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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    BIG problem with Bobcam

    How comes it seems that everytime there is a negative thread here it gets deleted????

    That is very wrong. Good or bad threads need to stay. It seems to be a problem with moderated forums. It's good to moderate spam but these threads are ALL REAL LIFE CUSTOMERS HAPPENINGS.

    Maybe all these people wouldn't have got screwed if they got a chance to see the true negativity that goes on.

    Are all the negative threads being deleted by Bobcam workers?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Yes, not all moderators are impartial, they take care of their business interests.
    If only they beleived the old saying: "There is no such thing as bad publicity".
    Remember that the advertising you see at this site pays a living for somebody......
    I suppose the concept of free speech exists, just not in places where someone else is paying for the space that your words take.

    Can't Fix Stupid

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Thumbs up Conflict Of Interest

    CNCdude is Chris Corbell
    Works for Bobcad and is a moderator
    Conflict Of Interest !!

    The threads were moved here http://www.cnczone.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=372
    But they are closed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I think CNCadmin should step up and have something done about this. I know bobcam probably pays him for advertising, but on the other hand, he needs to do whats write for the thousands of users... not just one company. If I am looking at a product, I go right to there direct forum, (NOT VENDOR DISCUSSION).

    I'm in favor of returing the 2 threads back to there home (bobcad forum).

    The 2 threads.... I want a refund... and Bobcad and censorship.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I don't think CNCADMIN needs money..He seems to be a rich man...I didn't see any problem with other softwares users..And here i find daily a new thread hunting Bobcadcam....
    There is something wrong with users or with the software...Personally i used the software (Demo version) but it seems very difficult and non-user friendly for me..I abandoned it in the first run.. But the same software is used by one of my freind and he is satisfied with his G-codes...

    IMHO...The threads not to be banned/transferred or closed...It is not good for the company bcos if you not resolve the problem it will emerge again and again... I personally read all such threads started with Bobcad, and I felt that the problem is with the sales personnel...

    In last I am very disappointed with CNCDUDE behaviour of handling the posts of some of the members in the thread "New Feature Requests for Bobcad"... He appears to somewhat rude.....I saw Mariss of Gecko, TonyMac of Vectric and some other great products personnel, How calm and gentle they treat with their users and how better they respond when some problem occur...

    I am sorry to BOBCAD...I saw the software a lot of work has been put into it...But The salesman and distributors seems to be trained how proffessionally they should treat their customers..

    Sorry for bad english and any comments ...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    The threads were originally deleted but then placed in a different area by CNC Zones Staff. Remember this is a Help Forum not a bashing Forum. The owner wants to keep CNC Zone both Helpful and Informative.

    LOL, my posts have been edited and deleted too, but with good reason.

    I do not know if this thread will be viewed as Bashing, but if it does, Remember that CNC Zone is a Help Forum and the owner wants to keep it that way.

    Toby D.
    "Imagination and Memory are but one thing, but for divers considerations have divers names"

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)


  7. #7
    This whole CNCZONE forum has some extreme hypocrisy and cronyism issues. I guess Paul Gentile won't stop playing games with our free speech until we all speak up and let him know we don't like it. I urge you all to write Paul and let him know enough is enough. I have tried to tell him but he just keeps making excuses for all the bad behavior going on here. There must be a line drawn between the advertisers and their completely dissatisfied customers. If I get banned for daring to speak the truth email me at [email protected]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tobyaxis View Post
    Remember this is a Help Forum not a bashing Forum.
    Well if this is only a help forun I think they need to rework there message board. Because if you look at the label above this section it reads
    " CAM Software
    This section is for the discussion of various CAM software available."
    I don't see anything there about not having a discussion on an issue".
    Bobcad should care more about getting there software to work with the feature they have. before trying to add any new ones. Chris C is a salesman I spoke to him one time over the years (When I upgraded to V21 he sold it to me). I remember him telling me "I going to give you a deal on the upgrade. Why because I like you." I'm thinking to myself "This guy is a joke. He likes me but never has met me or even spoken to me in the past. I waited about a 3 days before upgrading. Bobcad had a sale starting and my upgrade cost were $200 less than Chris offerd it to me. So yes Chris you are just a used car salesman

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Why not helping the CNCDUDE by unvieling the names of those sales man who are more irritating then the software itself!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Khalid View Post
    Why not helping the CNCDUDE by unvieling the names of those sales man who are more irritating then the software itself!!!!
    Given the fact that Chris C is Bobcad sales VP and has been for many years now. He is aware and support the practice....If not aware.... then the mangement at bobcad needs to sober up ....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    While I don't agree with bashing a product, I also don't agree with real issue threads being deleted. I know for a fact that a single post can be edited or deleted. Much better than removing an entire thread.
    Moderation is also relative to each mod. It is open to interpretation of a set of given rules.
    It is now common knowledge that some BC staff moderate this forum. That is fine. The fact the he is sales staff is apparent in his answers as well. They eat by making sales. One can complain about the way they go about making these sales, but this will likely not change.
    What I would like to see change is the way they deal with issues on the software. I never used the software, but did try the trail version a couple years back. It wasn't to my liking. I still get calls and emails from them. This doesn't bother me. The sales people are doing their job.

