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IndustryArena Forum > OpenSource CNC Design Center > Open Source Controller Boards > Open Source Boards Available, Stepper Drivers and Break Out Boards
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  1. #321
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I've managed to reroute the L297/298 Channel board to realize it in a single layer board, with few ( really few ) link on component side.
    Is there anyone interessed in see it, and double check it with the original schematic and board, so also the toner diy guys can realize this one in a simple way ?

    It's here.

    Phil, if you think it's ok, would you upload it on your site ?

    Let me know

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  2. #322
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    X dir = pin 2
    X step = pin 3
    Y dir = pin 5
    Y step = pin 6
    Z dir = pin 8
    Z step = pin 9

    The rest of the example for step/dir drive in the manual should get you started.


  3. #323
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Well, my big fat motor has 8,5 cm diameter (2.6V 3A) and the medium has 5,5 cm diameter (6V / 1.2A). I believe that tehy can move my machine... What do you think Masters ?
    Thanks for the Tips, without it, i will spend much more time!

  4. #324
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Excellent!!!!!! This is exactly what I had been hoping for people such as yourself, tachus 42, and others to come up with varients that help others solve their problem.

    For the toner transfer crowd i'd maybe suggest a couple of tweeks.
    1 Larger pad size for the jumper wires
    2. The last segment of the routing to the lands on JP1, increase the land width, those holes wind up really small, not much copper.
    3. The upper left corner hole, that gnd trace ripit up and let the polygon do the fill. I did a general rip on gnd, and 3 wires were left unconnected so you might only rip that segment.
    4. DO a change ratio to 16 on the text, so that the image comes out cleaner for the toner transfer crowd.
    (3 and 4 should clean up the DRC to 0 errors, not that it's a huge deal, but it makes for an easier check when drc is clean)
    5. Any lands you can get to 24 or 32 mil I would. It's more forgiving that 16 where there is room.

    Is there a reason you have 6 holes and the edge offset so much on the top side?

    Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: :cheers:

  5. #325
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by pminmo

    For the toner transfer crowd i'd maybe suggest a couple of tweeks.

    1 Larger pad size for the jumper wires
    Done, but can't be larger than .056, for clearence reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by pminmo
    2. The last segment of the routing to the lands on JP1, increase the land width, those holes wind up really small, not much copper.

    Quote Originally Posted by pminmo
    3. The upper left corner hole, that gnd trace ripit up and let the polygon do the fill. I did a general rip on gnd, and 3 wires were left unconnected so you might only rip that segment.
    For this one I can't understand what you mean ( my english is not so good as it would )
    Ok, I've seen but those segment can't be ripped without a jumper if you don't let the polygon fill it.

    Quote Originally Posted by pminmo
    4. DO a change ratio to 16 on the text, so that the image comes out cleaner for the toner transfer crowd.
    (3 and 4 should clean up the DRC to 0 errors, not that it's a huge deal, but it makes for an easier check when drc is clean)

    Quote Originally Posted by pminmo
    5. Any lands you can get to 24 or 32 mil I would. It's more forgiving that 16 where there is room.
    Quote Originally Posted by pminmo
    Is there a reason you have 6 holes and the edge offset so much on the top side?
    Also for this one I can't understand what you mean ( my english is not so good as it would )

    If you help me in explain better what I don't understand, I will fix the last things, and will send back the new version, or if you prefere, feel free to modify it by yourself


  6. #326
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    BTW if you ripup gnd it's almost obvious to loos some connection.
    Eagle will rip some connection that are already been ripped by hand.

  7. #327
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    For number 3. ripup the one trace, so when filled it looks like the result image with the purple border.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails untitled2.png  

  8. #328
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by pminmo
    X dir = pin 2
    X step = pin 3
    Y dir = pin 5
    Y step = pin 6
    Z dir = pin 8
    Z step = pin 9

    The rest of the example for step/dir drive in the manual should get you started.

    Thanks Phil,

    but it didnt change anything.......

    When iam trying to jog the steppers then it will only do 1 step in one direction unless iam changeing the direction then it steps 1 time again.. thats it... :tired:

    Maybe my 4013's are tired...


  9. #329
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Originally Posted by pminmo
    Is there a reason you have 6 holes and the edge offset so much on the top side?

    Why the extra board beyond the red line, and the 2 holes pointed to in red?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails untitled1.png  

  10. #330
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Have you verified the board works without the computer hooked up?
    Also can you post the contents of your TurboCNC.ini file?

  11. #331
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by pminmo
    Have you verified the board works without the computer hooked up?
    Also can you post the contents of your TurboCNC.ini file?
    Do you mean with the logic test thingy ??

    And about TurboCNC, it also ask if Direction should be High or Low and the same for Step but i have tried everything with them...

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  12. #332
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Finally i did figure it out

    It seems like the PIN layout has been reversed in more then one place so the layout looks like this :

    X dir = pin 11
    X step = pin 12
    Y dir = pin 8
    Y step = pin 9
    Z dir = pin 5
    Z step = pin 6

    and not like this as in the docs. :

    X dir = pin 2
    X step = pin 3
    Y dir = pin 5
    Y step = pin 6
    Z dir = pin 8
    Z step = pin 9

    Can somebody verify this?!?!?


  13. #333
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I'm guessing you have a male db25 on your board, the pin layout is for a female. I uploaded a new version of the document:


  14. #334
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    For the L297/298 board there is a resistor marked "TBD" (R14) .
    I know that TBD mean to be defined, but which is the way to define it ?

    And how many watt should the two resistor R1 and R2 be ?

    Thank in advance

    P.S. @pminmo I've routed the boards with .024 and .032 line, but it become very confused.
    Let me know if you want the version with those fixes.

  15. #335
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    2.7K for R14 would be a good choice. R1 and R2 s/b 2W for max current, not wire wound. Post what you get done and what you didn't, thanks.


  16. #336
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    2.7L ?
    do you mean 2.7K I suppose.....

    Here in attachement the version of the SingleLayer with more of track .024 and .032, and the fixes for the GND as told (L297_SL_24.zip).
    In the L297_SL.zip the version with .016 for the inkjet ( and laser) printing for UV etching.

    Hope it would works.
    Let me know

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  17. #337
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Your layouts look good. I'm tweaking your layout just a little. Then will post to my website. Changed a couple of capacitor package sizes. ANd a couple of lands that are heavy current lands. Looking back over the thread, I now remember that when it was posted it was noted it needed some work by somebody that wanted to use the chipset combo.


  18. #338
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I have read ( quickly ) trough all the post, but can't find info.
    Not a problem anyway, I've already ordered all the materials needed, so I will test it for you.
    What do will be nice is to have some help in debbugging, before reach the " magic smoke" ( you know, when the motors or some component starts to smoke)

    Let me know what to check before attach the parallel, and the motor ( i will start testing one axe ).

    Obviously I will check that there is no tension on parallel connector....
    What next ?

    I will btw open a new thread on this, as soon as my first board is completed.


  19. #339
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Pigifly, it was in another thread:

    Before you hook the board up to motor or PC post. Some things to check at that point.


  20. #340
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

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