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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Milltronics > starting in the middle of a program
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    starting in the middle of a program

    I just have a couple of quick questions on accessing, editing and running a program from a mid point with the cent 7 controller.

    how do I jump to the middle of the program loaded to run , make changes and then choose the point I want it to run from , like a tool change etc.

    Do I need to know the block number or can I visually scroll thru it looking for known points?

    If I can scroll thru and pick a start point in the program loaded will the controller dry run thru and look for the offset and tool that needs to be loaded?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Are you programming in conversational or G code?
    if conversational the event is the block such as start mill event # 3
    go to run,start and then you have 3 choices, first, block " event" and tool#. answer ? accordingly and the green box will tell you block so and so or tool# has been found push cycle start to start program from here. if you are not starting from a tool change or tool call make sure the proper tool is in the spindle and the proper tool # and the tool offset # are displayed in the info box.
    good luck
    The Farmer

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I am running g code files pieced together from mastercam files , handwritten files and files written with another cam program.

    in most cases there are n ot line numbers or the same line number might appear dozens of times do to cutting and pasting in a text editor. Some of the files I am running are quite large and not easy to modify on the desk top and dnc back to the machine. I am working with forgings and I need to be able to edit in the machine on occasion

    On both my other milling centers , haas and bridgeport, I can scroll thru the program line by line and edit at will and then run from the highlighted line. Is this possible with the cent7 controller?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Wow, those programs sound like a real mess to look at

    You might look at some software that may help you. I'm thinking of NCPlot, which is a quite intelligent simulator that may actually help you with renumbering the code in a meaningful way that might make it easier to sort out subroutines and such. I don't have NCPlot myself, but I think it attempts to run through subs in a meaningful fashion that will show you if you've got things in proper order.

    If you can get the program renumbered properly then you'd have a lot easier time at the control.
    First you get good, then you get fast. Then grouchiness sets in.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I have ncplot and at least one other program that will renumber , thats not my concern .

    I am just wondering how to scroll thru the program line by line in the cent 7 controller, and when I find the line I want , can I highlight it and start from that point.

    If it is possible to scroll thru line by line and run from a selected point how do I do so and is it possible to pick single inputs in a line ( x4.00 ) etc and delete them then replace with a new value ?

    I have not done anything with the milltronics other than dnc large programs with the editor in mastercam and run them, but some of the programs are rather large and take 2+ hours to transfer, I occassionaly need to make some simple changes based on dimensional differences in the forgings without spending hours reloading the program.

    In the hAAS controller all I have to do is open the program, push edit and I can scroll line by line thru the program with the mpg wheel or the arrow keys, highlight what I want to change, hit delete , type in the new value and hit enter and its inserted. Does the cent 7 controller allow this process or something similar?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by panaceabea View Post
    .....In the hAAS controller all I have to do is open the program, push edit and I can scroll line by line thru the program with the mpg wheel or the arrow keys, highlight what I want to change, hit delete , type in the new value and hit enter and its inserted. Does the cent 7 controller allow this process or something similar?
    You do know that on the Haas you can simply type in the entry you want to change and push the down cursor to jump straight to it? No need to spend time with the wheel or arrow keys
    An open mind is a virtue...so long as all the common sense has not leaked out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I did not know that Geof ,How do I do that, do I have to have and know specific line numbers?
    Is their a find and replace?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I am assuming the basic text editing ability does not exist with the milltronics?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    call 952-442-1401 Milltronics service dept. there is a way to restart like you want to but they will have to explain how. I either use Gibbs cam with N numbers or conversational at the control and it is simple.
    good luck
    The Farmer

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Thanks, I will give them a call. I normaly just make changes on the desktop either manualy or in mastercam but at 2+ hours to dnc some of them back in the machine I def need a way to edit files in the machine that were not created with the conversational programing .

    I figured the milltronics guy that watches this section would have chimed in by now

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Are you talking about the conversational program or text program? You can run the text program from any block. Here is a sample progrm..
    N30(TOOL NAME :- DIA3.0 BALL)
    N40 (TOOL DIA :- 3.00)
    N50 (TIP RADIUS :- 0)
    N60 (MAT'L THICKNESS:- .05)
    N70(TOOLPATH TIME :- 1142)

    You can just scroll down to the block you want. Or you know Z value (how deep your program run). If you cut upto 20mm deep, then you can serch the block containing Z-20 or Z-19.5. You can serch it in edit mode by hitting MISC then FIND then put Z-20 then enter 2 times.
    In above program the block numbers are in the increment of 10. So if you edit a block and change its bolck number to the intermediate value (if you are editing block number N180, after editing you can change it yo N171 to N179 and N181 to N189. Because in large text programs these block numbers are repeatative and your edited bolck number is identical.)
    So post the text programs in the increment of 5 or10.
    To run the progrm from the the desired posision, first hit RUN then START then BLOCK then type the block number eg. N171 then hit enter then start. But before that you must start the spindle manually or type the spindle speed and program feed in that block.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Thank you , Thats exactly what I was looking for . I must have been unclear in my questions above. How do I enter edit mode?

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