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Thread: Mikini 1610L

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Mikini 1610L

    Anyones have any negative of positive comments about this machine?
    Just looking around... Any comments would be great!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I just got one a couple weeks ago. Without a forklift it is a little challenging to get the machine off the pallets. Mikini put a steel pallet under the machine and Fedex put a wood one under that. Once then machine was in place, setup was easy. I wired the plug in and cleaned the table and was done. When I trammed the head it was about .0002" of total TIR. The rapid and feed motion is very smooth. We had a couple of minor issues with Mach3 that Mikini was very quick to fix and they have been very responsive to all my questions.

    The machine sounds very beefy while cutting. I haven't had time to do a full field of tests yet but so far I am very happy.

    The one negative and this is minor, leveling pads are not included but available. I thought this was odd but they are on the way now.

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