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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Rutex 2000 series drives

    The pricing of the 2000 series Rutex drives has not been set yet, but they will be about the same for their equivalent powers of the 9X predecessors.

    They are not yet available either.

    As far as customer support is concerned, I answer almost every email that comes into the Rutex web site within hours of its receipt.

    For me and my dial up line this CNC zone website is slower than a snail, so I answer when the forum sends me notification that there are emails to be responded to, if no one else does.

    Please visit the Rutex.com web site for information about our products.

    By the way, things are already hopping for Rutex products. The demand is so high that we are struggling to keep up with the increased orders.

    Thanks for your inquiry.

    Tom Eldredge, Rutex LLC

    USA support
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Dial up, what's dial up? Might be time to upgarde...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    New Series / Old Series comparisons

    Hi! So that you know, I've no experience (yet) with the Rutex products, but I'm going to be shopping soon.

    What would be the advantages of holding off and buying the 2000 Series equipment vs. going with the current offerings? In other words, what are the new bells and whistles? Will this be a second, parallel product line, or a replacement to the current series (will the 900 stuff be phased out)?

    Finally, when are parts expected to become available?

    Oh, one more question: why aren't the brushless drive boards offered with the higher ratings that the brushed boards are-and will this change? O.K., that's two more questions. I got carried away.

    Looking forward to your reply. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    SPI is about all I saw. Not sure if any CAM programs support that interface.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The newer drives still have the step and dir input as well, but here the interesting improvement not found in first generation:Built-in safe Limit Switches input,
    Output for optional external braking resistor,
    Encoder Index offset counter,
    Following Error signal is trip adjustable from +/- 2 to +/-32766,
    Encoder fault detection - no motor runaway with faulty encoder,
    Stalled rotor detection,
    Flashing status LED - different flashing sequence for different errors,

    It's not all, but this is the features that i find interesting for me, still waiting for availlability and pricing!!!


  6. #6

    Please give us an ETA on the 2000 series!!!

    I am looking to purchase Rutex drives for my Bridgeport servo conversion & really don't want to buy 990s if the 2000 ones will be soon available.

    The site said available January 2005...March is quickly approaching...


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I too am retrofitting a 90's vintage Bridgeport, and would like to purchase the new (2000 series) motherboard, four drives and the relay board. When will this new series be available?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    New 2000 series drives


    We are disappointingly, and embarrasingly late on getting the new 2000 series drives in people's hands. As far as I know, the issues that remain to be completed are the tuning software and the DLL.

    The 2000 series will replace the 900H series, which will gradually be phased out of production.

    The brushless drives will not be the first drives to be replaced. As far as having brushless drives with the 200 volt and 40 amp rating available, no date has yet been set for them. We don't know what the market will call for either.

    Please check the features listed in the introduction to the 2000 drives on the Rutex.com web site.

    We expect them to be priced about the same as the present drives.

    I don't want to make any more projections on when they will be complete, but I expect to have my stock of 990H's replenished in a week or so. In the mean time, I'm taking a trip to the east coast to see my new grand daughter, so after Tuesday, I'll be away for a week.

    Tom Eldredge,
    Rutex, LLC
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Full servo loop in Rutex system.


    Alex just listed a good list of new features on the 2000 series drives. I might add that the PID loop will be 40% faster than the R9XH series drives were. The R990H drives were pretty fast as they were, but this is another improvement. Many of the features that Alex listed are not problems that we have seen, but they move the drive into a higher level of performance than just a bare bones servo drive.

    As far as I know, additionally one will be able to communicate through the spi at the same time that the drive is running step and direction. This moves the drives closer to providing the option of being a full servo loop back to the control.

    Correction from Vladimir Huzevka, Rutex home office:

    There is not such thing as untrue or half-true or semiclosed or semiopen
    or whatever servo loop. Once the output is function of the difference
    between command and feedback, than that's a servo system. Full stop,
    nothing in between or half or semi... It really does not matter if the
    feedback and command is differentiated inside the PC or inside the servo
    drive or inside proportional solenoid or on mechanical gears. That's
    the definition of servo system. The term "half" or "true" or "untrue"
    servo system evolved at CCED forum by step&dir servo drive competitors.
    I've never seen any different, but one and only, servo system in
    reputable literature.

    From Tom Eldredge: I stand corrected.

    I have not tried one myself, so we will have to see how all this works together. The spi will be an option through a DLL, and object code (?) for Dos users.

    Tom Eldredge,
    Rutex, LLC
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Recommendation for future product introductions:

    Don't inform users that a product will be available by a certain date, if you can't meet that date.

    Also "pre-announcing" a product leads potential buyers to wait for a product that has more "bell & whistles" and is priced the same.

    Potential buyers will also wait and hope that the older product is sold at a discount.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Your right, i have waited until march for the new drive, but i have ordered the older 990H, no more time to waste waiting.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I'm in the same spot, I'd like to get 2000 series drive but if there not out by the end of march then i'm going with the 990H so I can get my new router up and going. I'm kinda leary about getting something that new also (2000 series) not knowing if all the bugs are worked out as this will be my first step into the world of servos.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Any update to the price and availability of these drives?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hmmmm....I think it's time to rattle the RUTEX cage again....I'm getting tired of waiting for the R2000 product line.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    You got that right!

  16. #16
    Ya know...my business has growing pains too. BUT that is NEVER a valid excuse not to keep customers in the loop about a new product. Sure, lead times are often difficult to target due to many unforseen obstacles...but for Pete sake, don't say in Nov of '04 that you will have the 2000 line ready in January if you can't deliver by the end of Feb...That's a reasonable cushion.

    In fact, why not say 'Spring of 2005'...or better yet, don't say anything at all. You shoot your self in BOTH feet by doing this. The 1st foot gets shot because you tick off customers waiting for your glorious (and it is glorious) new product, while their CNC sits collecting dust. Your other foot is shot because all of us PC owners know that ALL electronics are either soon obsolete or no longer supported...So WHY would we want to buy a 990 series when we can have a 2000 series for around the same price with better features? I'm sure that you could graph the dip in sales these past months because many of us are waiting...and waiting and waiting....

    Please step it up soon and give us REAL answers on the 2000 series availability.


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Rattle Rutex for the 2000 again

    Rattle Rattle,


    The last time I reported on the status of the 2000 series, I said that the boards are done, but the DLL and windows tuning had to be finished.

    The web site now has the tuning software shown as done, and so all that remains is a little housekeeping in the software. So, the goal is to get the parts to the pcb mfg house by the end of this month.

    That's the latest info. We are getting closer.

    Tom Eldredge,
    Rutex LLC
    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Full servo loop?

    Quote Originally Posted by rutexus

    As far as I know, additionally one will be able to communicate through the spi at the same time that the drive is running step and direction. This moves the drives closer to providing the option of being a full servo loop back to the control.

    I thought it WAS a full servo loop. What is missing that makes it not a full servo loop?



  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Somebody allready works with the new Rutex 2000 drivers. Its easy to setup und tune?


  20. #20
    We have KL34-170-90, KL34-170-72 and KL34-150-90 Servo Motor. They are all working great with Rutex R2010
    See report here
    See link here

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