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IndustryArena Forum > Community Club House > Carhartt is MADE IN MEXICO!!!
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Carhartt is MADE IN MEXICO!!!

    Maybe this is new to me, I have not had to buy a new work coat in 2 years because I always bought Carhartt with was always made in the USA! And I looked, the 4 Carhartt coats that I own are all made in the USA!!!

    I goto the Carhartt dealer today to buy a new hat, thought I should probably buy a new coat, my old one is getting pretty beat, ALL OF THEM ARE MADE IN MEXICO!

    So... I ask the lady at the counter "since when are Carhartt made in Mexico?" She says, "about a year or two, they all are now".

    I hereby BOYCOTT Carhartt!

    I wore Carhartt for 12 years, probably 6 coats, countless hats and hoodies. NO MORE!

    #1, I loved my Carhartt because they were made in the USA.
    #2, they lasted longer than anything else, excellent quality.

    SO... Anyone know where I can get a good work coat MADE IN THE USA?
    I'm not supporting import companies. They can kiss my ASS!

    MC MFG
    I work in AMERICA, please buy from AMERICA!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I found out the same about Levi’s a few years back. I replaced a few pairs that were getting worn and noticed they did not “feel” the same, looked and found the tag “Made in Mexico”, have not bought a pair since.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I made bearings for harley here in the USA, now they are made in Mexico.

    Ask me how much free time I now have.

    Free DXF - vectorink.com

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I hear ya, you will be happy to know that CNCzone is 99% American, only the software is made overseas the rest is right here in the USA. The products I manufacture airfoilz.com are also 100% USA made!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    It's just depressing to me...

    You know, at my last day job, I used to rebuild and being a small shop, sometimes I would pack and ship, parts for JOHN DEERE, who could be more american?, and shipped them to MEXICO!

    DONE! I've about had it with this outsourcing bull****! If it's not made in THE USA and I have a choice, I'm not buying.... PERIOD!

    I want people to buy from me and not my chinese competition who chews crap out of metal and sells it for half the price, I am american and I buy american.

    Thank You!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    It is sickening to see so many US businesses moving their factories to foreign nations.

    It's like Stanley tools... most of their products are no longer made in the USA. it's not that they were high quality tools, it's that American jobs took a big hit so the higher ups could make more $ for themselves.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    My wife bought a Marines jacket for me at a Marine base in North Carolina.

    The jacket was made in China.

    Too bad we can't outsource some of our government jobs, too. Would save a bundle in taxes. Maybe some Senate and House seats?
    Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock. - Will Rogers

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I would like to urge all American's to buy American. If it's not made in the U.S., it's not for US.

    Emerson, Stanley, John Deere, NOW CARHARTT! WTF?

    I'm not rich. I'll even tell you guys, I just got enough of my taxes completed to admit and confirm that I only made $48K last year. (yeah, I was hit by the economy too)

    But you know what, the first thing I look at, is it made in the USA?
    If it's not, I will keep looking, and I will spend more money. WHY?

    Because I own a small tool shop. I do tool and die work. I make parts for turbocharged racecar's also. And if I want you to buy from me intead of my forgien POS competition who can only compete on price and not quality, I'm going to buy from America.

    I could make more money by outsourcing.

    I could make more money by buying import tooling, sometimes save up to 60%!

    I could buy and sell import crap just because I can't afford to make it for what China does and I have buyers lined up because they are already buying everything else from me!

    Why don't I? Because I live in AMERICA and I support AMERICA. Maybe you work at a steel mill that I buy material from. Maybe you work for a tool manufacture that I buy tooling from. Maybe if I start outsourcing and buying in import crap, you won't have a job, but I want you to buy parts from me...

    Maybe I should just hang it up and say FTW and make more money for me, but maybe I couldn't sleep at night. Maybe I'm going to die of contempt of pride. Maybe I would like to make more money, but I can't stand what's happening to my country. And I would be a hippocrate if I imported product or outsourced over-seas.

    And maybe I would look like a major ******* if I contantly ripped on people and even dropped a couple of customers who only care about themselves and import/outsource forgien crap for thier own personal gains.

    One customer told me "I only buy from you, the parts that I need within a short period of time. Otherwise, your prices don't compete with my Korian machinst."
    My reply was, "No thanks, don't need the business". (that was over the phone.)
    Emailed me "blah blah blah" My reply "NOPE, Thanks anyway"
    Emailed me again "please call me"
    My reply, "No thank you"
    I've HAD IT!

