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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Life is too short

    A couple of weeks ago, One of my friends and co-workers died suddenly. The cause of death was determined to be a massive heart attack. It was a real shock to everyone that knew him because he seemed to be in near perfect health. He hardly ever missed a day of work due to being sick and was only 45 years old. Just a couple days before he died I remember looking at him and thinking I wish I were in as good of shape as you. He worked a full day that Monday and was not there on Tuesday. We found out Wensday he was dead. So he either died Monday night or Tuesday morning. Yesturday got me thinking about it again because I had to machine a project for the sample room at work( which is where he used to work). So I was in and out of there all day. Its things like that; that make you think are me and my family preparied if something like that happend to me. I have also been tring to spend as much time as possible with my daughter. I will probably increase my life insurance the next time I have the oppertunity also. I just thought I would write about it and try to vent some of my feelings about everything.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    if you ever feel a chest pain spreading into your arm and up into your jaw take an aspirin ASAP. yes your simple household aspirin and call 911. in case you are 100% positively sure that you have arythmia you can either stand up quickly or bend down and pretend you're having a particularly difficult "poo session" (i.e. strain yourself) to try and bring back the heart into normal rythm.

    so many perfectly healthy athletes drop dead of heart attacks. it's all in your head so to speak. stress is bad for you, activity is good but it mustn't be stressful. only be a workaholic if you enjoy (as in sex) your job, not to prove something to someone (as in mine is bigger than yours). otherwise you will kill yourself.

    laugh daily. if you don't then get a divorce and marry someone else because that's what partners are for - to fulfill your life not drive you underground.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I was 35 when I started having problems and by 37 it was finally determined it was a hart problem 6 bypass later and now am waiting for a transplant , have a defibulater installed and take 30 pills a day and 7 shots, and that is why I got into cnc stuff , I am know in school for math and next semester will start takeing CAM courses so I can go back to work. I was a mechanic had my own business and worked all the time, but can't return to that type work and decided learning to program cnc machines would not reqire phisically demanding labor , I hope it doesn't. So yes life is very short.
    thanks Kenneth

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hey don,t worry about a thing because everything's gonna be alright..( a line one of my fav reggae songs)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thats why I do what I do!

    I must love it because I am building one for my garage too! I usually don't get stressed from work its usually by people at work or customers. If I was indepentantly welthy (i wish) I could do this at liesure. (you ever wander why rich people live longer? It's not the health car we cant afford, its the lack of "survival" preasure! They don't "HAVE" to work we do!) Things that make you go HMMMM

    I usually just do things to learn everything (just wish I lived long enough to actually accomplish it) but usually making money at it initially makes in nicer.

    laugh daily. if you don't then get a divorce and marry someone else because that's what partners are for - to fulfill your life not drive you underground.
    so your telling me to get a divorce? where were you 10years ago!

    All those vulturous lawyers and my wife too!
    I think that would actually give me a heart attack!

    (she's realy a good person, she just needs to give it up more! )

    be happy
    Michael T.
    "If you don't stand for something, chances are, you'll fall for anything!"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Sorry to hear about your friend. Lost one about a month ago to cancer. Was hard whatching him the last few months but learned to be thankful for what I have.
    Regarding wives, I divorced my about five years ago. The whole thing was a bummer. About the only thing I can remember during the months of "the process" was the inability to get my own hand in my own pocket. Seems like the whole time my pockets were filled with my wife's hand, her lawyer and my lawyers hands. Sure was nice when it was over though. Like getting a tooth pulled. Awwwww, the relief!!!!
    Be Happy!!!!!
    Helicopter def. = Bunch of spare parts flying in close formation! USAF 1974 ;>)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Sorry to hear of your loss. I too have lost people close to me and it does change the way you look at things. At least it did for me. I try and take each day as a gift and find something to thankful for. If you have something you want someone to know than you should tell them. Don't wait until they are gone or you are gone.

    Today is a great day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    3 years since last post, Wow, Pretty moving stuff.

    No One is alone.

    We all go through some **** times, Lost my little brother back in 2003. Learn to live with it not get over it!.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Im such a hardcore minded machinist that it kills me to not understand stuff and watch others do stuff incorrectly or use tooling wrong. It has stressed me a bit, and im trying to not let it kill me (literally). My impatience is my worst quality, but I pick up stuff amazing fast and im in full throttle mode 24/7 it seems like. Its difficult working in a huge company and I want to improve things, but im stuck working with dinosaurs that dont want to do stuff right or understand what is and isnt correct. I need a girlfriend, or a on-call clean hooker!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    It can really startle you how quick things can happen. Whenever it's you're time, there is no cheating it. Live as if every day is you're last!

  11. #11
    [QUOTE=posix;143698]if you ever feel a chest pain spreading into your arm QUOTE]

    like getting smoked in the center of the chest with a baseball

    the biggest problem is these things are hereditary , most of us if not all of us feel the small sense of imortality and that we will be the crazy old fart sitting in the old age home , and hopefully so , but the reality is once a person reaches 40 it is time to start taking care of ourselves ,many times history will repeat itself , i knew %^ was going to happen sooner or later and my wife thought i was nuts putting so much life insurance on myself , but if i didnt then there's not a straight insurance company that would look sideways at me now . i'm worth more dead than alive which is a good thing as long as the wife doesnt get any ides
    we have to prepare for this stuff not for ourselves but our families . i go to bed every nite appreciative to be here with them , and for them

    sorry for your loss Rob , a friend is someone who will never leave ones heart and soul , it will take a while but eventually you will be able to think about your friend and smile
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Some members know this story from PM's but I figured given the age distribution on CNCzone, the number of members and statistics there are probably some guys out there that may get something out of it.

    Almost 11 months ago I got a diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer; my PSA was 24, the biopsy was positive on 8 out of 9 samples and my Gleason score was 9. I was beyond surgery but maybe not beyond combined hormone and intensive radiation therapy so I opted for this. I celebrated(?) my 65th birthday two thirds of the way through the radiation; 37 days of having a high powered X-ray machine irradiate me from all sides. Not without its moments of humor; I was laying semi-naked on the table with the therapists pushing me into position and one young cutie said " Isn't this every guys dreaming having a bunch of females push his naked body around?". Unfortunately the hormone treatment had long banished that kind of dream.

    Mostly it was a long way from humorous but it was worth it; ten days ago my three month follow-up PSA test was 0.19 and the Radiation Oncologist says I probably have nothing to worry about for years.

    Why did I get to such a state? I was relying on the physical check-ups which gave no indication of any problems and I just didn't ask for the PSA test until I had difficulty peeing.

    If you are over 55 you should be getting the PSA test every year.

    If you have received a diagnosis don't give up; intensive therapy is no walk-in-the-park but it can work.
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

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