Quote Originally Posted by SBC Cycle View Post

I just recently bought Corel Draw. My old method for converting a logo was using the "Insert Object" command in BobCAD and simply tracing with the "Continuous" line function. Sort of a brute force method but it was easier than the countless hours trying to clean up a raster to vector conversion file and less chance of missing tiny 0.001" lines that will have your machine bouncing around.

Since using Corel Draw, I won't be going back to tracing. I still haven't gotten the hang of it but I've paid for the Corel already with just 5 jobs that took minutes as opposed to an hour or more. Do you need software that expensive? Maybe not. Will you regret paying it? No way.
what corell draw did you buy? there are so many different ones I was looking at corell draw 9 or corell draw x4.