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Thread: v2xt post

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    v2xt post

    Hey guys just posted this thread in the post forum but i figured i would try here also since it pertains to a bridgeport v2xt boss 15sx (anyone familiar with these machines)

    lookin for a little info or I guess i should say alot of info as i dont know to much about cnc. I thought i was ready to go writing programs off of my companys software to try out my new machine at home but i was stummped when I figured out i didnt have a post processor for my v2xt.we have I think it is 9.1 mastercam version and procam 2000 version that our cnc guys use and they told me all i needed was a post to write a 3d program for my machine so here are a couple of ?? i got
    1. does mastercam or procam come with postprocessors already in there programs
    2. Is the post the same for a 2d program and a 3d program or do you need two seperate posts
    3. Can a post for one machine be modified to work on other types of machines
    4. I have seen a few forum articles that have had there posts designed by a company that writes post, Does anyone know the cost of having this done
    5. Can anyone lead me to a good explenation of what posts do and how they work such as these forum articles or some website
    6. Is there differnt posts for every different cam program or can u use the same post for numerous cam programs.
    Thanks for any help here guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hi man! I see that you have deep doubs about CAM systems. So I´ll dispense some info for you:

    1. does mastercam or procam come with postprocessors already in there programs?
    R: Yes, Mastercam come with posts for Bridgeport Machines, althought I don´t know if is compatible with you control version.

    2. Is the post the same for a 2d program and a 3d program or do you need two seperate posts?
    R: It´s fudge. The same post may handles with 2d or 3/4/5 axis toolpaths.Including cycles.

    3. Can a post for one machine be modified to work on other types of machines?
    R: Yes, you can.Mastercam uses a own powerful language to construct yours posts.This language is called MP, and almost all is possible into this environment .In my humble opinion, is a more flexible and powerful language for postprocessor development among all CAD/CAM systems in the market.I said all !!!

    4. I have seen a few forum articles that have had there posts designed by a company that writes post, Does anyone know the cost of having this done?
    R: Yes, some companies wrote posts under your specifications.The cost vary conform your needs.

    5. Can anyone lead me to a good explenation of what posts do and how they work such as these forum articles or some website?
    R: Post processsors are the basis of a efficient programming process.I endanger say that is 50% for the CAM system.If you have a execellent CAM system to programming your parts and a poorly post processor, you machine won´t reach you potential, yours parts won´t a good finish, your tools will brake, etc.Basically, the post processor converts a toolpath data, usually in a neutral data, that CNC machines don´t understand, in a code that can be interpreted by machine.A good CAD/CAm system is that have a good strategies and features, plus a good postprocessor. The post is so important as CAM system. In my opinion, Mastercam have all this features in one. Excellent toolpaths and excellent postprocessors.

    6. Is there differnt posts for every different cam program or can u use the same post for numerous cam programs.
    R: No, you can´t. Each CAM system have your proprietary language to develop your posts. Powermill post only works in Powermill systems, for example. What exists is a neutral Postprocessors that generate NC files as of CLData, APT, that are neutral laguages to describe NC code.But nowadays, almost all CAM systems are able to create NC code in the same environment.

    Sorry my bad English. I´m braziliam. I lovely Mastercam and NC programming, and I hope that help you with this words. If you have more doubts, just put here. If you need some changes in your posts, I can help you.Don´t worry about costs.It´s free. I do because I like.

    Kind Regards

    Daniel - Camfun

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Hey thanks for all of the info Iam probably going to be getting my manuals for this thing sometime this week which should have the programing manual for it. hopefully this will tell me more about the programing end of things. I had the guys at work write me a 3d program with the boss10 post processor just to see what it looks like and maybe Ill try it to see what happens.Anyway thanks for the help

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I just found a site that has some helpful information on modifying mastercam posts. It is not complete but should get you started.

    Be forewarned! Most of the posts available out there are cobbled up patches of patches that contain much useless garbage. And I have yet to see one that is well documented. You will have to experiment to make one work for you.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Whoops! Got so excited I forgot to include the URL.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    hey looks like a helpful site thanks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Mike Mattera Web Site

    Hey Doug, Thanks for share.

    I already knows that web site, is from Mike Mattera. Basically, Mike Mattera is a guy that used to work at Shopware Inc., a Mastercam Reseller in Illinois, and nowadays he have a web site for trade Matercam training CD´S.
    It´s truth, the information that exists there is old, but help much in the begin, and the definition usefull garbage is the best mean for that.

