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Thread: Post help

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Post help


    I've just been modifying a basic post-processor to suit the 1985 Denford Triac mill I have access to. I've now got everything tweaked to my satisfaction except for one thing. For feed rates in the X and Y, the triac requires FX to be defined, for moves in the Z, FX must be defined - e.g.

    G01 X150 Y50 FX100 Z150 FZ50

    However, what the post produces is :-

    G01 X150 Y50 F100 Z150 F50

    If I change the function defintion to FX then it replaces F wih FX
    all the time. Mastercam seems to know the difference between feed
    and plunge rates - but assigns the same variable to them both. Is
    there a way that I can get the post to insert FX and FZ as
    appropriate ?

    Any help would be great



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Davidimurray, I've had to configure a post myself. If you want to post/send the actual post file, I'd be more than willing to take a look and see if I can help.

    And if I can't help, there's several that will also be of assistance....guaranteed.

    *edited because I can't read*

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    David, what version of MC are you using?Send me the post please, and I fix for you.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Hi everybody - thanks for the offers of help. I'm using MC 9. Please find enclosed the post file. It works just fine except that X and Y moves should be associated with a feed FX and Z moves should be associated with an FZ feed. At present all of them output FX and then manually go through and change the required ones to FZ.

    Thanks Again

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I was sitting here going through this, and got to thinking about something. How do you input 2 different feedrates in mastercam? I've never seen the option of having a feed for X and/or Y and a different feed for Z.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    You can actually have 3. The first is for x & y. This is on the define tool page as feedrate. there are also plunge and retract feedrates available there


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Doh! Didn't even think of it that way. Now that you mention it, the plunge rate could be for X Y and Z (if ramping).

    But I don't know of any place to define 2 different feedrates for use on the same line.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    It's up to the post to take the 2 types of feedrate and manipulate them so you get the desired result. Every post I've ever worked with just has one feedrate and whether it's used with z or x & y (or x, y & z as in the case of helical) determines if it's plunge or contouring. I've never seen one to output one such as asked for, but I'm sure it can be done. Might take a crack at it myself


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Hi David, I´m working in your post.I don´t read your reply before because a long holiday that we have here.But now all it´s Ok again.I already solve the problem.I´m testing now.Hang in there!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    David, I put in attach with this reply your post.
    I create a rule in pst that when you have a move only in Z, put only FZ, when you have a move only in X or Y or both, put only FX, and when you have a 3 axis moves (XYZ) or X or Y move combined with Z (XZ OR YZ) the post put FX after X/Y values and FZ after Z value.
    Try and report to me your results.

    Like below:

    G54 X0 Y0
    M06 T2
    M03 S2800
    G00 X-15. Y5. Z2.
    G01 Z0. FZ215. <- Only FZ
    G01 X-20. FX230. <- Only FX
    G03 X-25. Y0. CX-20. Y0.
    G03 X0. Y-25. CX0. Y0.
    G03 X25. Y0. CX0. Y0.
    G03 X0. Y25. CX0. Y0.
    G03 X-25. Y0. CX0. Y0.
    G03 X-20. Y-5. CX-20. Y0.
    G01 X-15.
    G00 Z200.
    G00 X-102.186 Y62.554
    G00 Z50.
    G00 Z2.
    G01 Z0. FZ220.
    G01 Y57.554 FX111.
    G03 X-97.186 Y52.554 CX-97.186 Y57.554
    G01 X-89.686
    G01 X91.685 FX110. Z31.98 FZ110. <- 3 axis move - FX and FZ respectively
    G01 X99.185 FX111.
    G03 X104.185 Y57.554 CX99.185 Y57.554
    G01 Y62.554
    G00 Z50.
    M06 T3
    M03 S3000
    G00 X-3.922 Y-66.05 Z-.107
    G01 Z-2.107 FZ124.
    G01 Y-64.52 FX123. Z-.126 FZ123.
    G19 G02 X-3.922 Y-57.199 Z8.278 CX0. Y-2.138
    G02 X-3.922 Y-49.89 Z13.5 CX0. Y-36.916
    G02 X-3.922 Y-41.313 Z15.459 CX0. Y-41.313
    G02 X-3.922 Y-39.686 Z15.392 CX0. Y-41.313
    G02 X-3.922 Y-31.878 Z13.972 CX0. Y-42.853
    G02 X-3.922 Y-23.884 Z11.555 CX0. Y-107.71

    Hope that helps.If work let me know.

    Kind Regards

    Note: Sorry my Bad English.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Hi camfun

    I've run the post a couple of times and all appears well. I haven't had time to test on the machine yet as I've been adjusting the gibs and sorting out a couple of other problems. As soon as I run a test (hopefully in the next few days) i'll let you know how I got on.

    Finally I'd just like to say a BIG BIG thanks to you for all your help. You've made me a very happy man.

    Thanks Again


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Hi Camfun

    Ran a test program last night and everything worked perfectly.

    Thanks for the help - much appreciated


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I stay very happy to can help you, David.
    If you have any problem with posts for mastercam, I will stay very glad to help.
    Any problem, contact me by mail.

    Your brazilian friend.
    Kind Regards

    Daniel - Camfun

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