    It does seem like they have 20 sales people and one software author though. I think they would not need to do the kind of marketing they do if they would use the same zeal toward fixing issues and dealing with complaints as they do toward making sales.

    Now about this being a help forum. If it is, wouldn't you want to help potential customers become aware of issue resolved and not? To be truely helpful, I think you would. If sales of BC do fall off because of unresolved complaints, then perhaps some of these issues would be addressed. If you aren't putting out a useable product or aren't working to resolve issues, then you aren't doing your job as a company in whole.
    If the company policy would just change a little and listen to the customers complaints and issues and then act on them, they would have a much better product and you would in turn, see far fewer BC complaint threads.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by HMB3000 View Post
    Given the fact that Chris C is Bobcad sales VP and has been for many years now. He is aware and support the practice....If not aware.... then the mangement at bobcad needs to sober up ....
    Hmm.. So why not colect the names of those salesmen and forward directly to BOBCAD management...

    There are some softwares that are very user friendly, layman like me can develop and machine a tough assignment by just read through tutorial...

    But every software is not easy..there is Problem with peoples too, no every body is genius to learn it in a single day... So we should not blame the software alone...

    , if u are made the Marketing manager, what reforms will you make to satisfy the peoples using bobcad???

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Also remember
    We are all human here and have different POVs so there will always be some sort of communication errors.
    The censorship of late on the BCC thread is IMO way over the top.

    I have found this forum in general to be very good with only minimal conflict especially considering the number of users - worldwide even.

    Cheers to all!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I agree, this forum is pretty easy going, and a little bit of arguing is a good thing. By arguing I mean a healthy discourse of opposed opinions. Censorship of this is an infringement of everyones "right" to free speech. I do however recognize that someone is paying for us to be here. (a bit like a mall where you are free to visit as long as you are nice). That being said, there is no excuse to "cleanse" relevant posts that may not be favourable to certain products.

    Can't Fix Stupid

  15. #15
    I was just perusing the Vectric threads and not one complaint or unhappy customers there. Why? Because Vectric software flat out works, and works well. You reap what you sow.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Now this is what everyone wants. Information and civilized conversation that flows.
    Toby D.
    "Imagination and Memory are but one thing, but for divers considerations have divers names"

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Similar to a marriage, you have to accept the fact that it rains on occasion.
    I most certainly will not be trained to walk on anyones leash. Let the winds blow, and let the sun shine.

    Can't Fix Stupid

  18. #18
    throughout the time that i've been on the zone ive seen a number of posts where guys were quite confrontational with each other over ideas ,products or personality differences but then in the same thread or the next thread the same people are beyond civilized , and i think this is what makes the zone great , nobody has to follow the flow of the masses in worries of being thrown out of the club .
    it's no secret to anyone who knows me that i say whats on my mind and people either respect me for it or hated me for it , do i care ? No !
    but in saying that i can only think of one time that my posts were deleted but it came with good reason
    i believe these guys (moderators) try to be fair and let things go as far as they can but they do need to step in at times .

    the one thing i don t get is how talking about being discouraged with a product is concidered bashing , or how being harassed over the phone should not be discussed and is concidered bashing ,or being outright lied to and not being allowed to discuss that without it being product bashing is beyond me , ive seen sales people talk themselves in circles and later expose their own lies which later turned into product bashing
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Makes sense. I can understand bashing. But this all real life scenarios. I use Dolphin cad cam on a daily basis and surfcam when needed for complex 3d. I have seen a few times where a customer had a small issue with the program and someone from dolphin had it taken care of almost instantly. If it were they're mistake, they would be the first to admit. With surfcam, there doesnt seem to be much activity on the forums but I have been helped when needed there also.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I have seen a few times where a customer had a small issue with the program [Dolphin] and someone from dolphin had it taken care of almost instantly
    I second that, Dolphin's support- here on the forums and in real life is second to none.

    I had a minor query about a technical issue (my lack of knowledge not Dolphin's fault) and the guy here got the UK sales office to phone me. Not E-Mail or PM, but phone and he sorted the query there and then, politely, efficiently and quickly. All within 1 day. Now THAT is service.
    I love deadlines- I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

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