Hi All,

Details for the next bi-monthly Brisbane CNC User Group meeting is as follows;

Date: Saturday 7th November 2009
Time: 10am till ~3pm
Where: Algester - Chris H's place
What to Bring: A machine, parts, work pieces or something else of interest. Food to cook on the BBQ, drinks & foldup chairs

Chris has kindly offered to supply salad, rolls a fridge for drinks & meat and his son has volunteered to cook but he probably doesn't know it yet!

Parking will be on street and a the Calamvale bus service number 130 stops 1 minute from Chris's front door. Bus Stop 5863 (Ridgewood Heights) on Ridgewood Road.

Chris's shed at the back is where his machines are but people can set up in his double garage and carport (All undercover). There are plenty of power points available.

RSVP by posting a reply to this post and let me know if you are bringing a machine so I can allocate space and power for it.

As I won't be posting Chris's address on a public forum, please email me on karmann68 at gmail dot com for details once you have posted a reply to this thread.

Unfortunately I might not be able to make it myself, so I'm a maybe at this stage.




Confirmed: 3
Maybe: 1

CNC Machines
Confirmed: 1
Maybe: 0

Name - user ID - status
1. Chris - Chrisjh - Confirmed
2. Claudio - ClaudioG - Maybe
3. Darryl - dgreensill - Confirmed
4. Mark - ToolMach_Aust - Confirmed

(always check my last post for latest RSVP list as the system won't let me keep editing this initial post)