Quote Originally Posted by mike hide View Post
as requested here is a jpeg copy of the candelabra .sorry about the quality my scanner insists on the bars....mjh
I have been on the board and designed several of the main parts .The arms have to be halved a 1/4" maleable copper pipe inserted and then reglued [to facilitate rewiring in the future]. The main column lower section I would like to hollow out so I could make the wiring connections from the arms to the main trunk line . In addition I would like to thread these two sections [one internal the other external.

Any how the resultant drawings have many curves mainly eyeballed, all in all some of the basic shapes are fairly cmplex . My question is how do i convert these pen and pencil drawings into some kind of CAD drawings that I can convert to code for CNC use . I had thought of photographing the hand drawings and introducing them into turbocad as jpegs or bitmaps, if that is feasible. I know some of the curves are splines which I believe sheetcam abhores that will have to be converted to polylines somehow .Any suggestions welcome ,I am afraid the learning curve is getting steeper and steeper at this point....regards mike hide.