I disagree with what superbee has too say. Yes, the Taig mill is a smaller than the obvious bigger mills. But that does not make it a toy. Some very serious work can be done on a Taig if you properly set your parts up and set yours speeds and feeds accordingly. The machine is what you pay, is what you get. Meaning, that your paying for a solid, accurate machine. More rigid than the Sherline and slightly larger too.

Actually, looking at superbees last comments makes me think he is slightly ignorant. The Taig is not cheaply put together, it's put together with actually high quality and within it's limit. If you wanted too add more features too it, ballscrews etc, that could be done by the owner and that would add too it's already "standard" quality. To say thats it's cheap, people will regret it is quite ignorant and senseless.
