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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Milltronics > Partner IV w/Centurion V Problems
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  1. #1

    Partner IV w/Centurion V Problems

    Bought this running machine a few years back. Set it and wired it and watched the previous owner run it in my shop. I haven't played with it for a few years. I just installed new 3-phase service in my shop and tried to power up. CMOS battery dead. Put in a new batt. and got all kinds of errors. A friend used a keyboard to get it up to the point where it can be homed, but when beginning the home sequence, it goes to home Z and just sits there saying homing Z axis. I don't know where to begin. Called Milltronics and they told me to send the black box to them for a motherboard to the tune of $1600 (this was before we used the keyboard). I really don't want to do this, and I think we can get it going right here. I ordered a batt. from Milltronics to the tune of $73, which I also found the same batt. online for $15, so I'm kind of hesitent to send it to them given the cost(s). My bud's a computer expert of sorts and he's got the machine to where it is now. I removed the front cover and moved the Z completely off the limit and tried homing again but to no avail. I know this is a big question due to variables, but where do I start?
    More to come.
    I also have a Milltronics ML-14 Series A, which doesn't work any more either. It used to, I did some manual turning with it. It's battery is only low.
    I'm about ready to scrap them and get some decent manual machines. No help from Milltronics. All they want to do is sell me new machines. The more I work with them, the worse the problems get. I guess they sat too long. For the stuff I make, I'm faster than a CNC anyway (see my post in the 'Clubhouse'). If I could just get my 12K investment for the two back (FOB FL), that'd be cool. I already e-mailed Milltronics for their list of manual machines. Maybe I'll get 'lucky' again. I think they're (CNC's) a part of the problem with this country, no one wants to work. They would rather have a person of color load/run the machines and reap the profits. I know, I've been in this environment in the industrial Midwest, so don't go there. Give me a Logan, W&S, Sheldon, or SOMETHING American that works!
    I've got to get to work on my M9Evos.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  2. #2
    SAT! I was really pi$$ed at these machines yesterday. I wanted to edit my previous post, but the 'edit' button does not appear, so I'll apologize this way. I'm so close to getting them operational, but I'm only a one-man shop, and I have a huge backlog. It gets frustrating when you're not gaining ground, and customers are biting at your heels for their projects.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    If the Z axis no longer homes, I'd be verifying if the encoder marker pulse happens and where in relation to the homing switch it exists. You can try to trip the homing switch earlier(maybe 1/2-1"?), to see if it completes the process.

    Then adjust the homing cam down a tad. If the cam needs moved a long ways, I'd support the spindle nose and loosen the z axis belt, rotate the motor or ball screw pulley in relation to each other to get the marker/switch relationship closer.

    Does it reverse direction when it sees the switch, then reverse direction again slower to find the marker pulse?


  4. #4
    I lost everything I had gained yesterday. Like I said, I opened the front spindle cover and moved the Z well off the limit, then tried again. It would begin homing sequence. It starts to home Z, saying homing Z axis, then stops cold. I think the Z axis motor may not be receiving info. This is a new motor which I ordered from Milltronics (along with a new cable) and in the end I didn't need it, but it's nice to have a spare. The Z worked before, as I stated, the previous owner ran the machine in my shop.
    Now, I'm back to:

    Invalid graphile path
    CNC session done
    Power down to restart CNC
    ...and all that clicking in the back panel.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtsKustom View Post
    I lost everything I had gained yesterday. Like I said, I opened the front spindle cover and moved the Z well off the limit, then tried again. It would begin homing sequence. It starts to home Z, saying homing Z axis, then stops cold. I think the Z axis motor may not be receiving info. This is a new motor which I ordered from Milltronics (along with a new cable) and in the end I didn't need it, but it's nice to have a spare. The Z worked before, as I stated, the previous owner ran the machine in my shop.
    Now, I'm back to:

    Invalid graphile path
    CNC session done
    Power down to restart CNC
    ...and all that clicking in the back panel.
    It sounds like you may also have corrupt or incomplete files on the hard drive, or Ram drive? There is also a lithium cell on those ram drive boards, if that is what yours has instead of a hard drive.

    If the Z servo is moving, then it is getting power. What seems to be missing is the proper feedback and/or support files to complete the homing function.

    I cannot say if this symptom is board related. I'd prove out the simple, then move on to the complex. Reloading the software isn't that tough if all is in the proper directory and the parameters are correct.

    Milltronics may have your original disks and last I heard, they do not charge to email the files to you.


  6. #6
    "It sounds like you may also have corrupt or incomplete files on the hard drive, or Ram drive? There is also a lithium cell on those ram drive boards, if that is what yours has instead of a hard drive."

    I've gotten that message. I swear my buddy said there was no hard drive when we replaced thwe battery:
    , but I may be mistaken. When he comes back to work on it some more, I'll know more.

    "If the Z servo is moving, then it is getting power. What seems to be missing is the proper feedback and/or support files to complete the homing function."

    Zero is not moving. I moved it with the belt manually down 1/2". It would not home after this either.

    "I cannot say if this symptom is board related. I'd prove out the simple, then move on to the complex. Reloading the software isn't that tough if all is in the proper directory and the parameters are correct.:

    I DID find the original parameters that came with the machine in my manuals.

    "Milltronics may have your original disks and last I heard, they do not charge to email the files to you.


    Thx! I'll call them.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I misunderstood the Z axis symptoms. I thought it did start moving up.

    Since this machine sat idle for a long period. More than likely, you will be chasing some board issues too.

