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Thread: cnc Music!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Exclamation cnc Music!!

    I just wanted to know if anyone has come across or made any gcode that can make your steppers make music?!
    I have seen a couple videos of machines doing this but I can on find a dasiy.nqc file and I cannot get it to run under Mach3?
    Here is a a couple of links to show you what I mean. I think its too cool and would love to try it out.
    Any help here would be great.

    This ones really cool sounding

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    That's funny, thanks for the video... :cheers:

    Free DXF - vectorink.com

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Talking 4 part harmony.

    I must try that using th 4th axis.
    Full orchestral sound. Stay posted!
    Super X3. 3600rpm. Sheridan 6"x24" Lathe + more. Three ways to fix things: The right way, the other way, and maybe your way, which is possibly a faster wrong way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    the second video is 'daisy' from one of the emc developers. (cradek)

    the gcode file is here. (made for 4 axis)


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I tried running that Dasiy.ngc with Mach3 and it was nothing but errors it would not get past line 1

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    What we need is a midi to gcode converter! To allow us to play any midi file on our 3 axis machines!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    When you find a midi/gcode converter please do Stairway to Heaven first, ok?

    Daisy.ngc also comes with the EMC2 download. I didn't know that it plays music though. My machine build is not quite ready to play it yet.

    The Shopbot tenth anniversary video on YouTube was the first one of these that I saw. Made me want to buy a Shopbot instead of build a cheap machine.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I do now know mach to give advice. If it is erroring on line 1 - I would guess it doesn't like emc's looping/conditional/sub language.



    Quote Originally Posted by kram242 View Post
    I tried running that Dasiy.ngc with Mach3 and it was nothing but errors it would not get past line 1

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by kram242 View Post
    I tried running that Dasiy.ngc with Mach3 and it was nothing but errors it would not get past line 1
    The solution is to install EMC2...


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2006
    That is funny stuff... gives a new meaning to "tuning" your cnc setup


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    to put it simple= thats pretty cool!! oh and my wife just looks at me funny when i have her watch the vid. lol she just dont get it...lol thanks for posting...
    "witty comment"

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thaks for all your help guys,
    I talk to David who made the Christmas one and here is what he said, maybe it will help us to get one running under Mach3

    The math (in my case):
    1 revolution is 1600 steps or Hz. 1 revolution is 6mm. 1mm/s feedrate will result in 1600/6 = 266.66Hz

    The knowledge:
    What frequencies are those nice notes.

    What g code to use.

    G91 incremental mode
    G01 X10 Y0 Z0 F1.65 Feedrate F1.65 mm/s for an A4 (440Hz) note.

    Tricky part is the timing, X10 in the sample. The higher the note the more you need to travel to keep the same timing.

    Making a formula for this shouldnt be to hard. I used trail and error.

    You would make me and the rest of the world very happy of you write a MIDI to G code converter. All the info is also in the MIDI file. 2-3 UT's would do the trick.



  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by .xXACEXx. View Post
    to put it simple= thats pretty cool!! oh and my wife just looks at me funny when i have her watch the vid. lol she just dont get it...lol thanks for posting...
    Funny you mention the other half, mine didn't get it either... ah well.

    It is a little ironic, I have just built some nice microstepping drives for a little lathe I am doing, and was admiring how silent the motor's were on full microstepping, now I have to put them on full step to make any noise so I can try this out, and I don't have much travel on the lathe so it will be a quick tune

    I also have taken the steppers off my router and am in the process of putting servo's (that will be silent) in their place so no luck there either (chair)


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thats funny you guys, it really is ironic, My wife is the one that got this ball rolling. When I showed her the vid before I posted it here, she said thats cool! can your get you machine to sing happy birthday. So then the hunt was on and I started up the thread.
    It just goes to show

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Anyone got anything working yet?'

  16. #16

    You tube...

    The machine playing daisy is mine. I also have a video of the 4th axis playing too. (http://media.adamziegler.net/cnc/ << see bottom of page) One of the videos is not the version currently delivered by EMC, but had some modification done by Cradek. (Both versions still sound about the same.... they just move differently.)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Convert Music to G-code & Play it on your CNC Machine

    I've been working on making music on my CNC machine for a couple days and managed to get a couple of Star Wars tunes working. I kept a lot of notes of the whole process, so I'll post my notes so everyone can see how I did it. My notes are quite long so I'll post them in segments. Sorry for any mistakes. Hope you enjoy.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Convert Music to G-code & Play it on your CNC Machine 1 of 10

    *** Axis Details for each stepper motor ***

    I am using 200 steps per revolution motors with 1/10 micro step gecko 203V drives. A total of 2000 micro steps per revolution. Mach 2 is the control software.

