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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Lightbulb DIY CNC magazine

    Hi all,

    Here is something that has been on my mind on and off even before I became a member of the zone. I get a lot of great information from the internet and the forums I have joined but many of the people I know wouldn’t think of joining a forum or even use the net for general reading or research. If I tell them about something I read on the net they usually say “print it out for me”. The things I read on the zone are not generally available anywhere else. Most other subjects I’m interested in have magazines that expose me to new ideas and run features on stuff so I can stay informed. I have noticed this forum is making a slow transition from forum to forum/e-zine. So why doesn’t someone with more ambition than me start a print magazine for the subjects covered here? It’s pretty easy to see where the interest is just by looking at the posts and views. The two could feed off of each other. It wouldn’t have to be a fancy high gloss mag to start with; I think there is a market for something like this.

    What about it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I love the idea, we could if we can get a paid subscription going to do a news flyer mailed out once a month, or maybe a magazine if we can get enough writters. I trying to get people to fill this section up- http://cnczone.com/modules.php?name=Sections

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    A news flyer would be a great start. Put me down as the first subscriber. I may even write some stuff if someone would edit it.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Gary, what kind of pub did you have in mind? Something informal that could be run off a home computer and laser/ink-jet or a slick that requires real printing? The first can be (mostly) subscriber supported the second *requires* advertising sales.
    I edited and published "The Robot Builder" a monthly newsletter for some 3 years. The biggest single cost item was postage because we didn't have (quite) the distribution to get bulk rate from the USPS . If we had, then the biggest cost would have been printing.
    The biggest all around headache was content - I wound up writing a lot more than I ever intended to just for filler. I think many months of content could be gleened from the 'zone archives although it would need a serious amount of rewrite to make articles suitable for publication. And then there is the question of graphics - a picture really is worth a thousand words.

    robotic regards,

    = = = = =
    “Speaker Newt Gingrich says that what is wrong with the present system is not that people abuse welfare but that welfare abuses people.”

    -- Daniel Schorr, American journalist & news analyst,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I think a monthly newletter would be a great idea. To cover postage, make it available to those with yearly donations of $30 or more. I won't mind writing a article every 3 months.

    As a example of such a magazine, see the lower link.

    That brings me to another question, why can't we have a video section where one can watch a short video about a particular subject.

    check out the link below and when you open the page, scroll down to where the video section is.

    measure twice, cut once - a good rule for everything

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick2by4
    I think a monthly newletter would be a great idea. To cover postage, make it available to those with yearly donations of $30 or more. I won't mind writing a article every 3 months.

    As a example of such a magazine, see the lower link.

    That brings me to another question, why can't we have a video section where one can watch a short video about a particular subject.

    Great Idea, BTW I can use the post gallery for uploading videos, that would only be availble to gold members do to the added cost of doing it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    What I mean is a section call 'Video Section' or rename the 'Photo Gallery' to 'Photo/Video Gallery'. This way it is more intuitive and more members know that this is a option. Just a thought.

    measure twice, cut once - a good rule for everything

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I really have no plans, I’m only pointing out a hole that I wish someone would fill. I read a lot of books and periodicals, maybe to many. There is almost nothing on DIY CNC at the book stores and news stands. Our area big box book store has over a dozen books on robots, if I use that as a measure of interest, and your news letter couldn’t grow than maybe I have an inflated view of how well my idea would work. I have no experience in this area other than consumer.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Maybe we could call it " Popular CNC" to add to the others "Popular Science" and "Popular Mechanics"

    The only way it would work is by getting 2000 subscriptions and having someone employed full time at it. You wouldnt be able to depend on voluntry contributions to the mag. The mag would need to be subsidised by advertising.

    If the Mag came out with a CD it could have all the popular sites on it along with video etc.

    Good luck to whoever descides to take up the challenge.
    Being outside the square !!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I think you really are on to something. I noticed that there really isn't much on DIY CNC on the newstands (Home machinist sometimes has a simple article). A newsletter with maybe a few articles discussing a few points would be enough (maybe 6 pages to start). Every month, maybe three articles can be written on a particular subject and submitted to the newsletter. I think overtime, the articles will cover a wealth of information.
    There is no need to start big, make it a digital newsletter with hardcopies mailed to contributers of a certain amount or just keep it digital for simplicity. I think this would be manageable.

    I made a sample newsletter, check it out and tell me what you think.
    Attached Files Attached Files

    measure twice, cut once - a good rule for everything

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    He he very funny quote from your document "Editor in Chief – Wallcrawler"
    Is that why there are so many X's in your document?
    Being outside the square !!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    LOL!!! Go Patrick go.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Glad you guys like it. Benny, you were the writer of the article, 'Cutting Aluminum Frames' but I couldn't put you down as a contributing editor because of the little note in the editor's box.
    But realistically, a newsletter is simple to put together. It's the content that's the hard part. Several people have to agree ahead of time to write some articles, then it has to be proofread and then cleared by a knowledgeable machinest or techie. I wouldn't mind assembling the newsletter (layout) but someone has to decide what goes in the newsletter, assign the work to the writers, check it for technical accuracy, and then email it to me to assemble. I would put it all together and send it back for final approval, convert it to a pdf file and then email it all out.

    As for Wallcrawler being editor in chief, well why not? It really needs to be someone who is on the site alot such as a moderator or maybe the site owner if he is willing. Actually, I think the site owner should have final say in everything.
    Just a thought.

    measure twice, cut once - a good rule for everything

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Looks good

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I think a must is the you can build this at home section with a project that is in installments. Maybe over 6 issues, with drawings and step by step instructions. Also the tips and tricks section, remember this is aimed at the newbe as well as the pro.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Looks like the newsletter will be 8~12 pages long now. We could ask past project builders to submit articles about their CNC machine and even current builders. We could leave a 4 month lag time so that if someone loses interest, there project doesn't get printed (only project completed make it to the printed page). A tips and tricks section is a great idea. (every three months, the best tip gets a CNC hat)
    I'll make up a few more newsletter formats and we'll vote as to which one everyone likes the best. AlsoTo get things started, I'll put together 1 article for publication gleaned from the site.

    Now we need a Editor in Chief.

    measure twice, cut once - a good rule for everything

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I love what you guy's are doing with this, I would like to create a private forum for the all involved in this to use to organize and maintain this new venture.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I've been watching (lurking) with great interest. Just wondering, Why stay with the paper paradigm? It took a nano to download and review onscreen and I'd print out the pages I wanted hardcopy. Really enjoyed the video links from LI Woodworking mentioned earlier too - so why burn CDS when you can host the video?
    The "subscription costs" could be used to provide a subscribers-only newsletter space and not be spent on postage. Advertiziing could still supplement the bills. Another writers/organizers private space (as Paul suggested) could be used as the "backroom" where all the work gets done and the finished product then posted in the subscribers corner.
    I'd rather my 32cents allocated for postage be spent on a better product. I'm interested, but would rather it be "online" personal reasons - not ecological.
    Experience is the BEST Teacher. Is that why it usually arrives in a shower of sparks, flash of light, loud bang, a cloud of smoke, AND -- a BILL to pay? You usually get it -- just after you need it.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    OK guy and you know who you are, I have created that forum for the newsletter, if anyone else is interested pm me and I will let you in.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I would offer both a on-line and a hard copy. One thing is that the site has so much info it can be overwhelming to read through all of it. A newsletter with the highlights would be a great way to communicate in a more effective manor.

    We can do a PDF version that would be printable like highseas suggested.

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