    Double check the AXIS parameter page for proper axis address, homing sequence, positions, directions and velocities. If need be, set the parameters for 2 axis or resequence the homing so that z happens last for now. Make sure to set that back BEFORE running. Z should always go up first! There should also be an F10 HERE key that can be seen after the F1 HOME key is pressed. This will home the axis where they sit, but again, this is not recommended for running in this manner. Just for troubleshooting. If it homes HERE, then try and jog each axis a short distance.

    On the Cent1 controls, I can go to the jog screen without homing and jogged off limits while holding the RESET BUTTON, but I do not know if that is possible with the Cent V system. The screens and functions are somewhat different.

    If all motor and servo amps are identical, you could swap the servo amp of x or y with z and see if the problem moves with the board.


  8. #8
    Many thanks for that! My buddy stopped by today and re-entered the shell/setup and got me back on track. He seems to make sense out of what is being conveyed here, but he had to go to Orlando. When he stops back in later and I get some kind of response from HIM, I'll check in and relate what he's saying/asking. He loses me sometimes. I'm just a simple country gunsmith.
    I e-mailed Milltronics about the original disks and e-mailing them to me.

    "you could swap the servo amp of x or y with z and see if the problem moves with the board."

    My bud told me to swap out the boards as you suggest. I think I'll let him do that.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Invalid graph file path upon boot up is casued by a dead motherboard battery, which affects the CMOS settings on the motherboard.

  10. #10
    My bud came by today. The motherboards (lathe and mill) are eff'ed due to battery leakage. Time to upgrade. That's all I could get out of the conversation. He's getting the parts together. More to come.
    I'm going to have to CALL Milltronics to get the boot disc files.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  11. #11
    Pulled a 3rd shift Friday night replacing the motherboard and power supply on the lathe. There's a bad diode and possibly 2 transistors. Z is maxed in. I need to find a way to move the crosslide back out. I couldn't find a screw like in the back of the lead screw on the X (long). He's going to bench-test another board with my extra DC drive motor.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  12. #12
    ML-14-Excess Error on the X. Getting way big numbers for position. Took it apart & found the problem. Sheared pin at the drive. Ordered 4 transistors (clamps) from Glentek for the board on the lathe.
    Still looking for a workable motherboard for the Partner IV mill.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtsKustom View Post
    Pulled a 3rd shift Friday night replacing the motherboard and power supply on the lathe. There's a bad diode and possibly 2 transistors. X is maxed in. I need to find a way to move the crosslide back out. I couldn't find a screw like in the back of the lead screw on the Z (long). He's going to bench-test another board with my extra DC drive motor.
    Edit for wrong axis nomenclature.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  14. #14
    Got 4 new transistors from Glentek and put then on the board. Now, when homing, all operations stop at 'Homing X Axis' (already swapped out X & Z boards. DC motors energize and are locked up. Is this a random E-stop error?
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    If it were in E-stop, you would see that alarm on the screen.

    I would try the "Home Here" key then see if it will jog or handwheel each axis. That will tell you if the amps work from input to output. Either the signal from the control is missing or the servo amp does not see it.

    If the Z does in fact go up and homes first, the X and Y are set to home at the same time. You could go into the parameters and change the order to 1,2,3 for Z,X,Y or X,Y,Z or Y-Z-X etc. so that each homes first to identify which is still a problem. The normal sequence is set for Z=1, X and Y=2.


  16. #16
    I neglected to mention that this was on the Partner ML-14 lathe, not the Partner IV mill. Both have Cent. V controls. There is no handwheel on the lathe. We tried 'home here' as well on the lathe, but this did not work. I feel we are getting closer, but we need to find the fault that is keeping it from homing.
    I ordered a brand new industrial motherboard for the mill.
    Keep it coming.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sorry, I have no experience with Milltronics lathes. We have a Bridgeport EZ-Path and a Hardinge Toolroom copy with a Centroid.

    If the control boots and goes through the self checking, I'd think the MB would not be an issue to the symptoms. Possibly a motion control board, software or parameter issue.

    Does Z home properly with either amp driving it?

    Can you set the sequence that it homes in, (in the control parameters) so that it homes each axis independantly rather than simultaniously? Z=1 X=2? It may be set for both at 1 since it is a lathe?

    While it is trying to home, see if there is any signal going to the amps analog input pin?

    As a last resort and daringly, you could put a volt or less to that pin(while that wire is disconnected from the control) to see if the amp will move the axis with a small input. I have heard of some tech's doing this with a AA battery between gnd and the amps +/-10v analog input terminal. Flipping the battery polarity gives forward and reverse creep.

    Wish I knew more about their lathe software and control......


  18. #18
    X is supposed to home first, as it's displayed. I will try what you suggest when my tech blows back in. He's on the road.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  19. #19
    On the lathe, we're still having motherboard problems after replacing the 4 transistors from GlenTek. When I reboot it now, I get a 'RAM Init' error, and when it it goes to the diplay, I get a '117' behind the 'initializing display' right before it loads the main operational panel display. What/why is this? It still won't home. Both DC drives do initialize and lock up. I'm hunting another motherboard for it. I think I need one.
    Got a new beauty of a MB700 Industrial for the mill, but we're concentrating on the lathe right now.
    Kurt@Kurt's Kustom Firearms
    Home of the M9EvoM4

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I can't say for certain what the RAM Init error is. Could be associated with the Ram Drive/Simdisk board initialization or something in the RAM file directory? A few insiders here may chime with hints in on that issue. With problems becoming as deep as yours are, it doesn't sound like a singular answer is going to resolve it.

    The 117 is normal. Don't recall what that pertained to, but it is no worry.


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