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  1. #661
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    By the way
    How GeckIQ is the drive ?

  2. #662
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


  3. #663
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    another name

    Bantam Gecko or Gecko Bantam

  4. #664
    Join Date
    Apr 2003


    I'd just call it the 'Gator"

    Because I suspect it will eat up most of the competition.


  5. #665
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    A baby gecko is called a geppy.



  6. #666
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    µG (or "micro G"). My guess

  7. #667
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    "Chump Squeeze"

    Marcus Freimanis,

    Someone should continue to "whine" complain about your lack of respect, talking down to CNCZone Forum Members.

    Someone should be "whining" complaining about Forum Members not being treated equally.

    This Forum is most likely accountable for thousands upon thousands of your sales.

    Maybe the volume of each Forum Member sale here is not very great, however the total sum is still very large.

    Treating Forum Members like they are second string players and belittling them is totally wrong.

    Instead of defusing this issue you and your mentor are tossing gas on Forum Members "customers" with your eloquent choice of words!

    Is it a good idea to minimize your customers in public defending your marketing choices?

    We both know you cant make everyone happy, however drama in fact might help sell your products.

    You might consider the name "Drama Drive"
    Everyone loves "drama" controversy.

    Please count me out of the new product name contest, thanks for the "Chump Squeeze".

    Jeff Alessi

  8. #668
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    G-Nome as in genome :the complete set of genetic material of an organism, the basic building blocks as it were (not to be confused with gnome)

  9. #669
    Quote Originally Posted by jalessi View Post
    One of the guys mentioned "why would you care about the person that only purchases three or four drives", that is a statement of complete ignorance.

    i didn t say that ! read the post again and grow up

    your posts have sounded like a 16 yr old school boy begging for his first piece of tail
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  10. #670
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Cool Whats in a name

    Space drive
    Small powerful and cheep

  11. #671
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Is it possible for you to communicate without being degrading?

    My posts have nothing to do with age or sexual preferences.

    Jeff Alessi

  12. #672
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Glue driver, GD.

  13. #673
    Quote Originally Posted by jalessi View Post

    Is it possible for you to communicate without being degrading?

    My posts have nothing to do with age or sexual preferences.

    Jeff Alessi

    degrading ?

    your on here slamming the guys who came here to tell us the new project they have been developing , sharing their knowledge with the community , then call them disrespectfull
    i'm a very happy customer who has experienced the respect these guys have for their customers which is far greater than anything ive seen before .
    these guys are well respected because theyve earned it

    so ya! degrading it is
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  14. #674
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jalessi View Post

    Is it possible for you to communicate without being degrading?

    My posts have nothing to do with age or sexual preferences.

    Jeff Alessi

    Jeff, every one of your posts have basically been degrading since the illogical posting of the definition of brag. You also keep omitting the smilies. Either put some damn smilies in there or take it to PM. We are all fully aware of your thoughts however misguided they may be. Oh and thanks for playing. (wedge)

  15. #675
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Dertsap & Leeway,

    There is a general understanding here that Gecko makes a good product. There has never been a mention of a quality problem.

    You can cloud the issue with whatever you want.

    Gecko is using this forum to sell products, for your information its called Guerrilla Marketing.

    The facts are still in the posts Gecko has made.

    Gecko has stated that there company policy is to provide product to OEM customers first.

    They are wrong slamming a customer because of a complaint.

    Some customers might not be happy with company policies.

    Being degrading wont help anything.

    Anyone can respond with babble.

    Jeff Alessi

  16. #676
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    My suggestion

    How about the Gecko Nest. Hmmmm

  17. #677
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Edited my bad behavior out..... Sorry group(all):withstupi


    LIG: let it go
    Walking is highly over-rated

  18. #678
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I said your thoughts were misguided, so I will explain. Mariss may not hold the same perspective on marketing as you do. There is where your issue lies I think. I like to see people post that have a sense of humor. Thats just the kinda guy I am. You gotta be able to smile once in a while even if it's at yourself.

    I run 9 Gecko's nearly every day. I had issues with 5 of them and I guarantee you I was treated as if I was their only customer. Not only did the fix the drives for free, Mariss figured out by looking at the drives that I was switching the DC side of the PS. My fault it was. I still quickly received new or repaired drives at no cost.

    I need at least three more Geckco's and probably many more. I however have learned to be patient especially with cnc. If someone absolutely needs a drive, I'm certain Gecko would accomodate. They just can't sell the ones that aren't on the market yet. I admire Mariss's and Marcus's clarity and honesty. You may call it Gorilla marketing, but what they are actually doing here is supporting their products.

    You just aren't going to be able to fault these guys in my opinion. You are just viewing things with the wrong shade of glasses. I doubt very many here see things the way you do. I absolutely depend on my Gecko's for my business and now that Mariss figured out what I was doing wrong, they are very dependable.

    I am in the shop making my products every day. I have an 8 week lead time. Guys just have to learn to be patient with me on this. My business is first come, first served. Gecko is not doing anything different. They are taking care of those that came first. People they have dealt with for years. If you can learn to be patient and not so judgemental on how other people do things, you will live a happier life. That you can take to the bank.

  19. #679
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jalessi View Post

    There is a general understanding here that Gecko makes a good product. There has never been a mention of a quality problem.

    You can cloud the issue with whatever you want.

    Gecko is using this forum to sell products, for your information its called Gorrilla Marketing.

    The facts are still in the posts Gecko has made.

    Gecko has stated that there company policy is to provide product to OEM customers first.

    They are wrong slamming a customer because of a complaint.

    Some customers might not be happy with company policies.

    Being degrading wont help anything.

    Anyone can respond with babble.

    Jeff Alessi

    I am not aware of what exactly "Gorrilla [sic] marketing" is, but it sounds particularly violent. In other words, very un-gecko like. We DO however engage in guerrilla marketing, or marketing things with an investment of time opposed to money.

    This entire thread has been a look inside the development process of a drive. We have posted here from start to finish, allowing people to see exactly what goes on here at Geckodrive. We go through many revisions and many hours of work before we even have a prototype to play around with. It is a very exhausting process, and it is something that we do thoroughly enjoy.

    This will be my last post on the issue. Any responses, complaints, or downright tirades will be roundly ignored. If you have a problem, please take it off of the forum and PM me, call me, or email me. We make an effort to be a very easily accessible company, and a company that takes our customer service very seriously. We then have someone like you turn around and slap us in the face for allowing you a look into the design process and how we treat our prototyping and limited production.

    If you do not like the process, disagree with how we send out OEM drives first, or just do not like me personally, I would suggest you cease reading this thread as things will not be getting better any time soon. We will keep the same process, continue to ship out OEM drives, and I will continue to post.

    Again, this is the last time I, or anyone at Geckodrive, will address this issue. Now, please stop beating a dead horse and take this to PM, email, or over the phone.

    -Marcus Freimanis

    PS: LeeWay, this smiley's for you. Haha.

  20. #680
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Well said everybody,

    I wish I'd been able to keep my mouth/fingers shut, OH WELL!

    Can't we "ALL" just get along,:rainfro:
    Walking is highly over-rated

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