    Kind Regards

    Daniel - Camfun

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Hi Daniel;

    You are correct - the website contains old information. However, I am still using V7 so the information is still useful.

    I asked our reseller to provide information so we could modify our posts. He apparently did not want us to learn this. Instead, he came and modified our posts to get them working but did not show us what he did.

    Because of the reseller's refusal to provide the post reference information which we were promised when we bought the software, I never upgraded.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    (flame2) :violin: If you like to help, can you help me write a Mastercam post processor for Mazak, which it will give me 3-digit G-code, it is native mazatrol code.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Has any third party ever written a comprehensive learn by example manual on how to modify and create posts for MasterCAM 8 or 9 ?


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    ********************* FOR QPHAM *********************

    If you like to help, can you help me write a Mastercam post processor for Mazak, which it will give me 3-digit G-code, it is native mazatrol code.

    Qpham asking your question, I don´t know native Mazatrol language. If you provide me some samples of code, perhaps I could help.
    Mastercam has a optional Chook developed for CAMAIX to give this feature. I´m not sure if native Mazatrol language must be wrote with special codes, like a binary file. If it´s the case, maybe I can´t help you. Just this Chook can do that.
    But however, give a sample that includes drill cycles, linear interpolation (rapid and feed) circular interpolation (including helical motion if you can), tool change, etc.

    ********************** FOR JON ************************

    Has any third party ever written a comprehensive learn by example manual on how to modify and create posts for MasterCAM 8 or 9 ?

    Jon asking your question too, the answer is: yes and no. No a third party. Yes from Mastercam Developers: CNC Software. They have a manual acquired through their dealers network called MP Postprocessor Guide. It´s a full explantion about MP language, the language used to create Mastercam Posts. If you are a legal user, with a legal seat, you could ask for your dealer. I´m sure that they will help you in this direction.

    Guys, sorry my english mistakes. I need a trip abroad Brazil to learn english indeed. I´m a self-educated in english, so, I have many fields to fill in.
    If someone there in U.S. wanna hire me, I accept (I´m so brazen)

    Hope that helps
    Kind Regards

    Daniel - Camfun

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    There is no step by step "Mastercam posts for Dummies" type of book in existance. The Post Processor Guide is a reference guide that is valuable to individuals that already have a basic knowledge of how Mastercam posts and MP work. It is not meant to instruct a beginner, you'll need to take a post class at CNC Software or your local reseller in that case.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    There is no step by step "Mastercam posts for Dummies" type of book in existance. The Post Processor Guide is a reference guide that is valuable to individuals that already have a basic knowledge of how Mastercam posts and MP work. It is not meant to instruct a beginner, you'll need to take a post class at CNC Software or your local reseller in that case.

    post_guy, I agree with you. The MP Guide isn´t wrote in a compreensive language. A previous knowlegde of some computer programming language is needed, and would help so much. Basic, for example, is a language very similar. But the topics and functions in MP Guide are well explained, and a smart guy could learn with some effort.
    Kind Regards

    Daniel - Camfun

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by post_guy
    There is no step by step "Mastercam posts for Dummies" type of book in existance. The Post Processor Guide is a reference guide that is valuable to individuals that already have a basic knowledge of how Mastercam posts and MP work. It is not meant to instruct a beginner, you'll need to take a post class at CNC Software or your local reseller in that case.
    Post guy, (interesting choice of an alias.)

    I didn't need to take a class for FeatureCAM to create a post processor... it's very easy. Why should I have to take a class to create a post for MasterCAM ?

    I have not used MasterCAM since version 5 and I still have the CNC Software version 5 post manual that I paid for. It's not very well written.... and that's being more than kind.

    My boss just purchased Learning MasterCAM 9 Step by Step by Valentino and Goldenburg because he is thinking about getting MasterCAM... we have FeatureCAM now. It's a pretty decent book the does a good job of covering 2 1/2 axis mill.

    I fail to see why there should not be a book available for someone who does not own MasterCAM and wants to better understand MasterCAM's "unique" post language. I didn't have to own MasterCAM to purchase the MasterCAM manuals for version 5. In fact, I purchased them by driving to Tolland and walking into CNC Software. Now that I live in Arizona this would be much harder to do.

    After purchasing a very poorly written book about MasterCAM's post language from CNC Software I would prefer to buy one written by a third party... sort of like Learning MasterCAM V9 Step by Step by Valentino and Goldenburg.

