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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Tormach Personal CNC Mill > Remote Cylce Start and stop button
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  1. #1

    Remote Cylce Start and stop button

    Has anyone done this?
    It seems like a good idea to be able to Cycle start with out using the mouse or hitting Alt+R. Also the E-stop button could be handier. So my solution would be a remote setup similiar the the Jogging pendant.
    Anyone done this and or could tell me if it could be done.
    RAD. Yes those are my initials. Idea, design, build, use. It never ends.
    PCNC1100 Series II, w/S3 upgrade, PDB, ATC & 4th's, PCNC1100 Series II, 4th

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Isn't the Tormach cnc Control, just a modified Mach3 screen? If so, I think this would be a very simple pendent.



    Free DXF - vectorink.com

  3. #3


    Well all I want is two switches Cycle Start and E-Stop. Just for when I'm doing tool changes I can easily start the machine. I don't like having to use the mouse and I don't need all the features of a gaming controller. I already have the Shuttle Jog Controller from Tormach. I suppose I could hot wire a mouse into a new housing and replace the switches and have it do what I need.
    RAD. Yes those are my initials. Idea, design, build, use. It never ends.
    PCNC1100 Series II, w/S3 upgrade, PDB, ATC & 4th's, PCNC1100 Series II, 4th

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by R.DesJardin View Post
    Well all I want is two switches Cycle Start and E-Stop.
    You need a keyboard encoder, someday when there is time I am going to machine a box with a lid and mount switches in it. Spring return toggles for each axis and all the other common stuff (feed hold, etc.). These sit in-line between the keyboard and the PC and when you push your external switch they generate a keyboard command and send it to the PC. They are usually programmable to whatever command you want, such as "Ctrl-Page Down" for incremental -Z Axis travel.



    They use these in building PC based Arcade Games.
    BlueFin CNC LLC
    Southern Oregon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Looks like the KE-18 would do it for $44.95, unless you had to have a USB keyboard instead of PS2.

    BlueFin CNC LLC
    Southern Oregon

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by R.DesJardin
    Well all I want is two switches Cycle Start and E-Stop.
    Those are two really different functions. Cycle start is just a software button on the screen that tells Mach to start interpreting the gcode, and that can be twinned by one of the keyboard wedges that BlueFin mentioned.

    But estop is a physical switch that drops out the main contactor. That can't be done in software. I did add a second estop switch to my machine. It is in series with the switch on the operator panel, so that pressing either switch will stop the machine. It's at line voltage (the 110V control voltage) and I used a true mushroom estop switch (you can buy them pretty reasonably from Automation Direct).


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I have thought about extending one of the axis limit switches to a button on the front of the machine. If I'm testing a program and there is an eminent danger of a crash I normally hit the "E" stop button which could cause the machine to loose position. It seems like it would be better to activate an exis "end of travel" instead.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Or instead of estop do you mean the "Stop (Alt-S)" onscreen button, R.DesJardin? That of course could be twinned by the keyboard wedge. It isn't an estop since it is just a software command (rather than physically cutting machine power), but it also can cause loss of position since it stops the machine motion without controlled deceleration.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by saabaero
    It seems like it would be better to activate an exis "end of travel" instead.
    I don't think that activating a limit switch will be any better than alt-S. It stops motion suddenly (no deceleration) and also causes the machine to lose its "referenced" status so anything that depends on machine coordinates (M998 etc.) won't work.


  10. #10


    Sorry, yes I meant cycle stop(Alt S), which stops all motion, not shut the machine down. Just a simple start stop set up that's easier than using the mouse. Change a tool and bam go. I just don't like having to handle the mouse after a tool change.
    RAD. Yes those are my initials. Idea, design, build, use. It never ends.
    PCNC1100 Series II, w/S3 upgrade, PDB, ATC & 4th's, PCNC1100 Series II, 4th

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    All you need to do is wire the switches to inputs on the breakout board and set them up as OEM triggers in Mach's ports and pins.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

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    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Gerry, the Tormach, being a proprietary piece of equipment, doesn't have a BOB. You did make me look at the Machine Control Board though. Nothing like available digital input terminals there that I can identify.

