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IndustryArena Forum > Mechanical Engineering > Mechanical Calculations/Engineering Design > 270+ pages for E/G. Anyone successfully made a table out of this stuff?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    270+ pages for E/G. Anyone successfully made a table out of this stuff?

    Hi guys,

    Just curious. 270+ pages on Epoxy Granite. Too much to read and to be honest, someone can use the info there for their PhD thesis or something. Anyone actually made a working table (Nevermind, happened to browse thru page 150+ and saw the results).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    There is a sticky on the subject, missed that one?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    world wide web

    Hello mate,

    the Germans do the same in 5 pages and with nice results,
    They are my neighbours, i`m from the Netherlands.

    They don`t talk much, but say a lot.
    This, we dont see that often, the inverse off politics.
    :boxing: I regret that the shaming smiley isn`t there any more, was nice.


    Roy B.

    Here the machine,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 5805_110778858777_cnc_fraese_017.jpg  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Hi Sven,

    I actually saw the sticky but so much info I was dumbfounded. I however realised there is actually a result done by someone here somewhere on page 150+.

    Hi Roy,

    The picture you attached is it taken from the website or it it your work? Interesting. Really like the dovetail ways. I wanted to do something similar for a mini mill table but a guy in a local institution here who runs a machine shop in the school never did cut the metal for me (probably busy with students) so the project was shelved.

    The table size and travels look abit small.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    German engineering

    Hi Alex,

    here are some links to nice machines on the cncecke, not all epoxy granite.

    You must log in or registrate

    And last a picture off a machine i would love to make if there was budget off around 1500 euro.


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails naamloosrer.JPG  

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Hi Roy,

    Tried to register. But not sure whether I manage to register. Still ahven
    t receive any email from them. And plus its in german. Can't understand.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    ach so,

    registreren is registrate
    login is login,

    maybe the mail will come tomorrow, otherwise try again.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I understood those words but after registering, nada! I don't understand the words after that. Nothing recognisable I am afraid. Still no mail. It is possible to attach the pictures to this thread? Sorry for the trouble Roy.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I was able to register. A few pix on my cnccookbook blog so you can see what they're doing:


    Search "German Epoxy Granite".

    It's very nice work!



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Wow! Just wow! Thanks Bob. And thanks for the ingredient

    That is similar to what I wanted to do. My only problem is getting precision cut metal pieces done. Can I get that kind of cut surface with an X2? I have all the stuff like steel reinforcement, epoxy, stone, quartz and etc minus the steel inserts. Can't wait to do this project. Now I just have to find the extra dough and time.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    more pictures off the same machine

    here guys,

    if i have some more time i will show some different machines.


    Roy B.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1.jpg   2.jpg   3.jpg   4.jpg  

    5.jpg   6.jpg   7.jpg   8.jpg  

    9.jpg   10.jpg   11.jpg   12.jpg  

    13.jpg   14.jpg   15.jpg  

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    little text, but important data

    get your translating right

    No vacuum or vibration, just get the mixing order right. (trial and error)

    30% Basaltsplitt 2-4 mm (links), 30% Fugensand 0-2 mm (mitte), 30% Quartzsand 0,1-0,4 mm (rechts) und 10% Epoxyharz L und harter L von R&G.DE

    Put the **** in the mould and compress by hand a little bit (piece off wood)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 1.jpg   2.jpg   3.jpg  

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by alexccmeister View Post
    Wow! Just wow! Thanks Bob. And thanks for the ingredient

    That is similar to what I wanted to do. My only problem is getting precision cut metal pieces done. Can I get that kind of cut surface with an X2? I have all the stuff like steel reinforcement, epoxy, stone, quartz and etc minus the steel inserts. Can't wait to do this project. Now I just have to find the extra dough and time.

    Note that there are lots of different formulations for E/G. You'll want to try some experiments before committing to any particular mixture. Availability of local aggregate materials will be a factor too.

    I have used E/G to fill my mill base and partially fill the column in order to increase dampening and rigidity. It was very easy to do and those components are now significantly more "dead" if you ring them with a piece of metal.

    Here is the home page for my CNC conversion:


    The E/G work is a link off that page, see the list at the top.

    As for whether you can produce surfaces as shown, I don't know why flycut pieces on your mill wouldn't suffice for the same sort of metal inserts. Hoss gets a fine finish on his Sieg mill. There are other interesting alternatives as well. For example 1-2-3 blocks are cheap and fairly precision, and they have threaded holes. You could contrive to use them at similar places to where this German has metal mounting plates.



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Hi Bib,

    Thanks. I just need to sturdy up my mill abit. I am getting some unwanted vibrations. Especially from the Z axis. And my Z axis cnc kit isn't helping either. Its moving about too much if there is a large load acting on the spindle. This is mainly due to me drilling an ocersize hole where the cncfusion kit is seated on the dovetail. Very annoying. Due to his as well, I am getting alot of backlash on my Z axis evertime I move teh head up and down.