    I'm sure there must be something available. I just don't know where to find it right now.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by CAMFUN
    There is no step by step "Mastercam posts for Dummies" type of book in existance. The Post Processor Guide is a reference guide that is valuable to individuals that already have a basic knowledge of how Mastercam posts and MP work. It is not meant to instruct a beginner, you'll need to take a post class at CNC Software or your local reseller in that case.

    post_guy, I agree with you. The MP Guide isn´t wrote in a compreensive language. A previous knowlegde of some computer programming language is needed, and would help so much. Basic, for example, is a language very similar. But the topics and functions in MP Guide are well explained, and a smart guy could learn with some effort.


    Why don't you create a .pdf or MS Word document on MasterCAM post construction and sell it ? I'm more than happy to get my boss to pay you for it. I'd want a sample explaination to see if I could follow it first.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Why don't you create a .pdf or MS Word document on MasterCAM post construction and sell it ? I'm more than happy to get my boss to pay you for it. I'd want a sample explaination to see if I could follow it first.

    Dear Jon, thanks for the regard, but I´m not ready to do this yet, because my english is not so good yet, and if I wrote some explanation with wrong words, I won´t help no one, just hinder. So, I prefer that you, guys from the forum, ask me for help, because that way I can help you better. At present, I´m attending a intensive english classes to improve this. But I have something that maybe could help you, it´s about MP Language Guide. I have some topics in PDF format, it´s missing some topics, I know, but the main are there. I could learn too much there, and I believe that anybody here could too. I don´t see any problem in share it with you, guys. I like to believe that a good friendship between us can born here, because like you, I love it my job. And I love it share and get knowledge too, and this place was created for this purpose, I guess. Here in Brazil I´m a little bit limited too use new technologies, like five axis machining for example. I have some knowledge about that, but unfortunately, my company and my country think small in some subjects, and who lost with this are guys like me, that dream with new opportunities too learn, be about my job, about culture, about peoples, etc.

    I know that this place is not a employment agency, but I would like too ask for you, buddies, if you believe that is possible I come to get a job in my profession in USA. It´s hard for a foreign get a job there? If this question annoy someone, I ask apologies. This is not my intend. But if I don´t ask, how can I know?

    I hope that you enjoy the info included in these files.

    Note: The files are in .RAR format. I have to rename the files with extension .ZIP to the board accept it, but when you get it, rename again the extension to .RAR and open with WINRAR.

    Have a nice day.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Kind Regards

    Daniel - Camfun

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    didn't need to take a class for FeatureCAM to create a post processor... it's very easy. Why should I have to take a class to create a post for MasterCAM ?

    Jon, I have a ask for you. I don´t know FeatureCAM, but they posts give to you the same potencial and ability to change everthing like Mastercam gives? I´m a humble studier from Mastercam, mainly from they posts, but I never see until now a thing that MP language doesn´t allow. I consider me a small guy about posts, compared as guys like Dave Thomson, from IN-HOUSE Solutions, a Mastercam reseller and developer in Canada, for example, I´m ant. But in MP language, all of types of programming techniques are possible. FeatureCAM gives this ability for you, the same power?
    Kind Regards

    Daniel - Camfun

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    "Post guy, (interesting choice of an alias.)"
    -Thank you, I'm actually suprised it was not taken yet.

    "I didn't need to take a class for FeatureCAM to create a post processor... it's very easy. Why should I have to take a class to create a post for MasterCAM ?"
    Never written a Featurecam post, can't comment on them in any way. What I can tell you is that I posted my reply simply to point out that the existing Post Processor Guide for Mastercam is not a tutorial. It is not meant to be. It is what it is, a reference guide to posts and mp which is of great help to someone that understands the basic concepts behind a Mastercam post and is looking for information pertaining to specific functions, system variables or concepts. To answer your question as to why you personally should take a class, I cannot say if you would need to or not. Reading through your various postings over the years on this and many other forums and newsgroups however, I would say that you most likely would be fine with the guide alone.

    "I have not used MasterCAM since version 5 and I still have the CNC Software version 5 post manual that I paid for. It's not very well written.... and that's being more than kind."
    -A lot has changed in Mastercam since 5 (kind of an understatement). I also have a copy of the book (released in 1997). I still find it useful at times.

    "My boss just purchased Learning MasterCAM 9 Step by Step by Valentino and Goldenburg because he is thinking about getting MasterCAM... we have FeatureCAM now. It's a pretty decent book the does a good job of covering 2 1/2 axis mill."
    -Haven't read it, don't really need to. There are many tutorial type manuals available for Mastercam however.

