Quote Originally Posted by Mazaholic View Post
And the price of oil drives it all.
So do we let ourselves be at the mercy of OPEC?
What it doesn't tell you is that engineers are also developing other sources of ethenol...switch grass,cane,using the entire corn plant as a source.
Kinda makes the electric car and air car look that much more promising.
No one said it's going to be easy,any solution won't be easy,it never has been.
But we can't just pick apart every idea and say.."thats too hard' life itself is hard..if it's easy for you,then it's probably hard on the people that make it easy for you.
Sorry,but thats life.
You are free to pursue all of those ideas, some of which might pan out economically. There is some very interesting research into algae that could digest poop to make energy. If the research comes up with good enough information, you might even be able to build homestead-size plants (if temperature control doesn't end up taking more energy than you get back).

You don't have my permission to tax the snot out of me to spend money on research, and you don't have my permission to force adoption of less-efficient energy sources by using government coercion.

And I agree about OPEC. We have more oil sitting here untouched than Saudi Arabia has. The cost of oil (besides the portion attributable to currency debasement, which is most of it) is being held artificially high by political considerations. The price of oil in gold coins has been fairly steady. We have plenty, and it is the enviro movement and their influence on politicians that keep it locked up at the expense of everyone in the country.
