Hi-- I had an older version of WinCnc that uses a dongle for owner license verification, but my hardrive was trashed by a lightning strike, and I never backed-up the program files, so with egg on my face I have no wold workjing WinCNC porgram. I have been in contact with Kelly at Microsystems, but they no longer support this older format. My only option with them is to upgrade to a newer version but I would rather not pay for a new daughter board and software upgrade (my daughter board outputs to 2- 25 pin ports and the new ones output to a 37 pin configuration so I have to address that also). Since I own the dongle, I am not trying to get a program up an running illegally, I am just trying to replace the old program that I owned. This has to run on Windows 98 and look for a parellel port dongle. I would appreciate if if someone might email me a copy if they still have one (if they think it proper and legal, as it would be no good without the my dongle, so they would not be sending me a working copy, nor anything more than I already had)-- thanks-- Jack