I"m the owner and boss of my shop.

My cams are mostly all custom one off billets. "Scrap" one and I"m out nearly $1200. not counting salaries and overhead. And to make the insult worse, I have to pay you AGAIN to remake what you f/u'd and maybe do so on O/T for time sensitive part. Did you ever think about that?

I also can recall when I started out anew. Even though it was over 30 years ago.

Tis why I don't yell at people when I'm mad. My anger is expressed in soft, monotone. They know when I whisper, I'm REAL mad. I"m almost anal on setup. Result: we don't make scrap and my guys kick a$$ to please.

Old time machine shops are run by old time people with old time attitudes. That's how they were taught. They know no better, they know no different. Look at it like when you first get married. I'm sure there were days you caught hell for leaving the toilet seat up. Machine shops are no different. THey don't take kindly to book smart people who try to tell them how to do things they worked a lifetime to make a go of.

It is harder and harder for "old time" shops to prosper because of "old time ways'. HOWEVER, the "kids' who come in aren't always the brightest bulbs on the tree. Their degree says so, their performance says otherwise.

Old time machinists know tons of tricks on how to do things. I worked with some 20+ year vets. I was the smart a$$ engineer - they were the shop rats - they taught me, I learned form them. I, in turn taught them some new ideas and we hashed things out sometimes over a few, very few, beers.

You have good points, but they have a lifetime of experience. Treachery and old age with experience will generally overcome youth and enthusiam. Why? we made your mistakes and more as we've got a HUGE head start over you in the live and learn dept.

HINT did you ASK before you made chips if the part had any setup tricks? probably not. You wanted to show how smart you were. Boss's aspect: smart ass know it all, we'll see what happens.

Result" you made scrap, three times. Really did a bang up job of showing how smart you were. Get the picture yet?. YOu were on probabtion and EVERYTHING you did put you into the "step into my office" position at any moment. YOu don't realize it but that's what bosses do. They test you with tests they went thru - pass you stay, miss too many goals, you get the boot..

YOu may be very smart, You simply didn't show it. The boss has probably had his fill of trade school "Mensa's" - you were more proof that such "kids are a worthless POS".

If it were your shop, what would you have done? Ok, so it isn't and he didn't, get over it. You had your rant. WHAT DID YOU LEARN ABOUT YOUR DEFICIENCIES that helped contribute to the scenario??? Trust me dude, it is as much if not more your fault as to what happened versus your lame boss's. Why? he still collects a paycheck, you don't. Unfair? Get over that because life isn't.

You learned or should have learned several lessons. THings happen for a good reason. Chill out, learn form your mistakes. Even those you didn't make

Did you ask if the part was a Mil spec part? (MIL-TFP 4.1) = make it like the f'ing print for once).

I can go on and on. Do matter what reason/excuse you may nave, I'll have more combacks. I was in your shoes and paid your price for essentialy the same "youthful enthusiasm". I was lucky enought to have some folks set me down and "splain" tings to me. Next time, ask for help, even if you don't need it.

WHile your at it, read the thread here that goes into "would you share your knowledge".

Lots of expereicne to be gained there. Small shops have lots of "toilet seat has to be down momenst" Actually EVERY place I worked had the same mentality. My shop has the same one as "my house, my rules".

WHen you earn enough working for people that you can buy/create your own shop, then you can be the a$$hole boss that you are biiitching about. Rank and liIfe have their privileges.