Success, at least a partial one!
I finally got my new UHU controller chips today and got arround to test the thing. It worked without problems at 140V. When testing i realized that this gives way to much power on my Y axis so i decided to go with 80V instead. This gives me with ease 9000mm/min if i want to and that is moore than enough!
I got the strangest error her the other day, suddenly the controller started to just send gibborish back in the terminal window. What was strange about it was that if I send go commands the seems to be carried out correctly.
I'm still working on this one but i think i got to be the cabel or something other than the UHU chip since everything seems to be working as it should.

I have set the "m" parameter in the controller so that the resolution of my system is 0,0254mm pr step, after my initial tests I'm wondering if this might be to big since i get very jerky movment at low speeds.
what do you think?