    "I fail to see why there should not be a book available for someone who does not own MasterCAM and wants to better understand MasterCAM's "unique" post language. I didn't have to own MasterCAM to purchase the MasterCAM manuals for version 5. In fact, I purchased them by driving to Tolland and walking into CNC Software. Now that I live in Arizona this would be much harder to do. "
    -I cannot speak for the folks at CNC, but I really believe their focus is on developing the product and supplying their customers with the tools they need to use it to be successful and make money. I'm sure you realise that not every person out there has the skill set required to really understand post processing or how to write posts them selves. There are perhaps hundreds of thousands CNC operators and set up men in the world. Only a small percentage of them have the ability to program their specific machines, never mind to take it to the next level and create a post processor for those same machines. That's why guys like you are valuable and have the jobs that you have. Oh, and BTW, I am sure you could still drive to CNC and buy manuals or the post guide if you wanted to.

    "After purchasing a very poorly written book about MasterCAM's post language from CNC Software I would prefer to buy one written by a third party... sort of like Learning MasterCAM V9 Step by Step by Valentino and Goldenburg."
    -Good luck. As I said, there isn't anything out there. Perhaps you would be kind enough to create one for everyone?

    "I'm sure there must be something available. I just don't know where to find it right now."
    -See above


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    -I cannot speak for the folks at CNC, but I really believe their focus is on developing the product and supplying their customers with the tools they need to use it to be successful and make money. I'm sure you realise that not every person out there has the skill set required to really understand post processing or how to write posts them selves. There are perhaps hundreds of thousands CNC operators and set up men in the world. Only a small percentage of them have the ability to program their specific machines, never mind to take it to the next level and create a post processor for those same machines.

    POST_GUY, I agree with you again. Looks like a joke, but a few hours ago, I was talking with a operator here about post development and things about software development. Unfortunately, a small slice of operators and programmers has interest in get deep in programming. The most of programmers and operators that I know prefer do your job the most simple way possible, and in the end of day, get home. It´s called confortable zone. I don´t have nothing against want to get home, I have a family too, but the point is, why don´t learn more, all the time. The guys think that only because knows some cycles or how to do a helical interpolation, are experts. It´s very common see guys that make yours programs in a CAD/CAM systems, and trust blindly on post processors, don´t know even what G code is doing, or any else language of yours controls. Here even have a guy that depends on me in all that run away from your knowledge. My bosses don´t see this, because in the end, the things finish working, and I don´t talk about this with my bosses. But even after all, he not want to improve your skills. (Again, the confortable zone ) I´m 24 years old, but in 1992, when a had my first contact with computers, I learn my first language: BASIC. In that age, I never had thought what would be my profession in the future. After that, I enrolled on a Machinist course, and would come to discover this fantastic world. But when a had my first contact with CNC machines, I saw that that thing never would have end, and that day by day I would have to get new knowledges to be a good professional. And many of guys that began with me, still in the same place, operating machines. I don´t have anything against it, I would like to let this very sure. But, how many guys do you know that knows parametric programming for example? Nowadays, no one else want to learn these things, but these things, are the basis of any language. And the only thing that they have to do is read the manual of yours machines, while the machine make the job.

    Yes, there are perhaps hundreds of thousands, but what we gonna do?

    Again, sorry for my english.
    Kind Regards

    Daniel - Camfun

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by CAMFUN
    didn't need to take a class for FeatureCAM to create a post processor... it's very easy. Why should I have to take a class to create a post for MasterCAM ?

    Jon, I have a ask for you. I don´t know FeatureCAM, but they posts give to you the same potencial and ability to change everthing like Mastercam gives? I´m a humble studier from Mastercam, mainly from they posts, but I never see until now a thing that MP language doesn´t allow. I consider me a small guy about posts, compared as guys like Dave Thomson, from IN-HOUSE Solutions, a Mastercam reseller and developer in Canada, for example, I´m ant. But in MP language, all of types of programming techniques are possible. FeatureCAM gives this ability for you, the same power?
    "Jon, I have a ask for you. I don´t know FeatureCAM, but they posts give to you the same potencial and ability to change everthing like Mastercam gives? "

    Very doubtful. For starters FeatureCAM does not do 5 axis simultaneous milling. Further, I would bet that FeatureCAM tries to do more inside the program where CNC Software may give MasterCAM users more control by exposing more options for control in the post language. What I will say is that for many things FeatureCAM's template based post constructor is much easier to use.

    "I´m a humble studier from Mastercam, mainly from they posts, but I never see until now a thing that MP language doesn´t allow."

    Ease of use ?

    I have no doubt MasterCAM's post language is very powerful.


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