to find the place.


  19. #19

    DeWayne Harlow

    Hello all,

    Well I am still waiting for my order having paid ALL the money up front. FIrst of all I would like to point out that Harlow is still taking orders on his web site. He must think we are all stupid or something, I have thought long and hard about what my next step would be.

    So here goes. He has not answered my last 4 emails promising that my unit would be out "NEXT WEEK" HaHa that was back in Feb.

    I have paid for some research to be done on Harlow. Taxes, criminal record and so on.

    DeWayne L. Harlow
    33935 N. Corbin
    Walker Louisiana 70785
    1 225-686-8179 Home Number
    1 225-590-7373 Mobile or skype

    Harlow was born 15 Feb 1952 age 55

    Reltives are
    Larry DeWayne Harlow
    DOnald Harlow
    at the above address but different telephone number
    1 225 686-7084

    Previous address
    16790 Varando Rd
    Walker, LA 70785

    Mr Harlow has ties to other companies as well
    Including a garden centere

    All numbers above not answered, But the town of Walker District Attourneys ofice does speak to me, Wonderful!!!

    Mr Harlow is commiting several offences including mail order fraud as he recieves money through the post

    The State of LA is NOT AWARE of the PayPal cash dealings either. Interesting.

    Just in case DeWayne Harlow reads this. I was not born yesterday. I have been more than supportive and patient. I may live in the UK but I am a American Citizen and have many ties to the USA and public offices.

    I have alot and I mean ALOT more information on our dear Mr Harlow.

    Things are very simple for Harlow:
    1) Take your website down
    2) Stop taking mney
    3) Either ship or pay everyone back the money owed
    4) In my case ship the table
    5) appologise to this forumn for putting us through the pain and suffering caused
    6) Show some *********** Remourse

    That should just about do it.

    Mr Harlow is one step away from the people in suits comming down on him.

    Cheers DeWayne Young (UK)

    Now to the forum, SOrry guys for putting this message up but I don't want to see more people pating with money and supporting his criminal life style on our account.

    Now if anyone would like to join forces and see Mr DeWayne Harlow go on holiday at the tax payers expense let me know because the wheels are turning now.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Dewayne Harlow

    Hi DeWayne
    Thanks for the info,if you require any help with Cncbridges,please give me a call,i have sent you my tel no in a private message.
    i got half my refund in February & nothing since,he still owes me & last time i contacted him by e-mail,statement was will send other half when funds allow,can't be many people falling for his con now
    regards Adrian

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