    I would just like President Obama to recognize the problems in the manufacturing sector. I would like him to admit there is a problem and that making money on paper is nice, but making money from raw materials is what built this country.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    BTW, the hat that I did buy today was "made in USA". Was actually marked down to $5, but the only Carhatt hat's they sell now are those fitted kind that I don't like, plus I refuse to buy "made in Mexico"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Made in USA shopping

    Start shopping here, http://www.madeinusa.org/
    Everything made in the good Ol US od A.
    I only buy American, unless I can find it made here.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I did go as far as to call Carhartt and ask what happened. The salesman told me they still have 2 plants where they cut and sew in Kentucky and Tennessee. But they only have 2 plants in Mexico, and was quick to point out that they are not sweat shops.

    SO... should I buy from a company who's trying to ride both sides of the fence? Keeping a couple of plants open in America so they can say they still produce "Union Made in the USA" clothes, but then outsource for pure corperate greed? My local dealer has hundreds of Carhartt coats in stock, every one of them are made in Mexico.

    I like the idea of outsourcing the senete. Do they make $200k a year? Let's outsource thier jobs to a bunch of forgieners who could just as easily make it look like they are argueing over taxes(as long as the taxes don't effect them), could save us $180,000 per seat per year.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I live in Denmark...buys my stuff from all over the world :-) Corperate greed? Isnt it more like consumer greed, when we are not willing to pay the right price, the companies take the production to somewhere where the salery is affordable

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Guldberg View Post
    I live in Denmark...buys my stuff from all over the world :-) Corperate greed? Isnt it more like consumer greed, when we are not willing to pay the right price, the companies take the production to somewhere where the salery is affordable
    IMO - Yes and no.
    Even if ALL consumers are willing to pay extra, I believe that the manufacturers would still move to cheaper labour (more money in their pockets) UNLESS the collective consumers made it very clear that "Made in XX" is the only reason they buy.

    Have you guys also noticed that a lot of new STARRETT are now only "made to original specifications" in China.

    Try going to a tourist souvenir shop.
    Last time I checked most all of the Canada, city or province locale souvenirs are made overseas.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Whats wrong with made in mexico?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Why not China? Would be cheaper.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Well a "Made in USA" tag does not guarantee quality, i can tell you that much...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2003
    USA quality or not, I firmly believe that outsourcing is cause of all our problems.

    Am I the only one here that thinks that if we close our doors to to mass imports from mexico and china, many things here in the USA would improve?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Luis Franco View Post
    Well a "Made in USA" tag does not guarantee quality, i can tell you that much...
    I'll agree with that.
    Point is watching the unemployment rate in my area go from 3% to 10% and making quite a bit less money last year as I did the previous, watching large companies move more and more jobs out of the country is the point.

    There was one point in my area that if you did not have a job, it's because you were lazy. Not so much the case today, totally diffrent story.

    It will happen in your country too, eventually.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mc-motorsports View Post
    I'll agree with that.
    Point is watching the unemployment rate in my area go from 3% to 10% and making quite a bit less money last year as I did the previous, watching large companies move more and more jobs out of the country is the point.

    There was one point in my area that if you did not have a job, it's because you were lazy. Not so much the case today, totally diffrent story.

    It will happen in your country too, eventually.

    Actually its already happening since the outsorcing that was done first to Mexico, now is either going to China or India, so i do understand your point, just a little biased since you mentiones Mexico, ejej

    But yes outsorcing is great when you do to a certain point,

    Here´s an example of what happened a few months back

    i work a an Plastics Injection Facility, in the Tool & Design area, we quoted a mold for a washer/dryer console, and the project went to the Chinese since they charged almost 30% less. We still injected the part here but thats when the problems started, Lifters would break or cease up, we ended up charging more for repairs and EC´s that the mould cost

    The problem is that most paper pushers only see numbers but they dont see the big picture when it comes to manufacturing

    But yeah as stated earlier, usualy is the consumer that demands the break-back prices and manufacturers almost have no choice (sometimes)

    Right now office employees are onyl working tuesday thru friday, same as production personel, when it used to be Monday thru Saturday

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Sure it sucks, but thats how capitalisme works. You could stop all import and do it all yourself and while your at it, why not let the goverment buy the banks and all the companies to keep control of, that all things are "Made In USA"...no wait havent that been tried before...communisme i think its called.

    I just got laid off due to the financial crisis, but i blame the common man being greedy wanting more and more at a lower and lower price. In capitalisme the goal is to optimize the profit for yourself, so people naturally act this way.

    But if you should blame somebody, blame the politicians, not the companies

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