    X & Y axis both have 20 tpi(threads per inch). 2000 x 20 = 40,000 steps per inch.

    Z axis has 16.9333 tpi. 2000 x 16.9333 = 33,866.67 steps per inch.

    X axis - 40,000 steps per inch. 1 IPM(inch per minute) = 40,000 /60 = 666.67 steps per second or Hertz.

    Y axis - 40,000 steps per inch. 1 IPM(inch per minute) = 40,000 /60 = 666.67 steps per second or Hertz.

    Z axis - 33,866.67 steps per inch. 1 IPM(inch per minute) = 33,866.67 /60 = 564.44 steps per second or Hertz.

    To convert X & Y numbers to Z numbers, just multiply by 666.67/564.44 or 1.18.

    Note: Using more than one axis together will alter the frequency of each motor since the feed rate is vectored and not parallel with each axis. This can probably be ignored if using the same note for each axis, but I'm not sure how it will work if you want to play different notes on each axis to make chords. It seems like it would take some complex math if you want to play 3 different notes on each axis. When using multiple axis the frequency will be lowered, the feed rate can be increased in Mach 2 to increase the frequency and also the speed. Adjusting the scale in Mach 2 has similar effects.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Convert Music to G-code & Play it on your CNC Machine 2 of 10

    *** Music Notes & Frequencies in Hertz ***

    Each octave higher is twice the frequency of the previous octave.

    ----- -1- ----- -2- ----- -3- ---- -4- --- -5-
    A -- 55.00 -- 110.00 - 220.00 - 440.00 - 880.00

    A#- 58.27 -- 116.54 - 233.08 - 466.16 - 932.32

    B -- 61.74 -- 123.48 - 246.96 - 493.92 - 987.84

    C -- 65.41 -- 130.82 - 261.64 - 523.28 - 1046.56

    C#- 69.30 -- 138.60 - 277.20 - 554.40 - 1108.80

    D -- 73.42 -- 146.84 - 293.68 - 587.36 - 1174.72

    D#- 77.78 -- 155.56 - 311.12 - 622.24 - 1244.48

    E -- 82.41 -- 164.82 - 329.64 - 659.28 - 1318.56

    F -- 87.31 -- 174.62 - 349.24 - 698.48 - 1396.96

    F#- 92.50 -- 185.00 - 370.00 - 740.00 - 1480.00

    G -- 98.00 -- 196.00 - 392.00 - 784.00 - 1568.00

    G#- 103.83 - 207.66 - 415.32 - 830.64 - 1661.28


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Convert Music to G-code & Play it on your CNC Machine 3 of 10

    *** Formula to convert frequency to feed rate ***

    Divide the note frequency by 666.67 to get the equivalent IPM to achieve that frequency. Double the result for each octave.

    Inches per minute -

    ----------------------------------- -1- ---- -2- ---- -3- ---- -4- ---- -5-
    A -- 55.00 ----> 55.00/666.67 -- 0.0825 - 0.165 --- 0.33 --- 0.66 ---- 1.32

    A# - 58.27 ----> 58.27/666.67 -- 0.0874 - 0.1748 - 0.3496 - 0.6992 - 1.3984

    B -- 61.74 ----> 61.74/666.67 -- 0.0926 - 0.1852 - 0.3704 - 0.7408 - 1.4816

    C -- 65.41 ----> 65.41/666.67 -- 0.0981 - 0.1962 - 0.3924 - 0.7848 - 1.5696

    C# - 69.30 ----> 69.30/666.67 -- 0.1039 - 0.2078 - 0.4156 - 0.8312 - 1.6624

    D -- 73.42 ----> 73.42/666.67 -- 0.1101 - 0.2202 - 0.4404 - 0.8808 - 1.7616

    D# - 77.78 ----> 77.78/666.67 -- 0.1167 - 0.2334 - 0.4668 - 0.9336 - 1.8672

    E -- 82.41 ----> 82.41/666.67 -- 0.1236 -- 0.2472 - 0.4944 - 0.9888 - 1.9776

    F -- 87.31 ----> 87.31/666.67 -- 0.1310 -- 0.262 -- 0.524 -- 1.048 -- 2.096

    F# - 92.50 ----> 92.50/666.67 -- 0.1387 - 0.2774 - 0.5548 - 1.1096 - 2.2192

    G -- 98.00 ----> 98.00/666.67 -- 0.1470 - 0.294 -- 0.588 -- 1.176 -- 2.352

    G# - 103.83 --> 103.83/666.67 - 0.1557 - 0.3114 - 0.6228 - 1.2456 - 2.4912

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