    Also, "ports and pins" are absent from the interface, unless you sign a waiver with Tormach after which they give you the instructions for accessing the hidden setup parameters.

    Which does leave us with a keyboard wedge, or physically splicing into existing switch wiring where available...


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Tormach has Purposly "Crippled" the Mach3 Screen that it sends to keep users from doing custom stuff, above and beyond what the OEM is willing to accept Liability from.

    So, If you want to do what you want, then to keep your warrenty, contact Tormach and have them "Add" the inputs you need and perhaps modify the screen to your needs. I can't say that I blame then one single bit for the way they have done thier release model.

    BUT, having said that, if YOU are willing to sign a Liablitly release for them (you can contact them to get one). Then you could just download a copy of Machs Screen 3, or Screen 4, to do your screen changes, AND you would also need to do a "Install" of machs latest Dev release, to "restore" the crippled screen back to mach standard.

    In mach Standard install, and screens, it is a Non-Issue to do what you want. Again, though, I highly recommend you have Tormach do the changes you want, or sign a liablity release and do it yourself.

    Commercial Mach3: Screens, Wizards, Plugins, Brains,PLCs, Macros, ATC's, machine design/build, retrofit, EMC2, Prototyping. http://sites.google.com/site/volunteerfablab/

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by PoppaBear10
    In mach Standard install, and screens, it is a Non-Issue to do what you want.
    Software-wise, sure, Scott. I'm using Mach3 for my home-converted lathe right now. And I've done some tweaking (minor stuff, like axis homing order, etc.) on my "Tor/Mach" installation.

    But that leaves the non-availability of digital input lines on the Tormach Machine Control Board, unless they have radically changed the design since my fall-2006 machine.

    BlueFin's suggestion of the keyboard wedge is a good one. All R.DesJardin wants to do is duplicate a couple of keystrokes (alt-R, alt-S) that are already in the Tor/Mach screenset, with auxiliary buttons.

    edit: And there are the USB "X-Keys" programmable auxiliary keyboards which I had forgotten about: stick and numberpad formats.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Aaah, the shoe drops. Second parallel port for the BOB... That could get interesting.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I did add a second BOB on mine........ Bi Direcitonal so 10 inputs extra, plus 5 outputs, and a Modbus controlled PLC..........

    BUT, I did do the "Mach Standard" exe.......... and yes, you can do the "Other profile/exe" from Tormach as well with thier blessings......

    Commercial Mach3: Screens, Wizards, Plugins, Brains,PLCs, Macros, ATC's, machine design/build, retrofit, EMC2, Prototyping. http://sites.google.com/site/volunteerfablab/

  17. #17


    Then I should be able to disect a mouse, wire in a couple switches from Radio Shack, put them in a Polycase enclosure and set the buttons to Alt S and Alt R.
    RAD. Yes those are my initials. Idea, design, build, use. It never ends.
    PCNC1100 Series II, w/S3 upgrade, PDB, ATC & 4th's, PCNC1100 Series II, 4th

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    As long as it was a 5-button mouse that you could program the two side buttons for alt-R and alt-S.

    edit: Something like [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Verbatim-Optical-Desktop-Mouse-programmable/dp/B000RPTT78"]this[/ame] or [ame="http://www.amazon.com/OEM-Microsoft-Intellimouse-5-Button-Optical/dp/B000BSHJYQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1236716086&sr =1-1"]this[/ame] or [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Dell-Optical-5-Button-Scroll-MOA8BO/dp/B000ZLTHF8/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1236716086&sr =1-7"]this[/ame] would probably work.


  19. #19

    Trouble solved

    I bought a programmable mouse with a side button, and actually am just using the side button on the mouse for the Cycle Start, ten times handier than point and click. Still thinking about disecting it to make a go button I can "hit" when my hands have coolant residue on them from a tool change.
    Now I just need to save up for a touch screen.
    RAD. Yes those are my initials. Idea, design, build, use. It never ends.
    PCNC1100 Series II, w/S3 upgrade, PDB, ATC & 4th's, PCNC1100 Series II, 4th

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Neat, R. A nice solution. If it's an optical mouse, can you just put it in a baggie in the meantime? Just a wacky thought--I've seen guys do that with their keyboards in the shop...


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