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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Okuma > osp 3000 for an lc20 okuma
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    osp 3000 for an lc20 okuma

    need help osp3000 for lc20....trying to find out how to pull up programs from memory...we are not using tape at all and im new with this machine..never ran one of these okumas before..if you could me out it would be greatly appreciated..ne advise would help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    The hard way.

    Edit it line by line.
    Can't remember exactly how. But you use the 'write' button a lot'

    Only one program in memory at a time, but with a bit of care you can have two.

    No comments in code make it hard to read.
    Write your programs on a program sheet if above 15 lines. Editing/searching/deleting (oops) will drive you nuts.

    Use block delete (/) at start of line to create some skip code stuff.
    No gotos or parameters (that I know of)

    Machine works very well but horrible to program. Gives you a sore back.

    Tool calibration feature works well.

    Keyboard sequences weird. Just keep fiddling, and keep the feed really low until you get the hang of it.

    If you post a picture of the control panel it will jog a few (of my) memory cells.

    Make sure machine gets turned on regularly to keep the nicad batteries charged.

    Do not remove any cards if you don't have the tape to restore machine settings.

    Tread carefully (chuck open/close) and it will serve you well.
    For a permanent chucking job I put something around the pedal so my feet did not stray.

    If using a long boring bar that will crash tool changer, put a cover over the tool change button.

    Hope your oiler works better than mine did.

    Constant surface speed with 15HP and 3500 RPM very useful.

    At rear set chuck pressure to suit the job.
    InternaL/external clamping is switch at top right of panel.

    To get machine off the ground at power up, in manual input mode...

    MDI If I remember - not sure. Need to see picture.

    G50 - write.
    S500 - write - otherwise it is really hard to get spindle above a crawl.

    Hope you have a swarf conveyor.

    Super X3. 3600rpm. Sheridan 6"x24" Lathe + more. Three ways to fix things: The right way, the other way, and maybe your way, which is possibly a faster wrong way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Hello Neil,
    I to have recently accuired an Okuma LC20 OSP3000L Lathe. Is there a way to adapt a CRT Screen and a RS232 cable onto the machine controls to be able to see what you are doing?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    It has a screen. That is IT. No comms to outside world on the one I had.
    Only paper tape, and I never bothered.
    These machines are good, but unless somebody paid for an option, it aint got one.
    Make sure it is turned on (and I mean powered up. Not just power available) regularly to keep the nicads charged. Never unplug any cards unless you have the maintenance tape.
    Ask away, I can still remember it well. Learnt all of it from the manual.
    Throw some time at it, and for precise jobs, once warmed up and allowed to settle down, it repeats well.
    Another local guy (superman) also knows about these.
    Super X3. 3600rpm. Sheridan 6"x24" Lathe + more. Three ways to fix things: The right way, the other way, and maybe your way, which is possibly a faster wrong way.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by neilw20 View Post
    Another local guy (superman) also knows about these.
    HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa(chair) thanks Neil

    Yeah, may know a bit about Okuma, but the 3000 may be a little bit of a brain drain, started working on the 5000 and up. I'm sure we can use a little logic to get you through it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    LOL sucked in Steve... I also had a couple of LC30's with OSP3000 controllers, been a damn long time since had anything to do with them tho... been wracking the brain thinking if I could help, but so far nada.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    no joke. Client ordered training for this Okuma (LC20 OSP3000).
    Control hangs up right after 10 minutes of "training"
    Your advices are very welcome.
    "Reset" is only button, which seems to work.The "tape" indicator blinks while "reset" is pressed.
    No reaction to other buttons at all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Lightbulb what happened?

    What cycle or function are you doing when it 'hangs'?

    Most likely a flakey limit switch.

    Were you doing a tool change?
    Were you clamping / unclamping.
    Moving tailstock?
    Axis very close to limit? (not very likely)
    Barfeeder operation. (if you have one)
    Software chuck boundary limits?
    Oiler not working or out of oil.
    Door switch?
    Low hydraulic pressure?
    Intermittent foot switch.
    Faulty tape reader. You can unplug multiwire cable at the tape reader and machine will still function.

    ANYTHING with limit switch contacts.

    When some operation that moves something operates a limit switch, if the switch is supposed to change, the machine will wait until it changes, or in some cases time out because the switch never changed as expected.

    Check all of the above, and see if certain operations lead up to the fault.
    Super X3. 3600rpm. Sheridan 6"x24" Lathe + more. Three ways to fix things: The right way, the other way, and maybe your way, which is possibly a faster wrong way.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: osp 3000 for an lc20 okuma

    Hi all any one knows how to load parameters to machine by tape reader i have paremeters on tape but dont know how to do.any helps will be appresiated.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: osp 3000 for an lc20 okuma

    Can't remember. It is in the manual. A read button on front panel comes to mind, but for serious things like reloading parameters (why did you lose them?) refer to manual, with care.
    Super X3. 3600rpm. Sheridan 6"x24" Lathe + more. Three ways to fix things: The right way, the other way, and maybe your way, which is possibly a faster wrong way.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: osp 3000 for an lc20 okuma

    Hi neilw20 we bought this machine second hand and it doesnt have any manual just parameters on tape but dont know how to load them.i think machine stored long time inactively in store because of that parameters gone. It gives parity alarm something like that can u send me manual of this machine if u have.if u can ill be very appreciated.thnx in advance bro.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: osp 3000 for an lc20 okuma

    Super X3. 3600rpm. Sheridan 6"x24" Lathe + more. Three ways to fix things: The right way, the other way, and maybe your way, which is possibly a faster wrong way.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: osp 3000 for an lc20 okuma

    The manual you linked is totally useless. Its the IGF programming manual.

    If the problem is only lost memory, load Control Program #1 then Control Program #2
    #1 is the main program that makes the machine function. #2 is the parameters
    Load the tape then press CONTROL PROGRAM LOAD button on the panel. When it stops remove tape #1 and put in tape #2 then press CONTROL PROGRAM LOAD.
    when it stops (assuming your machine is working) the machine will reset and then work like normal after that.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: osp 3000 for an lc20 okuma

    Thank u so much fordav11 ill try it and reply.

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