Trying to troubleshoot a new 201 system. This is off business hours for geckodrive so thought I would try my hand here. Got a few posers.

Can the "disable" line float or does it need a 10K pullup? If it needs a pullup, what should the source voltage be? My power supply is 38V and I've got 5V and 12V available from the computer power supply..

A few other things please. The left hand "current set" line registers 10.1 V but the right hand "current set" shows 0V. Is this ok? I can run the spiral.txt program and watch the "direction" pin fluctuate from 4.8V to .57V -- looks completely normal. My multimeter shows the "step" line to fluctuate from .56-.57V. Is there anyway to tell if the step line is pulsing normally? I don't have a scope.

Any pointers appreciated.