Quote Originally Posted by LiquidGuitars View Post
No ball nose was used but a mulit gang saw. check out one of the Gibson video shop tours..
gang saw (patern carver) is long gone aparently. tops are all done on a multi spindle router now. i guess they switched when they started chambering.

said saw:

i used to have a picture of the new cnc router doing bodies, but i cant find it now.

in any case, how smooth you make the top is just a matter of how long you want to wait. most hobby people i imagine can let it run as long as they want. gibson doesnt as there is a point where its not cost effective.

anyhow, the only point of bringing up this pattern carver was to say that all the "real" 59's vary significantly, so i dont know how critical it is to try and pick one specific feature and dwell on it for accuracy.