    And thanks for the link. I have bookmarked your website for reference.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Wow, those machines are extremely impressive! Look virtually like commercial quality machines.
    Thank you for posting the pics and translated "recipe".
    I have joined Peter's CNC Ecke forum but have trouble with finding where any of the tests and recipe's are for E/G. Wish I could speak some German.

    Could I just be a slight pain(nuts) and clear up some of the translation?

    Fugensand - ? Is this a particular type of sand?

    Epoxyharz L und harter L von R&G.DE - Epoxy Resin and hardener
    I assume it's from here;http://shop.ezentrum.de/4DCGI/ezshop?hid=27&sprachnr=2
    But does not specify which or is it not that crucial? Do you know?

    Have you started any build yourself?

    Myself, I'm playing with the idea of making some parts for a grinding machine I have in mind.

    Thanks also to BW for the blog! Very nicely done and great pics.

    Cheers everyone!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Hello mates,

    Here the link for the right epoxy,
    It`s a epoxy resin and a harder.
    You need for both the L type
    and mixed 100:40 by weight or volume.

    This combination of epoxy and harder need to be mixed with 3 extra components:

    (you have the mix of epoxy resin L and harder L (100:40))
    mix this with;
    - basaltsplit (small rocks named basalt)
    - sand 1 ( quartz sand
    - sand 2 ( fugensand (sand used for construction, fillersand( to fill )))

    I would love to make a machine, but dont have money.
    ( 3000 euro, rolled preloaded double nut screws 0,023/300mm, preloaded linear bearings 1 axle 2 rails 4 wagons, Hf servo drive spindle, closed loop controller. etc. etc. etc. ( we should make 5 or 10 for us here)

    if you been logged in on cnc ecke,

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    G'Day Veteq,

    Thanks for clearing the ingredients mix up. ...and the link too.

    Sorry to hear you can't do your dream machine.Yeah it's expensive to do a build. Especially new components!
    Even bargains I got on eBay add up so quickly, but I wouldn't have a chance otherwise.
    If eBay is still not your thing, you might try Chinese parts sources from Alibaba if you're desperate like me.
    I've only just started looking into this myself. I don't know if it's worth it yet because the real price is in the quality (unknown) and the import costs.
    I'm only considering this because I can not afford one sold here (around $2000USD + delivery) and no one makes them in Australia.

    My only other alternative is to make a base myself out of E/G! Well, I might try it anyway if all else fails.

    Good luck Veteq

    Regards to the Netherlands from Australia!:wave:

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    hello again,

    indeed, i have to be realistic, the paypal account is made.

    Here another nice link, one off the starters of the german epoxy thread


    choose "neu im programm".

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 5805_110779201897_minerallguss_4.jpg  

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    E/G Thread Status

    Hi guys,

    Greybeard has made a few parts for a machine he is building. Bob already mentioned his project. I and most others haven't made any parts because we would like to have a material with a known performance that's better than what we're working with so far.

    I could certainly make a table at this point but after talking with Harlow at CNCBridges, I'd prefer to design a table that is more manufacturable than his turned out to be and stronger and more rigid than any I can build with the materials we've made so far on the E/G thread.

    I for one have kept working on the E/G thread because I would like to thoroughly understand the material, all similar materials, and other materials for other things I would like to make. My own goals are much deeper than building a simple hobby machine as are the goals of others still working on the E/G thread.

    It's fairly easy to fill a machine for damping purposes. Any mixture of sand, rocks and epoxy will work well.

    Doing heavy structural parts that are thermally stable, strong and rigid enough for good performance, and wear resistant enough for durable sliding ways that remain accurate is more difficult. It's harder to know the exact performance of the material, why it has the components it does, and how to make it better. Any of us can put epoxy and rocks in a mold. Those of us still over on the E/G thread have been working from first principles to design a material that is good for the structural parts of machines that the original Studer material wasn't intended for.

    Thomas Zietz has built some good machines, done good engineering and should be praised. All I have seen of his work is excellent. He has a solution now and I would encourage folks who have a current need to look at his solution.

    The work on the E/G thread is considering all available technology including cutting edge stuff that has not seen wide application yet. I suspect we'll come up with something pretty unique and functional when we get there. The E/G thread is a chance to see real R&D happening. It is a lot more difficult than just putting something together in the basement.

    If I can be of any assistance personally to folks who are actually building machines, please don't hesitate to post on the E/G thread.

    Regards all,


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    nice to hear of you

    Hello Cameron,

    indeed, the epoxy used by the Germans is a basic solution that is really a hobby type.
    A product like Zanite isn`t made in 2 days, there is a lot of engineering behind it. One of the nice parts on this forum is to read about big projects.

    One others nice part is that there aren`t any bosses running around screaming that the deadline is coming close, real optimization.

    Good luck with the project and i would love to see a Hermle type of machine oneday!!!

    Kind Regards,

    Roy B.

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